- Agenda item Content
Agenda item
Budget Monitoring Outturn report P9
- Meeting of Cabinet, Thursday, 25th February, 2021 4.00 pm (Item 17.)
- View the background to item 17.
Cabinet approved:
- The supplementary estimate submitted for People Directorate up to £7.2m under Appendix C, funded by drawdown from general reserve (£3.9m), earmarked reserve (ASC Earmarked Reserve £2.1m) and in-year efficiencies from other directorate and services.
- The acceptance of £1.021m grant funding from the National Leisure Recovery Fund (application and funding detailed under P8 report) and the incorporation of this grant into the 2020/21 Budget for spending according to the grant conditions.
Cabinet noted:
- Risks associated with the forecast outturn and the financial impact on the Council as a result of COVID19 pandemic.
- The Council’s COVID 19 Winter Grant Scheme Policy attached in Appendix D.
- A risk of non-COVID related overspend on General fund services, an overall forecast overspends of £5.7m for 20/21 at Period 9 (prior to applying supplementary estimates), representing 1.4% of the approved budget.
- Forecasts underspend of £3.2m with regard to the Housing Revenue Account.
- A forecast in-year deficit of £8.6m and a total £11.5m carried forward deficit in the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Account (DSG).
- A forecast £23.4m underspend against the approved Capital Programme.
Supporting documents:
- P09 Budget Monitoring Summary Report, item 17. PDF 240 KB
- P09 Appendix A - Revenue Budget Monitoring, item 17. PDF 304 KB
- P09 Appendix A1 - People, item 17. PDF 239 KB
- P09 Appendix A2 - Resources, item 17. PDF 266 KB
- P09 Appendix A3 - Growth and Regeneration, item 17. PDF 345 KB
- P09 Appendix A4 - HRA, item 17. PDF 278 KB
- P09 Appendix A5 - DSG, item 17. PDF 181 KB
- P09 Appendix A6 - Public Health, item 17. PDF 192 KB
- P09 Appendix A7 - Public Health General Fund Grants List, item 17. PDF 124 KB
- P09 Appendix A8 - Public Health General Fund Covid and Non-Covid Funding, item 17. PDF 140 KB
- P09 Appendix B - Capital Programme Summary, item 17. PDF 125 KB
- P09 Appendix C - Supplementary Estimate Request (People Directorate), item 17. PDF 222 KB
- P09 Appendix D Winter Grant Scheme Policy - January 2021, item 17. PDF 150 KB