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Agenda item

Reference No. 18/03537/PB - Hengrove Park, Hengrove Way; Outline Planning


The Head of Development Management explained the situation concerning the Neighbourhood Development Plan and the recently held Referendum. The Independent Examiner at the Planning Inspectorate had agreed the Plan and therefore the Committee must give significant weight to it.  The Plan would be put before Council at its next Meeting. The Full Council decision is really only an administrative process to ratify the Referendum result and in line with general principle of local government law, development plan documents need to be formally adopted by Full Council.


The Head of Development Management and his representative presented this item highlighting the following:


·                     This is an Outline Application for the demolition of existing buildings and a development including residential dwellings,  office accommodation, education floor space, community building, commercial floor space, a new park and areas of formal and informal space

·                     A full description of the site and the application

·                     Responses to the consultation

·                     The reasons for recommending approval of the application


Answers to questions


·                     The strategic landscaping areas are the main park and runway park and although some trees are being lost there will be replanting; the issue of trees is regarded as being important

·                     The proposed density has been calculated for outline purposes and will be known in detail at the reserved matters stage  The Committee has to decide the application on the present Policies

·                     Some drainage information is included in the application and detailed proposals will not add to existing flooding and if possible will seek to improve the situation  Development Management meets regularly with the Schools Places Team to assist with the planning of school provision based on projected changes in population; there are no specific plans for nursery provision included in this scheme

·                     The Joint Spatial Plan  increases the number of houses to be provided in Bristol  and should be given weight

·                     The Neighbourhood Development Plan includes what should be provided on the Park

·                     There is a Condition recommended   concerning further site investigations

·                     A Condition is recommended  regarding the the provision of recreation and sporting facilities prior to the loss of the existing ones




·                     This is an important development for the area and although some aspects of the proposals are attractive, others are less so; concerns about the low density and the problems this could cause as well as the loss of Category A trees and more employment being needed

·                     The trees being lost should be considered as Category A trees as this was the opinion of the Council’s own arboricultural officer

·                     Concerns about compliance with the Neighbourhood Development Plan particularly regarding density

·                     Concerns about the residents’ disquiet and about some of the facilities

·                     Concerns about some of the existing facilities being lost

·                     The development would be very car dependent and wouldn’t be sustainable

·                     Development on Council land should be an exemplar

·                     The City has a pressing need for housing which this development would deliver


Councillor Windows moved that the application be refused on the grounds that it does not comply with the Neighbourhood Development Plan as it proposes a low density of residential dwellings;  the loss of trees; the proposed park is not large enough; a lack of employment space; a lack of community facilities; and the development being too car-dependent and not sustainable.


Councillor Wright seconded this motion. On being put to the Vote it was


RESOLVED – ( 8 for, 3 against) that  the application be refused on the grounds that it does not comply with the Neighbourhood Development Plan as it proposes a low density of residential dwellings the loss of trees; the proposed park is not large enough; a lack of employment space; a lack of community facilities; and the development being too car-dependent and not sustainable.


 (Councillors Clarke and Shah left the Meeting.)


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