- Agenda item Content
Agenda item
Development of Hawkfield Business Park
- Meeting of Cabinet, Thursday, 25th February, 2021 4.00 pm (Item 12.)
- View the background to item 12.
- Approved option 4 of the ten-year Bottle Yard Studios business plan of developing three new studios at the Hawkfield Business Park site alongside maintaining eight studios at the existing Bottle Yard Studios site at a cost of £11.86m for the purchase and development of Hawkfield Business Park and £1.6m for essential renewal and improvement works at the Bottle Yard Studios site.
- Noted the approval of the Outline Business Case for the purchase and development of the Hawkfield Business Park site by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) Joint Committee of 29th January 2021.
- Approved the submission of a Full Business Case to WECA for the £11.86m of external funding.
- Authorised, on successful grant award, the Executive Director, Growth & Regeneration in consultation with the Council’s s.151 Officer and Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Finance, Governance and Performance, to enter into a grant agreement and procure and award contracts for expenditure of the WECA grant funding for the development of the Hawkfield Business Park site.
- Authorised the Executive Director, Growth & Regeneration in consultation with the Council’s s.151 Officer and Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Finance, Governance and Performance to bid for and, if successful, to enter into up to £3m of external grant agreements and procure and award contracts for additional decarbonisation measures at Hawkfield Business Park and The Bottle Yard Studios, as grant funding opportunities become available.
- Approved the investment of capital funding of £1.6m on the Capital Programme for essential renewal and improvements at the Bottle Yard Studio site to allow continued operation of existing studios over the term of the ten-year business plan.
- Authorised the Executive Director, Growth & Regeneration in consultation with the Council’s s.151 Officer and Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Finance, Governance and Performance to procure and award contracts of up to £1.6m for essential renewal and improvements.
Supporting documents:
Hawkfield Business Park - Exec Summary - Feb 2021 Cabinet 12.02.21, item 12.
PDF 302 KB
Hawkfield Business Park - Appendix A - Feb 2021 Cabinet, item 12.
PDF 731 KB
Appendix A1 TBYS Business Plan, item 12.
Appendix A2 - TBYS - Impact of Screen Expenditure FINAL 2020-08-14, item 12.
PDF 450 KB
Appendix A3 - HBP Proposed Layout Plan, item 12.
Copy of Appendix D - Risk Register, item 12.
PDF 247 KB
Appendix E - Hawkfield EQIA, item 12.
PDF 423 KB
Hawkfield - Appendix F, item 12.
PDF 185 KB
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