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Agenda item

Scrutiny Ways of Working


Members considered the options for the structure of Scrutiny going forward as set out in the accompanying report, noting that the majority of the OSM leads had formed an early preference for a revised version of ‘Option C,’ which consisted of 22 formal directorate based Commission meetings a year, plus 5 Task and Finish Groups (except with responsibility for budget scrutiny to pass from OSM to the Resources Scrutiny Commission).  However, the Chair emphasised that a full discussion of the merits of all models was required and invited comments accordingly.  The following matters arose;


  • In the current Scrutiny model, the role of OSM had become too broad and consequently a large number of meetings had been scheduled to accommodate the significant workload. Going forward it was suggested that informal meetings of the Scrutiny Commission leads take place in order to agree the work programme/objectives.
  • The Task and Finish Groups that had been running in 17/18 on a trial basis had been successful in many ways and should be continued going forward, although there were some areas that needed to be improved including tightening up the membership; better selection of topics; and clearly defining aims and objectives from the outset.
  • A directorate based scrutiny structure could enable Members to develop expertise/keep a watching brief on a specific area and also aid transparency for the public, although there were concerns that Scrutiny agendas could be too tightly controlled by Commission Chairs without sufficient input from others.
  • It was vital to avoid reverting back to the previous style of scrutiny which was to note multiple reports for information purposes, thus delivering very poor outcomes.  Briefings for Members should be dealt with separately from the Scrutiny function but activities should be co-ordinated to maximise participation and information sharing.
  • Whilst the structure of scrutiny was important, the value of outputs would be largely dependent on the suitability of areas selected for review, and also the quality of questioning from Members.  It could be argued the structure of scrutiny should not be determined until the relevant topics/objectives/methodology had been chosen.
  • Increasing public engagement in Scrutiny was a continuing challenge, particularly as one of the strengths of Task and Finish Groups was that by conducting much of their work in ‘closed’ meetings they were able to operate very flexibly.  One option would be to arrange a number of ‘open days’ to showcase the policy development work of scrutiny.   
  • The reduced resources of the Council must be reflected in the selected model for Scrutiny going forward; the report set out suggested options for how the available budget envelope could be allocated.  Members should continue with their efforts to support scrutiny projects outside of meetings and independently of officers where possible.
  • Early population of the Forward Plan would aid Scrutiny in planning its work programme and representations had been made to the Mayor to that effect.
  • The Cabinet had expressed a desire to work collaboratively with Scrutiny on early policy development activities, which was an opportunity that should be fully embraced
  • There was a need for Scrutiny to allocate more time to reviewing the performance of the Council going forward.
  • Policy development activities were taking place across the Council in a variety of forums/groups etc.  Scrutiny needed to ensure it dovetailed with these initiatives in order to prevent duplication and add value.


Following the discussion, Members were asked to comment on the options within the report.  It was agreed that a hybrid model consisting of both Commissions and Task and Finish Groups was preferred but that more discussion was needed to determine the appropriate balance between the two.  Members confirmed that further consideration would be given to the matter at the Ways of Working Member workshop on 22nd February 18.  Following the workshop, a report of proposals would be brought back to OSM for endorsement (provisionally) at the meeting on Thursday 8th March 18, with a view to feeding into the Constitutional changes that would be considered at the annual meeting of Full Council on 22nd May 18.




  • That the comments arising from the discussion inform the Scrutiny Ways of Working Member workshop that would be taking place on 22nd February 18; and
  • That a report summarising the outcomes from the workshop be considered at the next appropriate OSM meeting. 


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