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Agenda item

Council's Statement of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment Policy


The Full Council considered a report setting out the proposed Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and Cumulative Impact Assessment Policy for the five year period for 2020-2025.


Councillor Shah moved the report and the recommendations contained therein.


Councillor Pearce seconded the report.


Councillor Negus moved the following amendment:


v. Council notes that members are dismayed at the disappearance of all the CIAs that have - for many years - provided the opportunity to protect the well-being of our local residents from public nuisance, and that members are very concerned that this loss will allow proliferation of noisy and unwelcome venues and the return of behaviours that it has taken some communities decades to get under control.”


vi. Council calls upon the Mayor to work with Licensing Officers to swiftly and successfully communicate to residents the urgency to assemble refreshed evidence and submit applications for new CIAs, especially in areas of clear licensing stress.


Councillor Clough seconded the amendment.


Following debate on the amendment, upon being put to the vote by way of a roll call, the amendment was LOST (31 members voting in favour, 34 Against, with 1 Abstention)


Upon the original recommendation being put to a vote it was:



That having consulted upon its proposed policy for the five year period from 2020-2025, and having had regard to the guidance issued by the Secretary of State under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003, the Licensing Authority for Bristol resolves to:-

(i) determine its statement of licensing policy with respect to the exercise of its licensing functions in respect of a period of five years beginning with 1 August 2020 annexed as Appendix 1,

(ii) direct that this policy be published on the Council’s web pages before that date.

(iii) determine that it is not appropriate to publish a Cumulative Impact Assessment Policy at this time.

(iv) to approve a consultation on a draft Cumulative Impact Assessment Policy in respect of the city centre with a revised boundary which will exclude the Broadmead area, annexed as Appendix 2.

Supporting documents: