- Agenda and minutes Content
Agenda and minutes
Venue: Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Contact: Sam Wilcock
Link: Watch Live Webcast
Note | No. | Item |
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Welcome Presented By: Chair Minutes: SL welcomed everyone to the meeting.
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Forum Standing Business (a) Apologies for Absence (b) Confirmation meeting is quorate (c) Appointment of new members/Resignations: (d) Notification of Vacancies: (e) Declarations of Interest
Presented By: Clerk Minutes: a. Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from: Richard Penska – NorthStar Academy Rebecca Watkin - LearnMAT Steve Mills – UNISON (substituted by Tom Merchant)
b. Quorate The Clerk confirmed the meeting was quorate.
c. Resignations It was noted that Emma Richards was attending her last meeting and Tonya Hill, Head Teacher at New Fosseway School will take over as representative for ‘Special Maintained’.
d. Appointment of New Members The Diocese of Clifton Department for Schools and Colleges representative will now be Jo Kingston.
e. Notification of Vacancies The following vacancies were noted: 1 Secondary Academy Governor Representatives.
f. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest.
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Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 94 KB (a) To confirm as a correct record (b) Matters arising not covered on agenda Presented By: Chair Minutes: RESOLVED – that the minutes be confirmed as a correct record.
With reference to the discussions within item 8, Bristol Schools Forum De-delegation 2023/24, the financial information around de-delegation requested by maintained primary school representatives was carried forward as an action.
Update from Director of Education and Skills Minutes: RH gave a verbal presentation which outlined the following:
1. Family Hubs & Start for Life Programme - The Family Hub Start for Life programme had progressed with confirmation of the funding grant confirmed with between £4.5-4.8m to fund the Family Hubs Programme between 2022-2025 (final award amount to be determined). This would join up and enhance services and be a ‘front door’ to timely access to support for parents and carers including physical hubs with a digital offer alongside. The business plan had been submitted which outlined how funding would be utilised. 2. DSG Management Plan – The engagement programme linked to proposed mitigations had concluded. Engagement confirmed agreement with the proposed areas of mitigations with other areas for consideration suggested. A detailed consultation report would be shared when complete. 3. Maintained Nursery Schools – Following the allocation of funding, work was continuing with nursery schools to review their financial position and identify operating models for the future. The maintained nursery schools increased supplement has been welcomed however it was still important to ensure resilience and reduce in year deficits and future financial pressures. 4. Recruitment and Retention – Following up on discussions within the Early Years Working Group, RH raised the challenge within the sector with the acknowledged potential impact on sufficiency of places. A Recruitment and Retention Forum has been set up with representatives from private, voluntary, independent and maintained sectors along with BCC and WECA. A recruitment campaign and promotion would be taking place as key work and would continue.
The new Director for Children and Education, Abi Gbago, was introduced to the Forum and welcomed to the meeting.
It was highlighted that the High Needs Working Group meetings had been paused as there were not enough representatives from the Schools Forum. Any interested members were invited to contact the Clerk and further information would be provided regarding the Working Group at the next meeting of the Forum.
DSG Budget Monitor 2022/23 Period 8 (P8) PDF 273 KB Minutes: AL presented the report which outlined emerging DSG funding levels for 2023-2024 and the forecast financial position for the DSG overall as at the end of November 2022.
In response to the report the following themes were discussed:
It was AGREED that the in-year 2022/23 position for the overall DSG was noted.
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) 2023/24 & Schools Block 2023/24 PDF 242 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: AL introduced the report which gave an overview of the DSG for 2023/24 and sought ratification on the block allocations agreed in principle at the last meeting. The following points were highlighted:
Following questions in response to the presentation, the forum was advised: 1. The 1% reduction in pupils from October 2021 to October 2022 was noted and would be monitored in terms of sufficiency. 2. The additional funding was noted, and specifically that it would not be applied to the ongoing deficit. 3. The additional grant for this year would in future be amalgamated into the National Funding Formula (NFF). The ‘Supplementary Grant’ issued would be rolled into the 24/25 funding rates. 4. Guidance had been received regarding allocations to Special PRU and LPs and the allocation had been reflected in the formula.
DM confirmed that the additional allocation was welcomed, however with the increased need and volume of pupils with an EHCP it was acknowledged the position did not necessary change. It had been assumed that the DfE allocation was not a ‘one off’ and it would be the baseline going forward. Officers would continue to build on a refreshed model and deficit management plan for the future working with the various settings. Clarification was still awaited from Government regarding the impact of energy costs.
The following points were raised during discussion: 1. Although Early Years increases would be passed on in full, consultation responses highlighted that the increase was not enough and that it did not cover real-life increases in costs. SL requested future reports include written responses where they provide context to consultation responses. 2. The need for integrated ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
Delivering Best Value in SEND PDF 352 KB Minutes: RH introduced the report which updated the Forum on the development of the DfE’s Delivering Better Value in SEND programme, key areas of focus for the forthcoming grant application and next steps. Following presentation of the report the following key themes were highlighted through discussion:
The Schools Forum noted the content of this paper in order to understand the focus of the grant application and, if successful, how this aligns to the DSG Management Plan and High Needs Block Recovery Plan.
Belonging with SEND Programme PDF 83 KB Minutes: TJ introduced the report which updated the Forum on the progress of the Belonging with SEND programme and sought approval on the next steps and areas of focus for the next academic year. In response to the report, the following points were highlighted during discussion:
The School’s Forum: 1. Reviewed the progress to date and next steps for implementation of the Programme. 2. Approved the rollover of the Programme funding to cover the academic year 2023/24. 3. Approved the extension of the Programme Management role up to the end of September 2024. 4. Approved the widening of the criteria to include Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations as recipients of funding.