- Agenda, decisions and minutes Content
Agenda, decisions and minutes
- Attendance details
- Agenda frontsheet
PDF 206 KB
- Agenda reports pack
- Questions and Statements Received - T&C PC 12 09 2024
- Answers to Public Forum Questions
PDF 407 KB
- Amendments Submitted to the meeting
PDF 448 KB
- Additional Public Forum statements
PDF 237 KB
- Printed decisions
PDF 256 KB
- Printed decisions made / minutes
PDF 291 KB
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||
Welcome, Introductions and Safety Information Minutes: The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting and explained the emergency evacuation procedure.
The Chair asked the Committee members to introduce themselves. |
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Coombes. Councillor Jos Clark attended as substitute. |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declaration of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes: There were none. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as accurate. |
Chair's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair. Minutes: There were none. |
Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
Any member of the public or councillor may participate in Public Forum. Public Forum items must relate to the remit of the committee and should be addressed to the Chair of the committee.
Members of the public who plan to attend a public meeting at City Hall are advised that you will be required to sign in when you arrive. Please note that you will be issued with a visitor pass which you will need to display at all times.
Please also note:
Questions 1. Written public questions must be received by 5.00 pm, at least 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that questions must be received at the latest by 5.00 pm on Friday 6 September. Please email questions to 2. Any individual can submit up to 3 written questions. 3. Written replies to questions will be available on the Council’s website at least one hour before the meeting. 4. At the meeting, questioners will be permitted to ask up to 2 oral supplementary questions.
Statements 1. Written statements must be received at latest by 12.00 noon, at least 2 working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that statements must be received at the latest by 12.00 noon on Tuesday 10 September. Please email statements to 2. Statements, provided they are no more than 1,000 words in length, will be circulated to all committee members and will be published on the Council’s website at least one hour before the meeting.
Petitions 1. Details of the wording of any petitions, and the number of signatories to petitions must be received at latest by 12.00 noon, at least 2 working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that petition details must be received at the latest by 12.00 noon on Tuesday 10 September. Please email petition details to 2. At the meeting, individuals presenting petitions may be required to read out the objectives of the petition.
When submitting a question or statement please indicate whether you are planning to attend the meeting to present your statement ask your question
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee noted that the following Public Forum had been received.
Public Forum Questions:
Question 1 - Nigel Bryant - Noise Levels on Anchor Road Question 2 A,B - Chris Whitfield - EV Charging for terraced homes Question 3 - Steve Duddell - Cheltenham Road/A38 resurfacing Questions 4 & 5 A,B,C - David Redgewell, South West Transport Network and Railfuture Severnside - Bus Services Questions 6, 7 & 8 - Ian Pond, Bristol Cycling Campaign Bristol Cycleways Question 9, 10 & 11 - Matt Saunders - Bus Gates Question 12 - Cllr Shona Jemphrey - East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood Trial Questions 13 & 14 - Ian Beckey - Living Easton and Railfuture Severnside & Rosa Kell - Public Transport
Those who attended the meeting asked supplementary questions and received the following information in response:
Chris Whitfield - EV Charging for terraced homes Officers confirmed that the current policy not to permit gully systems was due to the potential risk of potentially unsafe electrical cables and wiring on the highways and pavements as well as the potential trip hazard. Solutions continued to be sought and officers were looking at best practice and trials in other areas. A timeframe for any change to the current policy was not known.
David Redgewell, South West Transport Network and Railfuture Severnside - Bus Services Officers confirmed that engagement and conversations with WECA continued to take place. In response to the report that some service information at bus stops did not represent latest service changes, the Chair agreed to raise this point with the relevant officers at WECA.
Ian Pond, Bristol Cycling Campaign Bristol Cycleways Officers confirmed that discussions take place with developers to discuss available options within the agreed planning permission. The authority had a responsibility to maintain structures in perpetuity and needed to remain pragmatic about long term maintenance responsibilities.
