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Agenda item

Bristol Avon Flood Strategy



  1. Approved the preferred approach of adaptive raised defences to manage the risk of flooding from the river Avon as set out in the SOC in full;
  2. Noted capital costs for delivery of phase one is estimated at £216m, of which £88m to £123m funding is identified in principle;
  3. Approved the development of a funding strategy to address the additional capital funding required to deliver phase one;
  4. Noted additional spend in developing the SOC of £475,438 as set out in Appendix A1;
  5. Approved the development of Outline Business Case(s) to further refine proposals and progress the case for investment;
  6. Authorised an application for up to £2m local levy grant funding to fund supporting work in developing the Outline Business Case;
  7. Authorised the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the S151 officer and Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and Performance, to accept the grant if successful and take all steps required to enter into any agreements or contracts to spend the grant;
  8. Authorised the Executive Director for Growth and Regeneration to invoke any extensions/variations defined in the contracts referred to above, up to the budget envelope of £2m as outlined in this report.


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