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Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: The Council Chamber - City Hall, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5TR. View directions
Link: Watch Live Webcast
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introductions and Safety Information PDF 103 KB Minutes: The Chair welcomed all attendees to the meeting and explained the emergency evacuation procedure.
Apologies for Absence and Substitutions Minutes: It was noted that apologies had been received from Cllr King; Cllr Dudd was in attendance as a substitute.
Declarations of Interest To note any declarations of interest from councillors. They are asked to indicate the relevant agenda item, the nature of the interest and in particular whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest.
Any declaration of interest made at the meeting which is not on the register of interests should be notified to the Monitoring Officer for inclusion.
Minutes: It was noted that there were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 217 KB To agree the minutes of the previous meeting as a correct record. Additional documents:
Minutes: On the motion of the Chair, seconded by Cllr Gooch, the Committee RESOLVED: - To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee held on 18 November 2024 as a correct record, to be signed by the Chair.
Chair's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chair. Minutes: None.
Up to 30 minutes is allowed for this item.
Any member of the public or councillor may participate in Public Forum. Public Forum items must relate to the remit of the committee and should be addressed to the Chair of the committee.
Members of the public who plan to attend a public meeting at City Hall are advised that you will be required to sign in when you arrive. Please note that you will be issued with a visitor pass which you will need to display at all times.
Please also note:
Questions 1. Written public questions must be received by 5.00 pm, at least 3 clear working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that questions must be received at the latest by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 10 December. Please email questions to 2. Any individual can submit up to 3 written questions. 3. Written replies to questions will be available on the Council’s website at least one hour before the meeting. 4. At the meeting, questioners will be permitted to ask up to 2 oral supplementary questions.
Statements 1. Written statements must be received at latest by 12.00 noon, at least 2 working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that statements must be received at the latest by 12.00 noon on Thursday 12 December. Please email statements to 2. Statements, provided they are no more than 1,000 words in length, will be circulated to all committee members and will be published on the Council’s website at least one hour before the meeting.
Petitions 1. Details of the wording of any petitions, and the number of signatories to petitions must be received at latest by 12.00 noon, at least 2 working days prior to the meeting. For this meeting, this means that petition details must be received at the latest by 12.00 noon on Thursday 12 December. Please email petition details to 2. At the meeting, individuals presenting petitions may be required to read out the objectives of the petition.
When submitting a question or statement please indicate whether you are planning to attend the meeting to present your statement ask your question
Minutes: Public questions: It was noted that 8 public forum questions had been submitted to this meeting as follows: Questions 1, 2 & 3: Suzanne Audrey - Public forum question procedures Questions 4 & 5: Matty Edwards - Council debt collection Questions 6 & 7: Joanna Booth - Council spending data Question 8: Joanna Booth - Council data retention
It was noted that written responses had been supplied to the above individuals and published.
Public statements: It was noted that 2 public forum statements had been submitted to this meeting, as follows: 1. David Redgewell: Council budget 2. Rosa Kell and Gary Byard: Council budget
Those individuals in attendance presented their statements.
In response to a member question, the Chair agreed to discuss with officers and the Chair of the Finance Sub-Committee an appropriate means for reporting an update on the Sub-Committee’s work to the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee, noting also that the cross-party members serving on the Sub-Committee were also able to feed back to their respective political groups on the Sub-Committee’s work. It was noted that a two-part, in-public meeting of the Finance Sub-Committee was scheduled to take place on 15/16 Januaryto review and comment on the emerging 2025/26 budget proposals/savings.
Transformation Programme Quarterly Update PDF 176 KB This report provides an update on the ‘Top 4’ Council Transformation programmes: Adult Social Care, Our Families (Children and Education programme; the Families First Programme currently being scoped), Property and Tackling Homelessness. Decision: The Committee RESOLVED: - To note the update report on the ‘Top 4’ transformation programmes.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 7) providing an update on the ‘Top 4’ Council Transformation programmes: Adult Social Care, Our Families (Children and Education programme; and the Families First Programme currently being scoped), Property and Tackling Homelessness.
In response to a question, it was confirmed that learning from earlier transformation work (for example, in relation to project deliverability and cost management) was being factored into ongoing business case development through these programmes.
The Committee RESOLVED: - To note the update report on the ‘Top 4’ transformation programmes.
Investment to Purchase Properties for use as Temporary Accommodation PDF 170 KB This report seeks approval of investment for the acquisition of up to 75 homes for use as Temporary Accommodation.
Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED (unanimous vote in favour): 1. To approve the proposal to spend up to £33,383,400 in PWLB borrowing on the acquisition of up to 75 homes for use as Temporary Accommodation subject to: a. the Full Business Case being signed off; and b. the £33,383,400 (or such other amount as agreed) being approved within the Council’s full budget for the 2025/26 financial year.
2. To authorise the Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the S151 Officer and Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee to take all steps required to sign off and implement the Full Business Case.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 8) seeking approval of investment for the acquisition of up to 75 homes for use as temporary accommodation.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:
1. It was noted that this was a key decision report, as the proposed decision involved spend of more than £500k and had a significant impact on more than 2 wards. It was further noted that the report included an exempt appendix setting out the detail of Counsel’s opinion which had been obtained on the validity of using general fund borrowing to acquire properties for use as temporary accommodation to house homeless people.
2. It was clarified that the proposals were subject to the required financial allocation being approved within the Council’s full budget for the 2025/26 financial year.
3. In response to questions, it was confirmed that the proposals would enable a realistic estimate of up to 75 properties to be acquired for use as temporary accommodation. It was possible, depending on market conditions, that the aspiration for 75 properties could be slightly exceeded. For properties owned by local authorities, the full cost of temporary accommodation placements was recoverable through housing benefit. Additionally, the Council could also lease properties to a registered provider partner if the management and maintenance of the properties could not be delivered by the Council.
4. In response to a question, it was confirmed that generally, accommodation suitable for use by families would be targeted rather than, for example, smaller, one-bedroom properties.
5. It was noted that the total capital cost for this ‘invest to save’ project equated to just over £33m and was expected to achieve £2.2m average annual savings.
The Chair then moved the report recommendations.
This was seconded by Cllr Gooch.
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimous vote in favour): 1. To approve the proposal to spend up to £33,383,400 in PWLB borrowing on the acquisition of up to 75 homes for use as Temporary Accommodation subject to: a. the Full Business Case being signed off; and b. the £33,383,400 (or such other amount as agreed) being approved within the Council’s full budget for the 2025/26 financial year.
2. To authorise the Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the S151 Officer and Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee to take all steps required to sign off and implement the Full Business Case.
Quarterly Performance Progress Report – Quarter 2, 2024/25 PDF 152 KB To update the Committee on performance against the Council’s Business Plan for Quarter 2, 2024/25, and to note areas of specific interest or concern to review progress with relevant Directors; and to review metrics that only report to this Committee (mainly from the Effective Development Organisation Business Plan theme) Additional documents: Decision: The Committee RESOLVED: 1. To note the performance against the Business Plan overall, including the theme summary reports and issues raised, and measures to address performance issues to be implemented by relevant services.
2. To note performance against the Effective Development Organisation theme in particular, including issues raised and measures to address performance issues to be implemented by relevant services.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 9) providing an update on performance against the Bristol City Council Business Plan for Quarter 2, 2024/25.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:
1. In response to a question, it was confirmed that the Committee could, as necessary, ask for further in-depth and more detailed reports addressing any areas of particular concern. It was noted that the Corporate Leadership Board actively reviewed the quarterly performance reports as part of the ongoing emphasis of developing a strong organisational performance culture.
2. Support was expressed for the action being taken to improve the Council’s performance in relation to Freedom of Information requests. The Interim Chief Executive commented on the importance of ensuring that the organisation achieved a sustained improvement in performance against this and a number of other routine compliance targets.
3. Whilst noting that the ratio of consultation response rates for the most and least deprived 20% of Bristol citizens (BPPM537) was below target, it was also noted that over the last 5 years, the Council had generally improved the proportion of responses from the city’s most deprived communities. This metric was measured on a rolling 12-month basis; current performance was partly due to reduced consultation activity in 2024’s pre-election period.
4. In relation to reducing the gender pay gap (BPPM512), it was noted that whilst performance against this metric was not at target yet, the Council's gender pay gap had been improving and was now at its lowest since this metric began in 2016. Work continued to reduce this further via a range of talent development initiatives.
The Committee RESOLVED: 1. To note the performance against the Business Plan overall, including the theme summary reports and issues raised, and measures to address performance issues to be implemented by relevant services.
2. To note performance against the Effective Development Organisation theme in particular, including issues raised and measures to address performance issues to be implemented by relevant services.
IT Hardware Rolling Refresh PDF 132 KB This report seeks budget and permission to procure and award a contract(s) to enable an ongoing rolling replacement of IT hardware as it nears end-of-life. This will include both end-user devices (such as laptops, tablets and mobile phones) and infrastructure, including networks. There are no additional revenue costs associated with the programme as existing staffing resources will handle the replacement work.
Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED (unanimous vote in favour): 1. To authorise the Director: Policy, Strategy and Digital, in consultation with Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee to take all steps required to procure and award hardware procurement contracts (which may be above the key decision threshold), in line with the maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report ranging from £1.719 to £1.909 million per annum for up to 5 years, subject to identification of funding within the Medium Term Financial Strategy, inclusion in the Capital Programme and the approval of the council’s budget for 2025/26.
2. To authorise the Director: Policy, Strategy and Digital to invoke any subsequent extensions or variations specifically defined in the contract(s) being awarded, up to the maximum budget envelope outlined in the report.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 10) seeking approval to procure and award a contract(s) to enable an ongoing rolling replacement of IT hardware as it neared end-of-life. This would include both end-user devices (such as laptops, tablets and mobile phones) and infrastructure, including networks.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:
1. It was noted that this was a key decision report, as the proposed decision involved spend of more than £500k.
2. In response to questions, officers outlined details of measures in place to assist and support the IT needs of neurodiverse users, and also confirmed that arrangements continued to be in place with Bristol Waste Company in relation to recycling/re-using Council IT equipment.
The Chair then moved the report recommendations.
This was seconded by Cllr Gooch.
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimous vote in favour): 1. To authorise the Director: Policy, Strategy and Digital, in consultation with Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee to take all steps required to procure and award hardware procurement contracts (which may be above the key decision threshold), in line with the maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report ranging from £1.719 to £1.909 million per annum for up to 5 years, subject to identification of funding within the Medium Term Financial Strategy, inclusion in the Capital Programme and the approval of the council’s budget for 2025/26.
2. To authorise the Director: Policy, Strategy and Digital to invoke any subsequent extensions or variations specifically defined in the contract(s) being awarded, up to the maximum budget envelope outlined in the report.
The meeting was then adjourned at 3.20 pm and reconvened at 3.30 pm.
Arts Council England - grant extension PDF 146 KB To seek approval to accept and spend a one-year extension grant from Arts Council England National Portfolio for Bristol Museums and Museum Development South West and to continue the existing (2023-26) funded programme of activity in 2026-27. This funding (£1,365,000 and £650,000) will be a fixed grant amount in line with the current annual awards 2023-2026.
Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED (unanimous vote in favour): 1. To approve the proposal to accept and spend a one-year extension grant from Arts Council England National Portfolio for Bristol Museums and Museum Development South West and to continue the existing (2023-26) funded programme of activity in 2026-27.
2. To authorise the Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee to take all steps required to submit a bid for, accept and spend funding in accordance with the grant agreement as required by Arts Council England and associated grant funded activity plans for Bristol Museums and for Museum Development.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 11) seeking approval to accept and spend a one-year extension grant from Arts Council England National Portfolio for Bristol Museums and Museum Development South West and to continue the existing (2023-26) funded programme of activity in 2026-27. This funding would be a fixed grant amount in line with the current annual awards 2023-2026.
It was noted that this was a key decision report, as the proposed decision involved spend of more than £500k.
The Chair moved the report recommendations.
This was seconded by Cllr Gooch.
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimous vote in favour): 1. To approve the proposal to accept and spend a one-year extension grant from Arts Council England National Portfolio for Bristol Museums and Museum Development South West and to continue the existing (2023-26) funded programme of activity in 2026-27.
2. To authorise the Executive Director: Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Chair of the Strategy and Resources Policy Committee to take all steps required to submit a bid for, accept and spend funding in accordance with the grant agreement as required by Arts Council England and associated grant funded activity plans for Bristol Museums and for Museum Development.
Collection Fund Surplus/Deficit Report PDF 118 KB To set the estimated Collection Fund surplus/deficit as at 31st March 2025 as required by legislation for determination by Full Council.
Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED (unanimous vote in favour): - To approve the report and calculations as set out in the report and to refer to Full Council for approval.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 12) setting the estimated Collection Fund surplus/deficit as required by legislation for determination by Full Council.
It was noted that this matter would be referred to the Full Council for determination on 14 January 2025.
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimous vote in favour): - To approve the report and calculations as set out in the report and to refer to Full Council for approval.
Council Tax Base 2025/26 PDF 110 KB This report asks the Committee to recommend the council tax base 2025/26 to Full Council. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED (unanimous vote in favour): - To approve the report and calculated amount as set out in the report and to refer to Full Council for approval.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 13) recommending the council tax base 2025/26 for referral to Full Council.
It was noted that this matter would be referred to the Full Council for determination on 14 January 2025.
The Chair moved the report recommendation.
This was seconded by Cllr Gooch.
The Committee RESOLVED (unanimous vote in favour): - To approve the report and calculated amount as set out in the report and to refer to Full Council for approval.
Period 7 Finance outturn report PDF 118 KB This report presents information and analysis to the Committee on the Council’s financial performance against the approved budget and its forecast use of resources for the financial year 2024/25. This report also informs the Committee on the delivery of planned savings for the financial year 2024/25 and serves as a mechanism for any finance approvals or adjustments that are required to the Council’s approved budget. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED:
To note: 1. The council’s General Fund forecast outturn revenue overspend of £17.1 million at P7 2024/25 against the council approved budget of £533.7 million. 2. The performance on delivery of savings (Appendix A1, Section 3, Tables 3a and 3b). 3. The additional weighted net risk of £6.1 million per the risks and opportunities register (Appendix A1, Section 4, Tables 4a and 4b). 4. The council’s outturn position of £13.7 million overspend within the Housing Revenue Account to be transferred to the HRA general reserve at the year end (Appendix A1a, Section 5.3). 5. The council’s outturn position of a £31.9 million overspend (net £15.3m) in the Dedicated Schools Grant and that this brings the carry forward deficit to £90.5 million. Following the application of the DfE’s 24/25 Safety Valve combined with contribution from the General Fund, a total £52.4 million is forecast to be carried forward at the year end in the DSG deficit reserve (Appendix A1, Section 5.4). 6. The breakeven position on Public Health services (Appendix A1, Section 5.5). 7. The breakeven position on the Bristol Harbour Fund (Appendix A1, Section 5.6). 8. The council’s forecast underspend of £26.0 million against the Capital Programme revised budget 2024/25, comprised of £19.0 million underspend on the General Fund (including £8.2 million underspend on corporate contingency and funds) and £7.0million underspend on the HRA (Appendix A1, Section 6).
To approve (6 members voting in favour and 3 against): - Revisions to the revised Capital Budget to incorporate the reprofiling of up to £19.0 million General Fund and £7.0 million HRA budget into future years following the forecast underspend at Period 7.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 14) presenting information and analysis to the Committee on the Council’s financial performance against the approved budget and its forecast use of resources for the financial year 2024/25. The report also informed the Committee on the delivery of planned savings in the current financial year 2024/25.
The Chair moved the report recommendations, noting that there were 8 recommendations for noting by the Committee and 1 recommendation for approval.
This was seconded by Cllr Gooch.
The Committee RESOLVED:
To note: 1. The council’s General Fund forecast outturn revenue overspend of £17.1 million at P7 2024/25 against the council approved budget of £533.7 million. 2. The performance on delivery of savings (Appendix A1, Section 3, Tables 3a and 3b). 3. The additional weighted net risk of £6.1 million per the risks and opportunities register (Appendix A1, Section 4, Tables 4a and 4b). 4. The council’s outturn position of £13.7 million overspend within the Housing Revenue Account to be transferred to the HRA general reserve at the year end (Appendix A1a, Section 5.3). 5. The council’s outturn position of a £31.9 million overspend (net £15.3m) in the Dedicated Schools Grant and that this brings the carry forward deficit to £90.5 million. Following the application of the DfE’s 24/25 Safety Valve combined with contribution from the General Fund, a total £52.4 million is forecast to be carried forward at the year end in the DSG deficit reserve (Appendix A1, Section 5.4). 6. The breakeven position on Public Health services (Appendix A1, Section 5.5). 7. The breakeven position on the Bristol Harbour Fund (Appendix A1, Section 5.6). 8. The council’s forecast underspend of £26.0 million against the Capital Programme revised budget 2024/25, comprised of £19.0 million underspend on the General Fund (including £8.2 million underspend on corporate contingency and funds) and £7.0million underspend on the HRA (Appendix A1, Section 6).
To approve (6 members voting in favour and 3 against): - Revisions to the revised Capital Budget to incorporate the reprofiling of up to £19.0 million General Fund and £7.0 million HRA budget into future years following the forecast underspend at Period 7.
Property Programme Transformation (Quarterly Report) PDF 139 KB This report provides an update on the progress of the Property Transformation Programme.
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED: 1. To note the update report on progress of the Property Transformation Programme.
