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Agenda and decisions

Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions

Link: Watch Live Webcast

No. Item


Welcome, Introductions and Safety Information pdf icon PDF 103 KB


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions


Declarations of Interest

To note any declarations of interest from councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. Any declaration of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 237 KB

To agree the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 January 2025 as a correct record.


Chair's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chair.


Public Forum pdf icon PDF 199 KB

Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.


Any member of the public or councillor may participate in Public Forum. Public Forum items must relate to the remit of the committee and should be addressed to the Chair of the committee.


Members of the public who plan to attend a public meeting at City Hall are advised that you will be required to sign in when you arrive. Please note that you will be issued with a visitor pass which you will need to display at all times.


Please also note:



1.      Written public questions must be received by 5.00 pm, at least 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that questions must be received at the latest by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 28 January. Public Questions should be submitted via our webform:

2.      Any individual can submit up to 3 written questions.

3.      Written replies to questions will be available on the Council’s website at least one hour before the meeting.

4.      At the meeting, questioners will be permitted to ask up to 2 oral supplementary questions.



  1. Written statements must be received at latest by 12.00 noon, at least 2 working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that statements must be received at the latest by 12.00 noon on Thursday 30 January.  Public Statements should be submitted via our webform:

2.      Statements, provided they are no more than 1,000 words in length, will be circulated to all committee members and will be published on the Council’s website at least one hour before the meeting.



1.      Details of the wording of any petitions, and the number of signatories to petitions must be received at latest by 12.00 noon, at least 2 working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that petition details must be received at the latest by 12.00 noon on Thursday 30 January. Please email petition details to

2.      At the meeting, individuals presenting petitions may be required to read out the objectives of the petition.


When submitting a question or statement please indicate whether you are planning to attend the meeting to present your statement or ask your question.



Report from the Finance Sub-Committee pdf icon PDF 167 KB

The Finance Sub-Committee met on 15 and 16 January to review the draft options in terms of the budget savings proposals.  This report summarises the comments of the Finance Sub-Committee.  The report will be presented by Cllr Abdul Malik, Chair of the Finance Sub-Committee.


The Committee RESOLVED:

- To note the report from the Finance Sub-Committee.



Budget Report 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 235 KB

This report presents the 2025/26 Budget Report. It incorporates recommendations for decisions regarding the Council’s Revenue plan for the 5 years 2025/26-2029/30, its Capital Programme for the 10 years 2025/26-2034/35 and its Treasury Management Strategy (which includes the Council’s minimum revenue provision, prudential indicators and limits).   Following the Strategy and Resources Committee’s review and consideration of these recommendations, this Budget 2025/26 report is expected to be presented to Full Council on 25 February 2025 for approval.




Additional documents:


The Committee RESOLVED:


A. To note:

1. The budget consultation process that was followed and feedback as outlined in Section 18 and Appendix 6.


2. That the budget consultation feedback and equality impact assessments have been taken into consideration by officers and have informed the final budget proposals.


3. The categorisation of earmarked reserves and provisions as set out in section 15 of the main report.


4. The feedback provided by Bristol Schools Forum for Strategy and Resources Committee and Council, for consideration in making final decisions on the Dedicated Schools Budget for 2025/26 as set out in Appendix 13.


5. The gross distribution of the 2025/26 Dedicated Schools Grant £547.8 million (£244.8m is received net after deductions, for application and onward administration of funds to schools and early years settings) as set out in section 9.


6. The Housing Revenue Account Revenue budget of £154 million as set out in section 11.


7. The Section 25 Statement of the Chief Finance Officer (s151 Officer) as set out in section 17.


8. Any further DSG mitigation proposals for commencement in 2025/26 approved by Children and Young People Committee (subject to consultation where required).


B. (6 members voting in favour and 3 against) To delegate authority:


1. To the Director of Finance in consultation with the Chair of Strategy and Resources Committee, following the 2025/26 Final Local Government Finance Settlement, to make any adjustments that may be required to the budget report in the interim period between Strategy and Resources Committee 3 February 2025 and Full Council 25 February 2025. Any such adjustments will then be reported to Full Council for noting.


2. To the Director of Finance in consultation with the Chair of Strategy and Resources Committee to make any necessary technical adjustments that may be required to the budget with transfers to and or from reserves as appropriate.


C. (6 members voting in favour and 3 against) To recommend for onward consideration to Full Council:


1. The Bristol City Council levels of Council Tax increase by 4.99%; which includes 2% precept to support Adult Social Care, noting the precepts of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset and the Avon Fire Authority.


2. The council’s General Fund net revenue budget for the year 2025/26 as £571.139 million and expenditure allocations as set out in Appendix 1; subject to any budget amendments properly notified to and approved by the council in line with the Constitution.


3. To approve the Reserves Policy 2025/26 as set out in Appendix 14.


4. To approve the Capital Strategy 2025/26 – 2034/35 as set out in Appendix 2a.


5. The council’s capital budget and programme for the years 2025/26 – 2034/35, totalling £1.2 billion for the General Fund and Housing Revenue Fund as set out in Appendix 2b.


6. The strategic Community Infrastructure Levy allocations in section 13 are approved.


7. The proposed Treasury Management Strategy for 2025/26 in Appendix 4, incorporating the Minimum Revenue Provision policy and the prudential  ...  view the full decision text for item 8.


