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Agenda item

Budget Report 2019-20


The Full Council considered a report setting out the Mayor’s 2019-20 budget recommendations.


The Lord Mayor drew members’ attention to the budget procedure to be followed.


At this point, on the motion of the Lord Mayor, it was



That the relevant standing orders (policy and budget framework procedure rules) be suspended, noting that the procedure to be followed at this meeting is at variance with the Council’s standing orders.


The Mayor then moved the budget report.


Councillor Cheney, Deputy Mayor for Finance, Governance and Performance then seconded the report.

The leaders of each party group, Cllrs Hickman, Councillor Weston, Councillor Combley and Councillor Negus each responded to the budget proposals.


Councillor Gollop then presented comments on behalf of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board and Councillor Clarke on behalf of the Resources Scrutiny Commission.


The Mayor then responded to the points raised.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3.25pm and reconvened at 3.45pm


On the meeting being reconvened, the Full Council then (under section 5 of the procedure) considered and debated each of the proposed budget amendments, as follows:


Liberal Democrat Budget Amendment

Amendment Summary: Youth travel card for Bristol buses, Bus Franchising, Clear and safe streets, Bus and Sustainable Transport Fund.

Funding Source: Reduced Corporate Capital Contingency


Councillor Kent moved the amendment 1a (Revenue) and 1b (Capital).


Councillor Hopkins seconded the amendment.


Following debate, upon being put to the vote, the amendment was LOST.

(vote 1a – 31 members voting for the amendment, 35 against, with 1 abstention

Vote 1b – 22 members voting for the amendment, 36 against, with 10 abstentions)


Councillor Gollop raised a point of order of the appropriateness of two votes in that situation.


Green Budget Amendment 1

Amendment Summary: Remuneration for in-house foster carers.

Funding Source: Mayor’s Office, Reduction in free parking for Councillors and senior officers.


Councillor Combley moved the amendment.


Councillor Denyer seconded the amendment.


Following debate, upon being put to the vote, the amendment was LOST

(10 members voting for the amendment, 51 against with 7 absentions)


Conservative Budget Amendment

Amendment Summary: Partially restore Council owned toilet blocks, extra mitigation for Cribbs Patchway New Neighbourhood.

Funding Source: Mayor’s Office, Brussels Office, PR & Consultation, strategic CIL funding.


Councillor Goulandris moved the amendment.


Councillor Steve Smith seconded the amendment.


Following debate, upon being put to the vote, the amendment was LOST.

(16 members voting for the amendment, 43 against with 8 abstentions.)


Green Budget Amendment 2 (MEES)

Amendment Summary: 12 year city strategy for Carbon Neutral 2030, Neighbourhood Enforcement flytipping, Corporate Parenting, Climate Change Scope 3 emissions, local flooding prevention, public engagement campaign, small community energy generation and efficiency schemes

Funding Source: Commercialisation budget, Enforcement of Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards


Councillor Combley moved the amendment.


Councillor Thomas seconded the amendment.


Following debate, upon being put to the vote, the amendment was CARRIED.

(53 members voting for the amendment, 15 against, with no abstentions)


Green Budget Amendment 3 (ASC)

Amendment Summary: Additional funding for adapted accommodation for adults with disabilities.

Funding Source: Reduced Corporate Capital Contingency.


Councillor Stevens moved the amendment.


Councillor Hance seconded the amendment.


Following debate, upon being put to the vote, the amendment was CARRIED (unanimously with 66 members voting for the amendment).


Green Budget Amendment 4 (HRA)

Amendment Summary: Adapting and enlarging existing council housing.

Funding Source: HRA 2018/19 underspend carried forward.


Councillor Fodor moved the amendment.


Councillor O’Rourke seconded the amendment.


Following debate, upon being put to the vote, the amendment was CARRIED.

(unanimously with 68 members voting for the amendment).


Green Budget Amendment 5 (Congestion)

Amendment Summary: Congestion Charge Scheme

Funding Source: Reduced Corporate Capital Contingency.


Councillor Thomas moved the amendment.


Councillor O’Rourke seconded the amendment.


Following debate, upon being put to the vote, the amendment was LOST.

(11 members voting for the amendment, 49 against with 7 abstentions)


At the conclusion of the Full Council’s consideration of, and voting on the individual budget amendments, the Lord Mayor clarified (under section 7 of the procedure) that the following amendments had been CARRIED:

Green budget amendment 2

Green budget amendment 3

Green budget amendment 4


Also under section 7 of the procedure, on the motion of the Lord Mayor, the Full Council noted the Section 151 Officer’s statement regarding the robustness of the budget estimates.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 18.30 and reconvened at 18.40


On the meeting being reconvened, there was then (under section 8 of the procedure) a general debate on the budget proposals.


At the conclusion of the debate, the Mayor responded to the debate and to Full Council’s earlier consideration of the budget amendments.  The Mayor indicated at this point that he was minded to accept an amended budget, i.e. incorporating Green budget amendments 2, 3 and 4.


On the motion of the Lord Mayor, seconded by the Deputy Lord Mayor, the Full Council then


RESOLVED that Full Council NOTED:


a)   The report from the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board.

b)   The budget consultation process that was followed and feedback as outlined in Section 18 and Appendix 6.

c)   That the consultation feedback and equality impact assessments have been taken into consideration and has informed the final budget proposals.

d)   The comments of the Chief Finance Officer (s151 Officer) on the robustness of the Budget and adequacy of reserves as set out at paragraph 16.

e)   The HRA budget for 2019/20 as approved by Cabinet on 22 January 2019.


RESOLVED that Full Council AGREED: (52 members voting in favour, 15 against with no abstentions)


f)    The Bristol City Council levels of council tax increase of 3.99%; which includes 1% to support Adult Social Care and noting the precepts of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset and the Avon Fire Authority.

g)   The calculations for determining the council tax requirement for the year 2019/20 in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

h)   An increase in the existing premium from 50% to the relevant maximum permitted by legislation on 1 April 2019 (100%) and to the introduction of premiums, at the relevant maximum percentage permitted by legislation, on 1 April 2020 (200%) for dwelling empty for less than 10 years, but at least 5 years and 1 April 2021 (300%) for dwelling empty for 10 years or more.


RESOLVED that Full Council AGREED: (with 36 members voting in favour, 21 against with 10 abstentions)


i)    The Council’s General Fund net revenue budget for the year 2019/20 as £376.3 million and expenditure allocations as set out in Appendix 1; subject to any budget amendments properly notified to and approved by the Council in line with the Constitution.

j)    Agree the Council’s capital budget (including the HRA) for the years 2019/20 - 2023/24, totalling £856.8 million as set out in paragraph 14 and detailed in Appendix 2.

k)   The proposed total Schools budget of £356.9 million for 2019/20 as set out in paragraph 10, which will be funded by the Dedicated Schools Grant.

l)    The proposed Treasury Management Strategy for 2019/20 in Appendix 4, incorporating the Minimum Revenue Provision policy and the prudential indicators and limits.

m) To approve the Strategy for the Flexible use of Capital Receipts as set out in Appendix 5.


RESOLVED that Full Council AGREED: (with 52 members voting in favour, 7 against with 8 abstentions)

n)   For the West of England Combined Authority Mayor to submit an application to the Housing Infrastructure Fund to facilitate housing growth as set out in paragraph 13 following consultation with the following: Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance & Performance, Executive Director, Growth & Regeneration and Chief Finance Officer.








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