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Agenda item

Bath Road West of Totterdown Bridge


1. Cabinet authorised underwriting the Delivery Partners’ potentially wasted costs up to either the grant of detailed planning consent or confirmation of the Compulsory Purchase Order up to a value of £1,100,000. The figure of £1,100,000 is a budget for fees and surveys that are required to progress the project agreed between the Delivery Partner and the Council.

2. Cabinet authorised the procurement of a specialist contractor to treat and remove the Japanese Knotweed and delegate authority to the Executive Director, Growth & Regeneration to enter into a contract with the winning bidder.

3. Cabinet authorised the Executive Director, Growth & Regeneration in consultation with Cabinet Member for Housing, to progress Compulsory Purchase Order(s) for the acquisition of the CPO Land pursuant to powers under section 226(1)(a) and section 226(3) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ("1990 Act"), and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 to enable the development and improvement of the CPO Land including (if and when required) as follows:

3.1 Serving of all requisite notices on all persons with an interest in the CPO Land relating to the making, publicising and confirmation of the CPO Order

3.2 Seeking to acquire for the Council by agreement any interest in land wholly or partly within the limits of the CPO Land in respect of which a blight notice has been validly served in parallel to the CPO process;

3.3 Authorising the negotiation and payment of compensation to any person with a legal interest in the CPO Land; subject to independent valuation

3.4 If any part of the CPO Land shall become occupied removing all occupants from the CPO Land subsequent to the CPO Order;

3.5 Authorising the acquisition by agreement of all existing interests in and over the CPO Land under Section 227 of the 1990 Act before and after confirmation of the Order and in respect of any new rights required for the development or use of the CPO Land and/or the Bath Road Site; and

3.6 Authorising the use by the Council of its powers under sections 203-205 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 to override third party rights and covenants within the Bath Road Site on the basis that the land is required for the Council's planning purposes and is no longer required for its existing purpose.

4. Cabinet authorised the Executive Director, Growth & Regeneration in consultation with Cabinet Member for Housing where necessary, to appropriate for planning purposes under section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972 of all interests in the CPO Land and the Bath Road Site and secure possession of and title to the CPO Land using whatever powers are available and appropriate.

5. Cabinet authorised the sale of the majority of the Bath Road Site and such parts of the CPO Land as officers consider best suited to ensure the optimum development site at market value for best consideration. The site will be disposed of under delegated authority (Scheme of Delegations, GROWTH AND REGENERATION, v7, July 2018.)

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