Matt Saunders - Bus Gates
Officers confirmed that signage was in accordance with the regulations. In some circumstances changes would be considered in response to concerns raised such as increased lighting to improve visibility. An additional sign had been erected on Gas Ferry Road with another to be installed on 23 September.
With reference to reminder letters sent regarding fines imposed, officers clarified that these non statutory letters were part of the ethical debt recovery process to encourage drivers to pay within the initial payment period and avoid increased fines. Letters had been sent a week too early in some cases which had now been rectified.
Public Forum Statements:
Statements were received as follows:
1. Within the context of Bristol’s Transport Policy, the Council needs to consider a range of initiatives to further improve air quality and make more efficient use of on and off street, public car parking spaces, whilst considering how the management of these spaces can help driver behaviour change towards sustainable modes of travel. There is a need to maximise the use of kerb space, given increasing demands for car clubs, cycle hangars, scooter parking and EV (Electric Vehicle) charging, all set alongside a range of other uses such as pocket parklets, trees and commercial use through licensing. 2. The evidence base outlines proposals to make changes to parking charges to keep up with inflation, to rationalise any anomalies and to ensure that the cost of the first Residents’ Parking Permit covers the full cost of current operations. 3. The report also notes the need for an integrated approach and recommends setting up a Task and Finish Group to develop and deliver a holistic Parking and Kerbside Strategy. 4. This paper seeks the Committee’s approval to implement these recommended proposals and provides other options considered. Additional documents:
Decision: The Policy Committee: 1. Initiated a Task and Finish Group, to be chaired by Cllr Rob Bryher, to make recommendations to the committee for a modern and holistic Parking and Kerbside Strategy.
2. Residents Parking a. Approve and implement increase of £56 to £124 for first vehicle permit tariffs. b. Approved all RPS permit types going forward are included within the Council’s Fees and Charges so that an inflationary increase is made every year (rounded to the nearest whole numbers). c. Approve and implement price alignment for all Easton (ES) RPS permits with the prevailing rates for other RPS over a two year period to remove the pricing anomaly, noting that the budget implications for this increase are negligible. Subject to further financial and equalities assessment delegated to officers in consultation with the Chair
3. RPS Business, Customer, Medical & Trader Permits and Visitor Permits a. Approved a rounded 22% inflationary increase to medical, trader, business & customer permits. b. Approved introducing a charge for all Visitor Permits (excluding Essential Visitor Permits for care needs). That charge to be aligned with the prevailing hourly Pay and Display Rate and remove the additional allowance per household.
4. RPS Pay and Display changes and removal of 30m free parking in the RPS (New Proposals) a. Approved a rounded 22% inflationary increase to RPS Pay and Display rate to £2 per hour. b. Approved the principle of an additional uplift to Pay and Display rates in specified RPS areas to reflect demand and encourage turnover of spaces, and its application in Clifton Village RPS, Kingsdown RPS & Clifton East RPS.
6. Approved the implementation of competitive early bird charging at Temple Gate and West End MSCPs and monitoring of the impacts.
7. Implement an inflation-based charge only. Refer consideration of a change to linear charging to the Parking Strategy Task and Finish Group, reporting back to the committee in 2025. Subject to further financial and equalities assessment delegated to officers in consultation with the Chair.
8. Delegates authority to the Executive Director, Growth and Regeneration to implement the approved proposals.
* Recommendations 4c and 5 were not approved. Minutes: The Committee considered a report that sought approval for a range of initiatives to further improve air quality and make more efficient use of on and off street, public car parking spaces, whist considering the management of spaces to help driver behaviour change towards sustainable modes of travel.
The Head of Highways outlined the report to Members and it was confirmed that each recommendation would be considered in turn.
Recommendation 1 – Need for a Parking and Kerbside Strategy.
A Task and Finish Group had been proposed to develop a Parking and Kerbside Strategy. The strategy would cover issues on the road and pavement including how to use streetspace and make space healthy and accessible. It was proposed that the Task and Finish Group be chaired by Councillor Rob Bryher.
