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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Ian Hird 07552 261506
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item |
Welcome, introductions and safety information PDF 252 KB Minutes: The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting and explained the emergency evacuation procedure.
Apologies for absence and substitutions Minutes: It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Malik and that Cllr Edwards was substituting for Cllr Malik. |
Declarations of interest To note any declarations of interest from councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. Any declaration of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion. Minutes: It was noted that there were no declarations of interest. |
Chair's announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair.
Minutes: 1. The Chair noted that today’s meeting was the first policy committee meeting taking place under the new committee governance system.
2. The Chair referred to the recent workshop held on 3 June, where all eight policy committees had discussed their work programmes for the year ahead. Following on from the workshop, it was anticipated that the individual policy committee forward plans would be populated with further detail within the next few weeks as the work programmes were further developed. |
Public Forum Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
Any member of the public or councillor may participate in Public Forum. Public Forum items must relate to the remit of the committee and should be addressed to the Chair of the committee.
Members of the public who plan to attend a public meeting at City Hall are advised that you will be required to sign in when you arrive. Please note that you will be issued with a visitor pass which you will need to display at all times.
Please also note:
Questions 1. Written public questions must be received by 5.00 pm, at least 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that questions must be received at the latest by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 11 June 2024. Please email questions to
2. Any individual can submit up to 3 written questions.
3. Written replies to questions will be available on the Council’s website at least one hour before the meeting.
4. At the meeting, questioners will be permitted to ask up to 2 oral supplementary questions.
Statements 1. Written statements must be received at latest by 12.00 noon, at least 2 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that statements must be received at the latest by 12.00 noon on Thursday 13 June 2024 Please email statements to
2. Statements, provided they are no more than 1,000 words in length, will be circulated to all committee members and will be published on the Council’s website at least one hour before the meeting.
Petitions 1. Details of the wording of any petitions, and the number of signatories to petitions must be received at latest by 12.00 noon, at least 2 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that petition details must be received at the latest by 12.00 noon on Thursday 13 June 2024 Please email petition details to
2. At the meeting, individuals presenting petitions may be required to read out the objectives of the petition. Minutes: It was noted that no public forum items had been received for this meeting.
Strategy and Resources Policy Committee Annual Business Report 2024-25 PDF 174 KB To note the annual business report.
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED: 1. To note the membership of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee for 2024/25. 2. To note the appointment of Cllr Tony Dyer as the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee for 2024/25. 3. To note the appointment of Cllr Caroline Gooch as the Vice-Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee for 2024/25. 4. To note the terms of reference of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee. 5. To note the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee’s meeting dates for 2024/25. 6. To note the establishment, membership and terms of reference of the Finance Sub-Committee, and the respective appointments of Cllr Abdul Malik and Cllr Jonathan Hucker as Chair and Vice-Chair of the sub-committee, and the arrangements in place for establishing Task groups.
Minutes: The Committee considered the annual business report for 2024/25 (agenda item 6).
The Chair commented that there were no decisions to be taken on this report, which was for the Committee’s information.
The Committee RESOLVED: 1. To note the membership of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee for 2024/25. 2. To note the appointment of Cllr Tony Dyer as the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee for 2024/25. 3. To note the appointment of Cllr Caroline Gooch as the Vice-Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee for 2024/25. 4. To note the terms of reference of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee. 5. To note the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee’s meeting dates for 2024/25. 6. To note the establishment, membership and terms of reference of the Finance Sub-Committee, and the respective appointments of Cllr Abdul Malik and Cllr Jonathan Hucker as Chair and Vice-Chair of the sub-committee, and the arrangements in place for establishing Task groups.
Performance Framework 2024-25 and Business Plan 2024-25 PDF 192 KB 1. To present the Bristol City Council Business Plan 2024-25, agreed by the Corporate Leadership Board in April 2024. The plan sets out how the Council will progress its key commitments set out in the Corporate Strategy 2022-27 in the next financial year. 2. To present the Performance Framework 2024-25, approved by the Corporate Leadership Board in May 2024. This sets out how the Council manages and reports performance progress against the Business Plan targets and actions to Members and the public, as well as the corporate performance reporting processes. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED: 1. To note the Performance Framework 2024-25. 2. To note the Business Plan 2024-25.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 7) that presented: a. The Council’s Business Plan 2024/25, setting out how the Council would progress its key commitments as per the Corporate Strategy 2022-27 in the next financial year. b. The Council’s Performance Framework 2024-25, setting out how the council manages and reports performance progress against the Business Plan targets and actions.
