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Agenda item

Community Resources Manager Update and Decision Report

The report recommends funding decision on submitted Full Proposal for approval of S106 Tree planting funds 


The Community Resources Manager introduced the report and drew attention to the following:


The Committee would receive a update regarding CIL and Transport in August, including some historical project information. CIL increases over time so at the next meeting additional funds will be received and it was confirmed that funds must be spent on approved items generated from the development process.


The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) available to the Area Committee totalled £77,650.10. 


The Section 106 (S106) available to the Area Committee totalled £77,650.10 of which £26,879.72 was designated specifically for tree planting and tree replacement.


The Tree Officer outlined the ongoing project, working with ‘Trees for Climate’ fund from DEFRA and how the team linked to funding through private or corporate sponsorship of tree plots. There was a delay to some planting in the last period due to suitability of plots. Area Committee 3 had been well serviced for trees, there have been some major planting projects. It was standard practice for tree planting to take place within 1 mile of the development.


Bristol City Council and their partners aimed to plant as many trees as possible in the Local Authority Area. Bristol’s One City Action Plan has the Environmental Objective of doubling the tree canopy in the city by 2046 and becoming carbon neutral by 2030.


In response to questions from Councillors, the Tree Bristol Officer clarified the following points:


·         In Lockleaze there were a lot of fruit trees, but they did not seem to be utilised fully for recent planting. Part of the benefit of fruit trees is that they were feasible for the public to pick, as well as beneficial to wildlife.  There could be suitable locations for fruit trees, such as a community orchard in Gainsborough Square or a project with the new Trinity School. 

·         The Committee would welcome a map of trees in the area which the tree officer agreed to circulate following the meeting. 

·         BCC did not avoid fruit tree planting, but rather planned the right tree for the right location, e.g. replacing individual trees in a group with the same species. was noted however, that some members of the public did not like dropped fruit on paths and roads. They were also less likely to be picked from roadside due to pollution. 

·         There were some excellent community project orchards such as Begbrook Green which had an orchard from trees that were originally in prefab gardens.

·         It was confirmed that the budget was adequate to cover all trees from the appropriate s.106 funding.


The requirement and proposal for tree planting was summarised as follows:


S106 (complete table below)



Permission / Site / S106 Code

Current Contribution Value

£ requested

£ remaining

Date to be Spent / Committed by

Purpose of Contribution

17/05939 – Lidl, Muller Road, Horfield





The provision replacement tree planting in the vicinity of the Development

19/00820 – 884 Fishponds Road, Fishponds




No limit

The provision and maintenance of tree planting either on-street or in public open space as the Council shall determine within a one mile radius of 884 Fishponds Road








£ 26,879.72






The recommendations were moved, seconded and following a unanimous vote it was:


RESOLVED that the Committee:

1. Noted the progress on previously approved projects.

2. Noted the progress of 2021/22 Area Committee process and the decision-making for S106 monies specified for tree planting and replacement

3. Noted the CIL and S106 monies available at 30th June 2021

4. Considered the funding for the S106 Tree Proposal submitted and did not attach any conditions

5. Noted the legal information concerning the Public Sector Equality duty in reaching all its decisions

6.  Considers the project proposal submitted approved full delivery of the project.

7. Approved allocation of remaining S106 (£97.37) as additional support to maintenance.


S106 (complete table below)



Permission / Site / S106 Code

Current Contribution Value

£ requested

£ remaining

Date to be Spent / Committed by

Purpose of Contribution

17/05939 – Lidl, Muller Road, Horfield





The provision replacement tree planting in the vicinity of the Development

19/00820 – 884 Fishponds Road, Fishponds




No limit

The provision and maintenance of tree planting either on-street or in public open space as the Council shall determine within a one mile radius of 884 Fishponds Road








£ 26,879.72






Supporting documents: