- Agenda Content
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Contact: Oliver Harrison
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from the Councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declarations of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 249 KB To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. |
Lord Mayor's Business To note any announcements from the Lord Mayor |
Public Petitions, Statements and Questions PDF 517 KB Members of the press and public who plan to attend a public meeting at City Hall are advised that you will be required to sign in when you arrive, and you will be issued with a visitor pass which you will need to display at all times.
Public forum items can be about any matter the Council is responsible for or which directly affects the city. Submissions will be treated in order of receipt and as many people shall be called upon as is possible within the time allowed within the meeting (normally 30 minutes).
Further rules can be found within our Council Procedure Rules within the Constitution.
Please note that the following deadlines apply to this meeting:
a. Public petitions and statements: Petitions and written statements must be received by 12 noon on Friday 4 October 2024 at latest. One written statement per member of the public is permitted.
b. Public questions: Written public questions must be received by 5pm on Wednesday 2 October 2024 at latest. A maximum of 3 questions per member of the public is permitted. Questions should be addressed to the Leader or relevant Policy Committee Chair.
Public Questions and Statements should be submitted via our webform:
Petitions should be e-mailed to Additional documents: |
Petitions Notified by Councillors Please note: Up to 10 minutes is allowed for this item.
Petitions notified by Councillors can be about any matter the Council is responsible for or which directly affects the city. The deadline for the notification of petitions to this meeting is 12 noon on Monday 7 October 2024.
Annual Report of Audit Committee PDF 173 KB Recommendation: That Full Council note the report. Additional documents: |
HR Committee Annual Report PDF 157 KB Recommendation: That Full Council notes the Annual Report of the HR Committee. Additional documents: |
Appointment of the Head of Paid Service and Section 151 Officer PDF 176 KB Recommendation: That Full Council confirms the designation of Nick Hibberd as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service, and Andy Rothery as Director: Finance and Section 151 Officer with effect from 6 January 2025. |
Establishment of the Committee Model Review Group PDF 155 KB Recommendations:
1. That Full Council approves the establishment of a Committee Model Review Group. 2. That Full Council approves the number of seats on the Committee Model Review Group. 3. That Full Council appoints the Chair and Vice-chair of the Committee Model Review Group. Additional documents: |
Note: Under the Council’s constitution, 30 minutes are available for the consideration of motions. In practice, this realistically means that there is usually only time for one, or possibly two motions to be considered.
With the agreement of the Lord Mayor, motion 1 below will be considered at this meeting, and motion 2 is likely to be considered, subject to time.
Details of other motions submitted, (which, due to time constraints, are very unlikely to be considered at this meeting) are also set out for information.
This council notes: 17.2% of people in Bristol have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses and whose day-to-day activities were limited in some way. 8.3% of Bristolians describe themselves as disabled and as having their day-to-day activities limited a lot. Bristol City Council is committed to the Social Model of Disability which recognises the right to self-identify as a Disabled person and that people are Disabled by barriers in society such as lack of physical access and lack of accessible communication, not by their impairment (including mental, physical, sensory, health conditions, learning difficulties among others). Disabled people continue to face a number of barriers in Bristol. Whilst improving the lives of disabled people is clearly a cross-cutting issue, some of the most prevalent issues relate to transport. This motions lists policies the council could undertake relatively quickly to demonstrate its commitment to the issue. Currently, the Diamond Bus Pass is not valid before 9am. This council believes: Ensuring everyone shares in Bristol’s success means the council needs to do its utmost to support its disabled citizens. Bristol should aim to be the most accessible city in the country. Achieving this means taking far-reaching action that cuts across council policy areas and working collaboratively with city partners. This council resolves: To aim to be the most inclusive and accessible council in the country, by improving the lives for disabled and older people living, working, or visiting our city. To call on all Policy Committee Chairs to include items on their agenda to discuss further ways to make Bristol the most accessible city in the country. As part of this, committees and council officers will need to work with disabled people and organisations such as Bristol Disability Equality Forum, the Disability Equality Commission, the West of England Centre for Inclusive Living, and other key partners to develop further plans. To ensure that all projects being brought forward are co-designed with people affected by it whenever possible. To call on committee chairs to report back to Full Council on progress made on this aim in twelve months’ time. As a starting point, Full Council resolves to request the Transport and Connectivity Committee / Chair to consider the following measures: 1. Commit to the Bristol Climate and Nature Partnership’s Inclusive Transport Vision for Bristol. 2. To look to provide an interactive, accessible website where visitors can see disabled friendly facilities. Additional documents: |