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Housing Management Board

This page lists the meetings for Housing Management Board.

Information about Housing Management Board

What is the Housing Management Board?

The Housing Management Board (HMB) is a body set up to consider and advise on key issues affecting the City Council’s Landlord Services (the management, maintenance, improvement and development of council tenancies and homes).

The role of the Board

·         Advise on development of the strategy for Landlord Services;

·         Advise on and review the Landlord Strategy delivery plan and the key projects identified within the Strategy;

·         Review overall, high level performance;

·         Annually review the draft Business Plan and associated Capital and Revenue Budgets;

·         Review risk and risk management arrangements;

·         Review draft reports on key decisions to be taken by the Cabinet or Council;

·         Be consulted on and advise the Director on key changes to strategy, key policies, significant service changes and development proposals;

·         Maintain an overview of the development of tenant participation.