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Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Sam Wilcock
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Election of Chair To elect the Chair of the Area Committee for the 2021-2022 municipal year. Minutes: RESOLVED – that Councillor Don Alexander be elected Chair for the meeting. |
Welcome and Apologies PDF 483 KB Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Geater, Gollop and Goulandris. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 460 KB To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on 27th July 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: Following an error in the agenda, the correct minutes had been circulated via a supplement on Monday 19th July. It was agreed to consider those minutes as a correct record at the next formal meeting of the Committee, along with the minutes of this meeting.
Declarations of Interest To hear any declarations of interests from Councillors on the Area Committee. Minutes: There were none. |
Public Forum Please see the public information sheet attached to the agenda for information and detail about public forum processes. For this specific meeting, the deadlines are:
· The deadline for Public Forum Questions is 5pm on Thurs 15th July 2021. · The deadline for Public Forum Statements is 12 noon on Tuesday 20th July 2021.
Please email to
It would greatly assist in the planning of the meeting within covid safe practices if you could inform us if you plan to attend the meeting as a member of the press or public. This would help us plan for the capacity of the meeting room. Minutes: There was none. |
Community Resources Manager Update and Decision Report PDF 1 MB The report The report recommends the funding decision on submitted Full Proposal of S106 Tree planting funds and the unallocation of some un-drawn-down CIL monies allocated by Neighbourhood Partnerships pre-2018recommends funding decision on submitted Full Proposal for approval of S106 Tree planting funds Additional documents:
Minutes: The Community Resources Manager introduced the report and drew attention to the following:
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) available to the Area Committee totalled £155,088.82. This was broken down for general AC6 expenditure and for the Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Plan Area as follows: · For General AC1 expenditure £68,636.58 · For Lawrence Weston ND Plan expenditure £86,452.24
The following CIL projects were highlighted as projects that could be assessed for chances of future ‘re-allocation’ if pledged funds were not going to be used. - Brunel Lock Swing Bridge (Jun 2017) £25k allocated was dependent on other grant funding. An update had been sought. - Avon Crescent Re-routing – Discussion was still ongoing and it would go to planning committee later in the year. - Stoke Lodge Dog Bin (pre-2018) – officers were still investigating this allocation and sought more information. - Area 1 Parkworks (Jan 2016) – The work had been successfully delivered in the past without accessing the CIL funds allocated. The Councillors agreed that this could therefore be re-allocated elsewhere.
The Section 106 (S106) available to the Area Committee totalled £168,723.10 of which £164,611.60 was designated specifically for tree planting and tree replacement.
The Tree Officer outlined the ongoing project, working with ‘Trees for Climate’ fund from DEFRA and also how the team linked to funding through private or corporate sponsorship of tree plots.
Bristol City Council and their partners aimed to plant as many trees as possible in the Local Authority Area. Bristol’s One City Action Plan has the Environmental Objective of doubling the tree canopy in the city by 2046 and becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
In response to questions from Councillors, the Tree Bristol Officer clarified the following points:
· A replacement tree in an established tree plot cost £765.21 per tree. · A new tree site would cost approx £3800 per tree. · Those highlighted yellow in the report were in the neighbouring ward of Redland and Area Committee AC2. Councillors were happy for the funds to be assigned to those outlined as they would benefit those residents who lived in the Clifton Down ward as well as those who lived in Redland. · With reference to tree 13/05360, there was an error in the location listed and it would not be on Grove Road. Councillors were happy for the Tree Officer to resolve the error and ascertain the correct placement and carry on.
The recommendation was summarised as follows: