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Agenda item

19/02632/PB Hengrove Park, Hengrove Way, Bristol


The Head of Development Management and his representative gave a presentation and summarised the report for this item highlighting the following:


a.     This application is a resubmission of an application refused by this Committee on the 27th February 2019 against the recommendation of officers, and seeks to address  the 6 grounds for refusal through a number of amendments.

b.     Committee were reminded of the intention of the development and its importance to Bristol’s housing strategy.

c.      The previous reasons for refusal were outlined namely; density; lack of quality park; loss of poplar trees; lack of employment space; lack of community facilities; car dependency.

d.     Sport England a statutory consultee had submitted an objection to the application; conversations are ongoing;  the revised application increases the offer of sport facilities but is short on the detail requested by Sport England at this outline stage.  This is because it is too early in the process to provide such detail.   It is anticipated that this objection may be withdrawn.

e.     If not withdrawn and the application is approved it will have to be referred to the Secretary of State to afford the opportunity for a call in before a decision can be issued.

f.       Officers recommend approval because the amended application overcame the reasons given for refusal.  That draft conditions are to be finalised under delegated authority.

g.      Questions for Clarification

h.     The development did not impact the existing play area and the current designated green space.

i.       Adjustments had been made to retain the poplar trees noted in the refusal resolution but that adjustment had resulted in the loss of dwellings.

j.       Hengrove and Whitchurch Park Neighbourhood Plan:  the application is considered against the HWPNP and all current planning policy; the expectation is for the proposal to adhere to the Masterplan Moves plan and Bristol City Council planning policy.

k.      The report addresses the health care issues; the recommended contribution stemmed from discussions with the CCG, NHS and local GPs.

l.       The application is an outline application with a number of details/areas to work through as the development progresses, which will be through reserved matters applications.

m.   Air quality:  this is to be managed with a city-wide approach and cannot be attached to one development.

n.     Debate

o.     Members noted the marked improvement in the application; the improvements made to the development plans to mitigation the areas of refusal.  There remain concerns about employment space; parking; improved public transport but they were not considered insurmountable.

p.     HWPNP: Some concern on whether the requirements in the neighbourhood plan had been fully met within the revised plan.

q.     Cllr Davies, seconded by Cllr Shah, proposed that committee support officer recommendation to approve referral to the Secretary of State.

r.      When put to the vote

s.      Resolved (8 for; 3 against; 0 abstention) that the application be approved but referred to the Secretary of State, should Sport England’s objection be sustained, subject to: the MoU / Alternative Agreement heads of terms set out in s10 of the report; and draft conditions (to be finalised under delegated powers).


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