Dedicated Schools Grant budget proposals 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 314 KB

This report presents the 2025/26 Dedicated Schools Grant budget proposals.

Following the Strategy and Resources Committee’s review and consideration of these recommendations, this report is expected to be presented to Full Council on 25 February 2025 for approval.


Additional documents:


The Committee RESOLVED (6 members voting in favour, none against and with 3 abstentions):


To recommend the following proposals to Full Council:


A. To approve the 2025/26 DSG Budget:


1. Schools Block (detail in appendix A3):


a. The Schools Block budget be set at £368.274 million for 2025/26 as per Table 1.


b. £1.851 million of the overall Schools Block DSG is transferred to the High Needs Block.


c. The basis for distributing the funding to mainstream schools be as set out and agreed by Schools Forum (Appendix A3).


d. The Growth Fund for established schools expanding in September 2025 be set at £1.0 million (a component of the total Schools Block) or as agreed by Schools Forum.


2. Central School Services Block (detail in appendix A2):


a. Following Schools Forum agreement, approve the Central School Services Block budget is set at £2.733 million for 2025/26.


3. High Needs Block (detail in appendix A2):


a. Approve the High Needs Block budget be set at £97.624 million for 2025/26 as per Appendix A2, after receiving transfers of £1.851 million from Schools Block.


4. Early Years Block (detail in appendix A2):


a. Approve the Early Years Block budget be set at £79.154 million for 2025/26, noting that spend and DSG income will fluctuate, according to participation levels in each of the three school terms.


b) Approve that funding for Early Years should be distributed in line with the arrangements explained in the report to Schools Forum (Appendix A2).


B. To note:


a. The 2025/26 DSG Allocation of £547.785 million.


b. That the forecast DSG expenditure in 2025/26 is £574.255 million, with a forecast accumulated deficit of £58.568 million.


c. Bristol Schools forum feedback on the 2025/26 DSG Budget.



Housing Revenue Account budget proposals 2025/26 pdf icon PDF 406 KB

This report presents the 2025/26 Housing Revenue Account budget proposals.

Following the Strategy and Resources Committee’s review and consideration of these recommendations, this report is expected to be presented to Full Council on 25 February 2025 for approval.



Additional documents:


The Committee RESOLVED (6 members voting in favour and 3 against):


To recommend the following proposal to Full Council:


1. Agrees and recommends a rent and service charge increase of 2.7% effective from April 2024 to Full Council, applicable to HRA dwellings (general needs accommodation, supported housing and temporary accommodation).


2. Agrees and recommends the introduction of a new service charge for Grounds Maintenance, and to approve the implementation of a service charges Management Fee of 15% levied against applicable service charges.


3. Agrees and recommends the one-year revenue budget of £154m for 2025/26 set out in Appendix A1 to Full Council.


4. Authorises the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration (to be replaced by the Executive Director of Housing in due course), in consultation with the Chair of the Homes and Housing Delivery Committee, to increase service charges by 2.7% with the exception of Heating and Water service charges which are to be increased by 10%, and garage rents by 10% and to approve the recalculated service charges and service charge statement based on actual costs for issue in September 2025.


5. Notes the key assumptions in the 30-year business plan and that the finance model is established within the agreed affordability principles summarised in Appendix A1, Paragraph 54.


6. Agrees and recommends the five-year capital programme 2025/26–2029/30 as detailed in Appendix A1 to Full Council.


7. Agrees and recommends the termination of the current contracts for the HRA to acquire homes from Goram at Dover Court and New Fosseway.


8. Approves the HIP and Development Programme set out in A2 and A3, subject to the following recommendations Nos 9 to 13:


9. Authorises the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration (to be replaced by the Executive Director of Housing in due course) in consultation with Chair of the Homes and Housing Delivery Committee and s151 Officer to submit appropriate funding applications (including Homes England grants for development and any over the key decision threshold) to support the HRA budget and in particular the delivery of the HIP and Development Programme and if successful to:

a. accept funding and agree associated grant terms/conditions; and

b. utilise the funding for delivery of the projects set out in appendices HIP and Development Programme; and

c. where appropriate use HRA investment plan funds and or reserves to match fund projects to maximise funding opportunities.


10. Authorises the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration (to be replaced by the Executive Director of Housing in due course) in consultation with Chair of the Homes and Housing Delivery Committee:

a. To approve the priority of the procurement projects set out in the HIP and take all steps required to select the appropriate procurement route and to procure and award the contracts in line with the Council’s procurement rules and regulations. Such authority to include decisions on matters which exceed the key decision threshold.

b. To adjust, remove and/or defer from within the current year’s programme (including those set out in Appendix A2 and Appendix  ...  view the full decision text for item 10.


Period 9 2024/25 Finance outturn report pdf icon PDF 185 KB

This report presents information and analysis to the Committee on the Council’s financial performance against the approved budget and its forecast use of resources for the financial year 2024/25. The report also informs the Committee on the delivery of planned savings for the financial year 2024/25 and serves as a mechanism for any finance approvals or adjustments that are required in relation to the Council’s approved budget.

Additional documents:


The Committee RESOLVED to note:


1. That there are no material changes to the forecast financial position as previously reported at Q3/P8 2024/25.


2. The decision to accept and spend Disabled Facilities Grant additional funding for 2024/25 of £529,560


3. The key decision to accept and spend up to £1,718,900 (provisional maximum allocation) Family Hubs and Start for Life funding allocation for 2025/26.