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Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
No. | Item | ||||||
Welcome, Introductions, and Safety Information Minutes: The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting.
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: Cllr Jos Clark and Hathway sent apologies for absence. Cllr Parsons substituted for Cllr Hathway.
Declarations of Interest Minutes: The Chair declared that he was on the waiting list for an autism assessment delivered by Sirona for his child. Cllr Francis declared she was a social worker in mental health services.
Minutes of Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes were noted.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 21 be agreed as a true record.
Chair's Business Minutes: There was no Chair’s Business.
Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
Any member of the public or Councillor may participate in Public Forum. The detailed arrangements for so doing are set out in the Public Information Sheet at the back of this agenda. Public Forum items should be emailed to and please note that the following deadlines will apply in relation to this meeting:-
Questions - Written questions must be received 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that your question(s) must be received in this office at the latest by 5pm on Tuesday 8 March.
Petitions and Statements - Petitions and statements must be received on the working day prior to the meeting. For this meeting this means that your submission must be received in this office at the latest by 12 noon on Friday 11 March.
Minutes: Questions:
The Chair commented that he had experienced long waiting times for his child to be seen for an autism assessment, and had sympathy for the content of Jen Smith’s statement.
That the Public Forum statement be noted.
Public Health Update For Information Minutes:
· Members were referred to the Bristol Living with COVID plan, and outlined the main points, found at the following link: Coronavirus (COVID-19): Living Safely with COVID-19 Framework - · It was noted that free lateral flow tests or a-symptomatic PCR tests, other than in high consequence settings (such as care homes), would not be available after 31 March. · The Commission was advised that COVID needed to be managed as any other infectious disease, and so if people were unwell, they should not mix. · Members were advised that the city had worked well together across sectors to manage COVID, and that UK Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) estimated 25% of infections had been prevented by voluntary measures. A Member asked about the future availability of symptomatic PCR testing, and the Commission was advised that the final guidance had not yet been published; although the understanding was as for 1 April, general population testing would end. It was expected that there would still be testing in NHS and adult social care settings. · Members heard that the World Health Organisation and SAGE described a renge of possible scenarios, found at this link, to be used within planning and preparedness. · There was a discussion about preparations for a future variant and the Commission was told the UK Health Security Agency participated in global surveillance programmes; national programmes continued; and there was local sampling to which would indicate levels of infections; and local relationships with communities were important to maintain vigilance and understand whether there were increased infections. This type of work was part of well-rehearsed protocols for infectious disease control the Council and partners had been used to managing.
NHS System Pressures and Status Update Additional documents: Minutes: The Area Director (South Gloucestershire and Bristol), BNSSG CCG, and Director of Operations, Sirona, introduced the report.
· There was a question about how system pressures and related negative effects in Bristol had been dealt with, and how Bristol compared with other areas, and the Commission was advised that there were various actions to mitigate pressures, which included helping ambulances decant as quickly as possible and monitoring queues. · Members heard the size of the Bristol Royal Infirmary A&E department led to overcrowding, whereas Southmead had more space; and part of the strategy to release pressure was to encourage people to avoid attendance of the emergency department unless there were life threatening conditions. · There was a discussion around the improvement plans, and the Commission was advised that earlier access to assessments would be key to improvement; that it was not only about the front door, but the need to address the waiting time for people who required long term care related to the whole system. · The Commission was told that there had been a large bulge of people with complex needs, which had increased the waiting times. Members heard there was enough capacity for new referrals, although there were a number of vacancies across the system. · Members asked how community-based staff could be supported within the context of added pressure and complex cases, and were advised that its retention of staff in the community was important and so the support they received was key. · Members heard that encouragement and promotion of working in care was a priority. · The Chair asked how the priorities for GPs (final slide of the presentation) would be achieved and the Commission was advise that as well as urgent care access there needed to be a full return to routine appointments, and so routine screening for all conditions, which included cancer, could be undertaken. · The Commission heard that, in terms of a consistent approach for GPs, there was a national contract element, and it was then up to individual practices and networks to decide how these would be delivered, including levels of access. · Members heard from Vicky Marriott, Healthwatch, about feedback from patients around the ability to contact and attend GPs, and asked if it was mandated that face-to-face appointments should be returned to. The Commission was advise that all Practices offered face-to-face appointments and it was up to individual Practices to manage their appointment flow; there were more face-to-face appointments now than in the previous year. · There was a discussion around inequalities across the city and access to primary care, that, for example, in east Bristol, alternatives such as pharmacies were not available and there was less availability for appointments; and Members were advised about the resilience dashboard which tracked those areas and measured performance against key equalities indicator, which enabled identification of areas in need of targeted support. RESOLVED;
Urgent and Emergency Care - Minors Programme Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Operations, Sirona, introduced the report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Consultant in Public Health and Public Health Registrar introduced the report.
AWP Patient Reconfiguration For Information Additional documents:
Minutes: There was a discussion about the report and Members welcomed the proposals.
There was a discussion around how out of area placements would be reduced, and in what timescale;
For Information Minutes: The Work Programme was noted. |