The recommendation was moved by Councillor Plowden and seconded by Councillor Edwards. On being put to the vote the recommendation was CARRIED unanimously.
1. It was APPROVED that a Task and Finish Group be initiated to be chaired by Cllr Rob Bryher, to make recommendations to the committee for a modern and holistic Parking and Kerbside Strategy.
Recommendation 2 – Residents Parking Scheme (RPS) – First Permit increase and realignment of Easton & St Philips RPS alongside First Permit increase.
It was confirmed that the first car permit covered costs with any excess of income from subsequent car permits then ringfenced to the transport budget.
It was clarified that the decision had been approved by the previous administration but the implementation delayed and it was not a part of the implemented 2024/25 budget. The decision had returned to Policy Committee for further consideration.
Recommendation 2A was moved by Councillor Plowden and seconded by Councillor Morris. On being put to the vote the recommendation was CARRIED (6 members voting in favour, none against with 3 abstentions)
It was APPROVED 2a. Residents Parking - Approve and implement increase of £56 to £124 for first vehicle permit tariffs.
Recommendation 2B was moved by Councillor Plowden and seconded by Councillor Wilcox. On being put to the vote the recommendation was CARRIED unanimously.
It was APPROVED 2b. Residents Parking - Approved all RPS permit types going forward are included within the Council’s Fees and Charges so that an inflationary increase is made every year (rounded to the nearest whole numbers).
Recommendation 2C was moved by Councillor Plowden and seconded by Councillor Edwards.
Councillor Wilcox moved an amendment to the report as follows:
c. Approve and implement price alignment for all Easton (ES) RPS permits with the prevailing rates for other RPS over a two year period to remove the pricing anomaly, noting that the budget implications for this increase are negligible. Subject to further financial and equalities assessment delegated to officers in consultation with the Chair
The amendment was seconded by ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Supported Bus Services Priorities Task and Finish Group To establish a member Task and Finish Group for Supported Bus Services, and associated Terms of Reference. Additional documents: Decision: 1. That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity notes the report and further details supplied in Appendix A and approves the recommended approach and Terms of Reference for the Supported Bus Services Task and Finish Group.
2. That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity agree the appropriate decision makers for the delegated decision on which services to fund when tenders are returned so that this can be included in the committee decision paper.
3. That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity agree the frequency and duration of meetings to inform the Terms of Reference Minutes: The Committee considered a report that presented the proposal to establish a member Task and Finish Group for Supported Bus Services.
The Head of City Transport presented the report which outlined proposals. It was planned that the Policy Committee receive a report to it’s meeting in December for approval of the Task and Finish Group conclusions and recommendations for the procurement of services and confirmation of the delegated decision pathway.
The report and recommendations were moved by Councillor Plowden and seconded by Councillor Rippington. On being put to the vote the recommendation was CARRIED unanimously.
1. That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity notes the report and further details supplied in Appendix A and approves the recommended approach and Terms of Reference for the Supported Bus Services Task and Finish Group.
2. That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity agree the appropriate decision makers for the delegated decision on which services to fund when tenders are returned so that this can be included in the committee decision paper.
3. That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity agree the frequency and duration of meetings to inform the Terms of Reference |
Bristol Regional Cycling Hub, Lawrence Weston To apprise the Committee of the proposed Bristol Regional Cycling Hub (BRCH) in Lawrence Weston and seek its approval for expenditure to develop the business case and submit a full planning application. To ensure efficient and effective delivery of this project before the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) spending deadline of March 2027, funding needs to be allocated and approved in a timely manner. Additional documents:
Decision: That the Committee forTransport and Connectivity:
1. Approved the proposed approach in relation to delivery of the Bristol Regional Cycling Hub (BRCH)as outlined in this report. The proposed approach will require the Committee to be updated upon completion of the Outline Business Case, but theFull Business Case will require Committee approval.
2. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Chair of the Transport and Connectivity Committee, to take all steps required to proceed with the development of the Outline Business Case and Full Business Case, and submission of the planning application.
3. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Chair of the Transport and Connectivity Committee, to take all steps required to bid for, accept, and spend CRSTS funding (inclusive ofthe recently awarded funding of £813k) for procuring and awarding contracts for development and delivery of the project, which may be over the key decision threshold.
4. The above recommendationswill apply to other funding opportunities that may arise during the project’s life cycle, but the Committee will be updated on any such funding opportunity.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report which appraised the Committee of the proposed Bristol Regional Cycling Hub (BRCH) in Lawrence Weston and sought approval for expenditure to develop the business case and submit a full planning application.
The Head of City Transport outlined the report and confirmed that the Full Business Case would return to the Policy Committee following planning application presenting a further opportunity to consider the scheme. A timeframe had been established to meet the 2027 deadline for CRSTS funding.
Councillors highlighted the importance of the facility and services it would bring to the city however, there was concern about the loss of the current facilities from South Bristol. The current cycle centre in BS14 had demonstrated the value of the model and Councillors hoped that some facility could be retained in South Bristol so that there was not a complete loss of service.
The report and recommendations were moved by Councillor Plowden and seconded by Councillor Alexander. On being put to the vote the recommendation was CARRIED unanimously.
It was APPROVED; That the Committee forTransport and Connectivity:
1. Approved the proposed approach in relation to delivery of the Bristol Regional Cycling Hub (BRCH)as outlined in this report. The proposed approach will require the Committee to be updated upon completion of the Outline Business Case, but the Full Business Case will require Committee approval.
2. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Chair of the Transport and Connectivity Committee, to take all steps required to proceed with the development of the Outline Business Case and Full Business Case, and submission of the planning application.
3. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Chair of the Transport and Connectivity Committee, to take all steps required to bid for, accept, and spend CRSTS funding (inclusive ofthe recently awarded funding of £813k) for procuring and awarding contracts for development and delivery of the project, which may be over the key decision threshold.
4. The above recommendationswill apply to other funding opportunities that may arise during the project’s life cycle, but the Committee will be updated on any such funding opportunity.
Workplace Parking Levy This report sets out the current thinking around how a Workplace Parking Levy would work and what it would need to deliver it and seeks approval to allocate funding for development of the business case for the scheme. Additional documents:
Decision: Officer Recommendations:
That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity
1. Approved, subject to suitable resource being available, so as not to delay the implementation of the CRSTS programme or other key transport programmes, the progression to Stage One Development and Outline Business Case (OBC) at a cost of up to £1m. Approve testing options for a WPL and the potential benefits and issues those options would create to enable a more informed decision to be taken as to whether to proceed to FBC and potential subsequent delivery of a WPL. 2. Stage One Development and OBC costs to be funded through CAZ funding to be repaid from subsequent income generated from the scheme.
3. Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with Committee Chair for Transport and Connectivity to procure/extend/vary and award the contract(s) necessary for the implementation of Stage 1 of the WPL, in-line with the procurement routes and maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report, noting the associated Legal commentaries. 4. Authorised the Exec Director for Growth and Regeneration to invoke any subsequent extensions/variations specifically defined in the contract(s) being awarded, up to the maximum budget envelope outlined in this report. Minutes: The Committee considered a report which set out the current considerations surrounding how a Workplace Parking Levy would work and what it would need to deliver it, seeking approval to allocate funding for development of the business case for the scheme.
The Head of City Transport outlined the report to Members and confirmed to the Committee that as proposals progress, further reports and information would return to be discussed and considered.