The Chair commented that there were no decisions to be taken on this report, which was for the Committee’s information.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item: 1. In generally welcoming the aspirational and positive goals included in the Business Plan, note was also taken of the fact that the 2024/25 Council budget had been balanced in the context of a worsening outlook for local government finance; it was also important to note the ongoing financial pressures faced by the authority, including the delivery of savings, and the crucial importance of delivering the ‘Top 5’ Council transformation programme.
2. It was noted that all policy committees would be given a regular (quarterly) opportunity to engage actively in tracking performance against key metrics; the metrics were also reviewed annually.
3. Whilst the readability and accessibility of the Performance Framework and Business Plan documents were welcomed, a general point was raised about avoiding the use of acronyms.
4. It was noted that a reference was contained within Business Plan priority CYP3 (Equity in Education) to the Council working with health and education partners and the Bristol Parent Carer Forum to develop and deliver the SEND inclusion strategy including the Safety Valve programme. In response to questions about the future of the Safety Valve deal with the Department for Education (DfE), the Chair commented that a report would be brought to a future meeting of the committee assessing the financial situation in relation to the deal, noting that it would also be important to seek views on this matter from the Children and Young People Policy Committee.
5. The highlighting within the Business Plan of those priorities that contribute to achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals was welcomed.
6. It was suggested, and agreed, that work should take place to integrate, within the Business Plan, the tracking of key actions for the organisation as agreed through motions approved by the Full Council.
The Committee RESOLVED: 1. To note the Performance Framework 2024-25. 2. To note the Business Plan 2024-25.
Equity and Inclusion Annual Progress Report 2023-24 PDF 215 KB To note the Equity and Inclusion Annual Progress Report 2023-24.
Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED: To note the Equity and Inclusion Annual Progress Report 2023-24.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 8) that presented the Equity and Inclusion annual progress report 2023-24.
The Chair commented that there were no decisions to be taken on this report, which was for the Committee’s information.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item: 1. In relation to workforce diversity data, it was noted that work was ongoing, in liaison with the Human Resources team, to maximise disclosure of information from employees to ensure as complete a picture as possible around all aspects of workforce diversity.
2. It was noted that top equity and inclusion priorities for the year ahead included: - Achieving further join-up and rigour in terms of performance reporting on equity and inclusion. - Understanding more fully the implications for the city from latest census profiles and demographic data.
3. In relation to the three, previously established Mayoral Commissions (Commission on Race Equality; Bristol Women’s Commission; Disability Equality Commission), it was noted that a report on options for the future direction of the respective commissions, in the context of the committee governance system, would be prepared for discussion initially with Policy Committee Chairs, with a view to wider cross-party input then being sought.
4. The use of case studies (e.g. the Decolonising Museum spaces project) within the strategy was welcomed.
5. Reference was made to the importance of maintaining support for the Council’s international strategy, including engagement with the Mayors Migration Council and networks supporting inclusivity.
6. It was suggested, and agreed, that it would be useful to offer in-depth briefings to councillors around the methodology developed and employed in relation to equality impact assessments.
The Committee RESOLVED: To note the Equity and Inclusion Annual Progress Report 2023-24.
Household Support Fund 5 (April - September 2024) PDF 279 KB 1. To approve the Household Support Fund Policy and its proposed £4m allocation, including a change of budget to reflect this funding. 2. To note the Officer Executive Decisions taken in March and April 2024 to spend respectively £681k and £340k of the Household Support Fund in respect of Free School Meals food vouchers over the Easter and May half term school holidays. 3. To authorise all steps required to accept and spend the remaining £3m of the extended allocation. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously): 1. To approve the Household Support Fund Policy April 2024 - September 2024 and change of budget to reflect this funding. 2. To authorise the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee to take all steps required to accept and spend (including procuring and awarding contracts over £500k) the remaining £3m of the extended allocation of the DWP Household Support Fund as outlined in the Household Support Fund Policy April 2024 - September 2024, and up to the maximum budget envelope outlined in the report.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 9) that sought approval of the Household Support Fund (HSF) Policy up to September 2024 and its proposed £4m allocation, including a change of budget to reflect this funding.
The Chair commented that this was a key decision report, as the proposed decision involved spend of more than £500k and would have a significant impact on 2 or more wards in the city.
The Chair moved the report and the recommendations set out in the report.
Councillor Gooch seconded this motion.