2. To note that no funding has been formally approved for 2025/26. The budget request for 2025/26 is subject to change and will be requested via the Corporate Leadership Board.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 15) providing an update on the progress of the Property Transformation Programme.
The Committee RESOLVED: 1. To note the update report on progress of the Property Transformation Programme.
2. To note that no funding has been formally approved for 2025/26. The budget request for 2025/26 is subject to change and will be requested via the Corporate Leadership Board. |
Estate rationalisation - surplus asset disposals PDF 128 KB This report seeks approval of the disposal or re-purposing of particular Bristol City Council estate assets which have been identified following analysis of the Council’s estate. Additional documents:
Decision: The Committee RESOLVED: Noting the report recommendations and related conditions, i.e. ‘That the Committee for Strategy and Resources: 1. Approves the operational assets listed in Appendix E be declared surplus to Council requirements and subject to them not being considered suitable for HRA transfer, or sold to a registered provider, to be disposed of on the open market for the best consideration achievable. 2. Approves the investment assets listed in Appendix E be declared surplus to Council requirements where applicable and subject to them not being considered suitable for HRA transfer, or sold to a registered provider, to be disposed of on the open market for the best consideration achievable. 3. Authorises the Executive Director: Growth & Regeneration, in consultation with Section 151 Officer, in accordance with the council’s scheme of delegations, to take all steps required for disposal of the assets whilst ensuring best value is obtained for each property listed in exempt Appendix E in the event they are not required by the HRA or to satisfy an alternative service requirement’, the Committee took the following decisions in relation to the surplus property disposal proposals set out in Appendix E of the report:
1. (On the motion of the Chair, seconded by Cllr Gooch, with a unanimous vote in favour) To dispose of the following properties as per the proposal set out in Appendix E: - Summerhill Centre, St George - Jubilee Hall, Wedmore Vale - East Bristol Intermediate Care Centre, St George
2. (On the motion of the Chair, seconded by Cllr Gooch, with 6 members voting in favour and 3 against) To dispose of the following properties as per the proposal set out in Appendix E: - Delaware House, Stockwood - 21-25 Nelson Parade, Bedminster
3. (On the motion of the Chair, seconded by Cllr Gooch, with 6 members voting in favour and 3 against) To dispose of the property as per the proposal set out on pages 14-16 of Appendix E.
4. (On the motion of the Chair, seconded by Cllr Gooch, with a unanimous vote in favour) To defer a decision on the proposal set out on pages 11-13 of Appendix E.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report (agenda item 16) seeking approval of the disposal of particular council assets which had been identified for disposal as surplus assets following analysis of the Council’s estate.
Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:
1. It was noted that this was a key decision report, as the proposed decision involved savings of more than £500k and had a significant impact on more than 2 wards.
2. It was noted that the report included an exempt appendix (Appendix E, relating to matters of commercial sensitivity in respect of the proposed property disposals) and that, in the event that any member wished to raise a question or matter specifically in relation to the exempt information, it would be necessary for the Committee to move into exempt session.
3. It was noted that the report had been prepared in line with the Council’s current policies; the Council would need to utilise these capital receipts in order to meet its costs and help fund the transformation programme.
4. It was noted that the Property Working Group had now met following its establishment and would be undertaking work to review the revised surplus asset disposal process.
5. A concern was raised about a potential scenario(s) that could arise where Council property was disposed of/leased to a registered provider who may, at a future point, no longer be financially viable. It was noted that in the event of this type of situation arising, every effort would be made to retain the property for appropriate use from the Council’s perspective, e.g. for housing/care purposes through transferring the lease wherever possible to another provider.
Members indicated that they wished to ask particular questions which related to the information included within exempt appendix E to the report.
On the motion of the Chair, seconded by Cllr Gooch, the Committee then RESOLVED: That under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the business to be discussed is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of schedule 12A of the Act.
Whilst the Committee was in exempt session, members asked questions about and discussed the detail included in the exempt appendix.
Once the discussion in exempt session had concluded, the Committee went back into public session and the meeting was re-opened for members of the public to observe proceedings.
On the motion of the Chair, seconded by Cllr Gooch, the Committee RESOLVED: Noting the report recommendations and related conditions, i.e. ‘That the Committee for Strategy and Resources: 1. Approves the operational assets listed in Appendix E be declared surplus to Council requirements and subject to them not being considered suitable for HRA transfer, or sold to a registered provider, to be disposed of on the open market for the best consideration achievable. 2. Approves the investment assets listed in Appendix E be declared surplus to Council ... view the full minutes text for item 88. |