The Committee highlighted the following points: - Further consideration was requested on the proposed cut off number for the number of spaces. - It was important to speak to businesses and be able to demonstrate the benefits of the scheme. - If progressed, it would be important to show the benefits quickly so that residents, employees and businesses can see where the funds are going. - It was suggested that the Policy Committee could help shape an investment plan to outline where money could be spent on transport improvements. For example, to ringfence for improvements to the area of the WPL.
Officers confirmed that there was a legal requirement for the scheme to set out the projected money raised and proposed spend in detail.
The report and recommendations were moved by Councillor Plowden and seconded by Councillor Wilcox.
Councillor Self moved an amendment which was seconded by Tim Rippington. The amendment text as follows:
Where *Stage One: Scheme Development and Outline Business Case (OBC)” means;
Stage One (A) Scheme Feasibility. Identify the revenue opportunities of implementing a WPL by identifying who would be charged, how much they would be charged and how much income would be raised as a result. Identify potential implementation and ongoing costs. (NCC Appendix C WS1.1 – WS1.3)
Stage One (B) Scheme design and finalisation of Outline Business Case (OBC) – detailed scheme design including locations, exemptions etc. (NCC Appendix C WS1.4-WS1.5)
That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity
1. In order to ensure money is not spent unnecessarily, the Stage One* process as recommended by NCC would be split into two parts, with a committee review after Part One to confirm whether to proceed. 2. Approve, subject to suitable resource being available, so as not to delay the implementation of the CRSTS programme or other key transport programmes, the progression to Stage One (A) Development at a cost of up to £500K. Approve testing options for a WPL and the potential benefits and issues those options would create to enable a more informed decision to be taken as to whether to proceed to Stage One (B) and then to FBC and potential subsequent delivery of a WPL.
* with subsequent paragraphs renumbered.
In response to the amendment, officers confirmed that to add a formal report for decision at ‘stage two’ would introduce further step to the process which would likely increase the timeframe by two months in order to proceed through ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
2024/25 P3 Finance Forecast Report - Transport & Connectivity The Council Revenue and Capital budget for 2024/25 was agreed by Full Council on 21 February 2023. This report presents to the Transport and Connectivity Committee the transport financial forecast at Period 3 (P3) against the budget as at the end of June 2024. P3 was an exception reporting month meaning the Council only reported material changes in the forecast. Decision: The Transport and Connectivity Committee noted the report.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report that presented the Transport financial forecast at period 3 2024-2025.
Officers confirmed that with many programmes grant funded and working to differing timelines there may be some delay in the reporting capital programmes. Officers were working to improve the related forecasts.
The Transport and Connectivity Committee noted the report.
Q1 2024/25 Corporate Risk Report - Transport and Connectivity The report provides an update on current significant strategic risks to achieving the Council’s objectives, within the Transport and Connectivity Committee, as set in the Corporate Strategy 2022-2027 and summarises progress in managing the risks and actions being taken as at Quarter 1_2024-25. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee noted the contents of report on the P3 forecast for the Transport and Connectivity Committee. Minutes: The Committee considered a report that provided an update on the current significant strategic risks to achieving the Council’s objectives, within the Transport and Connectivity Policy Committee remit, as set in the Corporate Strategy 2022-27 and summarised the progress in managing the risks and actions being taken as at Quarter 1 2024-2025.
The risk of the multiple interventions and delivery of projects across the City for the timebound CRSTS funding was highlighted, as the grant needed to be fully invested by March 2027. Officers assured Councillors that BCC and WECA had focus on the management of that risk with additional resource allocated to the coordination and mitigation within programming, especially within the City Centre. Officers welcomed a future discussion on this topic.
The complex coordination of capital delivery was highlighted with the example of the unpredictable and complex situation by way of the bridges and highways within the City. It was suggested that officers revisit that risk in order to inform the Committee.
With reference to CRR43 – how a lack of progress for Mass Transit may have on Impact on the city, it was noted that the project had been renamed ‘West Rapid Transport’.
It was RESOLVED that the Committee noted the contents of report on the P3 forecast for the Transport and Connectivity Committee. |