Summary of main points then raised/noted in discussion of this item: 1. A concern was raised about the fact that as the HSF funding had only been made available to local authorities by the government for the 6 month period from April-September, it would only be possible to provide a £45 voucher per child for the summer school holiday period in terms of the targeted support for children aged 2 - 16+ who receive Free School Meals and/or Pupil Premium over school holidays. It was noted that it may be possible to secure additional financial support for these families through the Local Crisis Prevention Fund. In the event that there was not full take-up of the energy related funding allocated through the Centre for Sustainable Energy, it was possible that some funding could be diverted as additional targeted support for low-income households.
2. It was noted that, given the forthcoming general election, the position in relation to the HSF beyond 30 September was not known at this point in time.
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously): 1. To approve the Household Support Fund Policy April 2024 - September 2024 and change of budget to reflect this funding. 2. To authorise the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee to take all steps required to accept and spend (including procuring and awarding contracts over £500k) the remaining £3m of the extended allocation of the DWP Household Support Fund as outlined in the Household Support Fund Policy April 2024 - September 2024, and up to the maximum budget envelope outlined in the report.
Procurement of payment vouchers PDF 223 KB To seek approval to procure and award a corporate contract to provide food (supermarket) and/or fuel (gas/electricity) vouchers for a value of up to £5m per year, for 3 years, to assist the distribution of financial assistance to low-income households, by the following services, plus others which may not be already identified: - Local Crisis and Prevention Fund - Homelessness assistance - Free School Meals (in holidays) - No recourse to public funds assistance Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously): 1. To approve the spend and procurement of a contract to deliver payment vouchers to fulfil the council’s need, via a variety of services, to assist low-income households as outlined in the report. 2. To authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee, to take all the steps required to procure and award a contract or contracts to provide emergency payment vouchers at an estimated value of up £15m from October 2024 to October 2027.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 10) that sought approval to procure and award a corporate contract to provide food (supermarket) and/or fuel (gas/electricity) vouchers for a value of up to £5m per year, for 3 years, to assist the distribution of financial assistance to low-income households.
The Chair commented that this was a key decision report, as the proposed decision involved spend of more than £500k.
The Chair moved the report and the recommendations set out in the report.
Councillor Gooch seconded this motion.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item: 1. It was noted that the current contract awarded payments via supermarket vouchers to assist with food poverty, as this was considered the best single option existing in the current market.
2. It was further noted that, subject to committee approval at this meeting, a contract(s) would be procured to deliver payment vouchers, via a variety of services, to assist low-income households as outlined in the report. It was suggested that as part of the new procurement, other options to supermarket vouchers should be explored, e.g. to support locally accessible, independent food supply businesses, and improve the overall cultural diversity of the approach. Officers advised that these options could be explored as part of the procurement work; no decision had yet been taken on a preferred procurement solution.
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously): 1. To approve the spend and procurement of a contract to deliver payment vouchers to fulfil the council’s need, via a variety of services, to assist low-income households as outlined in the report. 2. To authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee, to take all the steps required to procure and award a contract or contracts to provide emergency payment vouchers at an estimated value of up £15m from October 2024 to October 2027.
2023-24 Period 12 Finance Provisional Outturn Report PDF 233 KB 1. The Council Revenue and Capital budget for 2023/24 was agreed by Full Council on 21 February 2023. It outlined a position which reflected post-pandemic financial risks and pressures to the council including local supply challenges, commodity price escalation, labour shortages and pay-related cost increases. This report presents to the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee the council’s financial performance for the 2023/24 financial year against that approved budget, as well as highlighting the movement from the previous Period 10 full year forecast that was reported to Cabinet on an exception basis on 5 March 2024. 2. This report also informs the Committee about the delivery of planned savings for the 2023/24 financial year, sets out the current outlined reporting cycle for the 2024/25 financial year, and includes key decisions and urgent key decisions for noting and authorising. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED: To note: 1. The Council’s General Fund revenue outturn position in line with the revised budget (see section 2 in Appendix A1a). 2. The Council’s outturn position of £2.2 million underspend within the Housing Revenue Account, to be transferred to the HRA general reserve (see section 5 in Appendix A1a). 3. The Council’s outturn position of a net £18.9 million overspend in the Dedicated Schools Grant and, following the application of the DfE’s 23/24 Safety Valve contribution of £21.5 million, that a total £37.1 million is to be carried forward in the DSG deficit reserve (see section 6 in Appendix A1a). 4. The breakeven position on Public Health services (see section 6 in Appendix A1a). 5. The council’s capital outturn position of £231.8 million representing an underspend of £42.1 million against the revised Capital Programme Budget (as set out in Appendix A1b and Appendix A6). 6. The performance on delivery of savings (as summarised in section 4 in Appendix A1a and detailed in Appendix A2). 7. The in-year collection levels for Council Tax and Business Rates as set out in the report (see section 8 in Appendix A1a). 8. The level of aged debt as at 31 March 2024 (see section 9 in Appendix A1a). 9. The use of reserves and draft closing reserve balances (see section 10 in Appendix A1a). The draw down of £8.0 million of Flexible Use of Capital Receipts to support delivery of the Top 5 Transformation programmes in line with the approved strategy. Urgent Key Decision - Direct award to provide additional capacity for new Care Act assessments at a cost up to £0.700m during 2024/25. 10. The Finance urgent key decision made on 13 March 2024 (No.35) regarding Household Support Fund 2024 (Easter holidays free school meals vouchers) for £0.681m 11. The Urgent Key Decision made on 20 March 2024 to direct award to provide additional capacity for new Care Act assessments at a cost up to £0.700m during 2024/25. 12. The key decision taken on 10 April 2024 regarding DFT Funding of £0.606m for Traffic Signals. 13. The key decision made on 19 March 2024, regarding Local Authority Housing Funding Round 3 grant allocation for £7.279m Capital and £0.057m Revenue funding, that the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing Delivery and Homes applies for, accepts and spends the grant funding.
To approve (unanimously): 14. The transfer to or draw down from the General Fund Reservein order to balance the outturnposition following the final Statement of Accounts (see section 2 in Appendix A1a). 15. The transfer of £2.2 million to the HRA general reserve (see section 5 in Appendix A1a). 16. The reprofiling of up to £42.1m of the Capital Programme’s 23/24 underspend into future years. 17. The release of £46.6 million corporate funds (£28.1 m for inflation, £11.3m for pay awards and £7.2m optimism bias/savings contingency) as approved in the 2023/24 budget but not initially allocated to directorates’ cash limits ... view the full decision text for item 11. Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 11) that presented the detail of the Council’s financial performance for the 2023/24 financial year against the approved budget, as well as highlighting the movement from the previous 2023/24 Period 10 full year forecast that was reported to the Cabinet on an exception basis on 5 March 2024. The report also provided detail of the delivery of planned savings for 2023/24, set out the current outline reporting cycle for the 2024/25 financial year, and included key decisions and urgent key decisions for noting and authorising.
The Chair moved the report and the recommendations set out in the report, noting that recommendations 1-13 were for noting and recommendations 14-18 were for decision.
Councillor Gooch seconded this motion.
Summary of main points then raised/noted in discussion of this item: 1. Concern was raised about the ongoing issue of the cost of ‘out of authority’ placements in Children’s Services, noting that, given the shortage of care homes in the city, the Council had spent £23m in 2023/24 on ‘out of authority’ placements for children in care. It was suggested that the committee would need to monitor this situation closely. It was noted that action was being taken forward to urgently address this issue given it posed a significant financial risk to the Council. A number of invest-to-save schemes had started but there was an inevitable degree of time-lag in securing registration for new residential homes.
2. It was noted that all the policy committees would have an important role in addressing the financial challenges faced by the Council, including the delivery of savings. A fully joined-up one council approach would also be critical to successful implementation of the transformation programme and to maximising delivery of the ambitious capital programme, including the aspirations for new homes delivery (noting the ongoing temporary accommodation pressures). It was suggested that as part of the financial strategy, very careful consideration would need to be given to the best and most appropriate use of the Council’s assets.
3. In response to a question, the Chair advised that he would be discussing with the Chief Executive the issue of how most appropriately to take forward councillor involvement in the work of the Delivery Executive; it was likely that either the Leader or Deputy Leader of the Council would sit on this body, but this was not yet confirmed.
4. The Chair referred to the role that would be taken by the Finance Sub-Committee in leading cross-party development of future budget proposals. He stressed the importance of seeking to maintain a collaborative approach going forwards and indicated that the administration was open to ideas and initiatives from all the political groups represented on the Council.
5. In noting the legal position in relation to the ‘right to buy’ scheme, it was noted that it would be useful for members to familiarise themselves with the Local Government Association’s position statement on this issue: Right to Buy position statement | Local Government Association
The Committee RESOLVED: ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |