- Agenda and minutes Content
Agenda and minutes
Venue: Virtual Meeting - Zoom Committee Meeting with Public Access via YouTube. View directions
Contact: Sam Wilcock
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item | |
Election of Chair To elect the Chair of the Area Committee for the 2020-2021 municipal year. Minutes: RESOLVED – that Councillor Craig Cheney be elected Chair for the meeting.
Welcome and Apologies PDF 101 KB Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Minutes of the previous meeting PDF 195 KB To consider the minutes of the last meeting held on the 14th October 2019 Minutes: RESOLVED – that the Minutes of the previous Meeting held on 14th October 2019 be agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Declarations of Interest To hear any declaration of interests from Councillors on the Area Committee. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Please see the public information sheet attached to the agenda for information and detail about public forum processes. For this specific meeting, the deadlines are:
· The deadline for Public Forum Questions is 5pm on Thursday 23rd July. · The deadline for Public Forum Statements is 12 noon on Tuesday 28th July. · The deadline for registration to speak at the meeting is 12 noon on Monday 27th July.
Please email to Minutes: A public forum statement was received and noted by the Committee.
Community Resources Manager Update and Decision Report PDF 185 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Community Resources Manager introduced the report and drew attention to the following: · Members would receive an update by the end of August on progress on previously approved Section 106 (S106) and Community Infrastructure Levy (CiL) transport, parks and community projects; · A decision had been taken to pause 2020 CIL and S106 decisions with the exception of S106 monies specified for tree planting and replacement so works could start in the 20/21 planting season; · Members were asked to consider the proposed tree planting and replacement scheme using the available £37,188.22 to plant 48 trees and, if approved, to further consider if the residue of £458.14 should be added to the maintenance budget or keep in the existing S106 tree planting budget and identify an additional £307.07 for another tree. Members gave an update on previously approved schemes as follows: · The Vench: the kitchen area had been updated and improvements made to the to play area; · The Old Library, Muller Road: quotes were being taken for the improvements agreed last year in relation to a disabled toilet; ramp; permanent fencing; etc; · Fishponds Park: play area was being built and works were ongoing; · Hillfields Community Hub: windows and doors had been replaced In response to questions about progress on other projects, including the Scout Hut; Royate Hill; the Community Resources Manager undertook to include this information in the update report being circulated to Members at the end of August. He also confirmed that all trees allocated last year had been planted although there was a need to replace those that had failed/been vandalised.
In relation to future meetings, the Community Resources Manager undertook to talk to Chairs of the 6 Area Committees with a view to considering a similar timetable to the one agreed in the previous year with Councillors engaging with communities about proposals prior to a decision in the autumn.
The Tree Bristol Officer confirmed that the proposals were for replanting trees rather than new trees but undertook to look into the suggestion of future new planting in the Frenchay Park Road/Stoke Park Lane area. He also reported that future proposals would include a map and the common, rather than Latin, names of the trees.
Members unanimously agreed the tree planting proposals and further agreed that the residue should be added to the tree maintenance fund;
(1) the proposed updating of progress on previously-approved projects in the light of Covid-19 impacts be noted; (2) the decision to pause 2020 CIL and S106 decisions with the exception of S106 monies specified for tree planting and replacement be noted; (3) the CIL and S106 monies available at 30th June 2020 and the 2 S106 contributions which are at risk as outside their ‘committed by’ date be noted; (4) the funding for the S106 Tree Proposal submitted from the following S106 allocations be approved as follows: · 48 Tree Replacements = £36,730.08 · Residue of £458.14 to be added to the tree maintenance fund;