- Agenda item Content
Agenda item
Bristol Holding Limited Group Company Business Plans 2020/21 - 2024/25
- Meeting of Budget, Cabinet, Tuesday, 21st January, 2020 4.00 pm (Item 18.)
- View the background to item 18.
1. Cabinet approved the 2020/2021 Business Plan of Bristol Holding Limited (company number 9302408).
2. Cabinet approved the 2020/2021 Business Plan of the Bristol Waste Company Limited (company number 09472624).
3. Cabinet approved the 2019/2020 – 2024/2025 rolling Business Plan of the Bristol Energy Limited (company number 09135084).
4. Cabinet noted that, pursuant to the Bristol Energy Business Plan approved in April 2019 for the period 2019/20-2023/2024, the following approvals remain in place in respect of the revised Business plan period (2020/2021 2024/2025):
a) a cash funding envelope of £37.7m, to support the core energy supply Business (this total cash funding includes any funding provided to BE to date); and
b) a limit of £17.6m on the parent guarantees and collateral support.
5. Cabinet approved the 2019/2020 – 2024/2025 rolling Business Plan of Goram Homes Limited (company number 11597204).
Supporting documents:
- 0. 20100121Bristol Holding business plan 20_21 Decision pathway Jan 2020 v.06, item 18. PDF 130 KB
- 1. Appendix A1. Bristol Holding Ltd Board - Commentary on Business Plans, item 18. PDF 83 KB
- 1. Appendix A2. Bristol Holding Ltd Board - Business Plan 2020-21, item 18. PDF 3 MB
- 1. Appendix A3. Bristol Energy business plan. 2020-21 - 2024-25, item 18. PDF 11 MB
- 1. Appendix A4. Bristol Waste Company business plan. 2020-21 - 2024-25, item 18. PDF 4 MB
- 1. Appendix A5. Goram Homes business plan. 2020-21 - 2024-25 Final 20-12-19, item 18. PDF 1 MB
- 2. Appendix B - Details of consultation carried out - internal and external, item 18. PDF 40 KB
- 5. Appendix E - Equalities screening impact assessment of proposal- Companies 2019, item 18. PDF 119 KB
- 6. Appendix F - Eco-impact checklist Bristol Holding Group Companies Business Plans, item 18. PDF 72 KB