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Agenda item
2021/22 Period 5 Finance Report
Cabinet approved:
- Delegation to the Director - Economy of Place to submit a £1.1m bid to the Museum Estate and Development Fund as noted in Section 6 of Appendix A, subject to a report being brought to Cabinet for approval to accept and spend any funding awarded.
- Acceptance and inclusion in the 21/22 budget of £0.289m for August and September allocations of the Local Authority Practical Support for Self-Isolation grant as set out in Appendix A section 6.2
- Re-profiling of up to £76m slippage across the Capital Programme into future years as outlined in Appendix B2.
- To approve drawn down of £30,000 from the Capital Investment reserve for a feasibility study by City Funds to explore a sustainable place making investment model for Bristol.
Cabinet noted:
- Risks associated with the forecast outturn and the long-term financial impact on the Council as a result of COVID-19 pandemic.
- The significant risks within service areas of non-COVID-19 related overspend on General fund services, an overall forecast breakeven position for 21/22 at P05 and that it is expected that the risk of overspend will be managed through management actions /mitigations through the rest of the financial year.
- Forecasts underspend of £0.6m within the Housing Revenue Account.
- A forecast in-year deficit of £13.96m and a total £23.96m carried forward deficit in the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Account (DSG).
- A breakeven position on Public Health services.
- A forecast £76.1m underspend against the approved Capital Programme.
Supporting documents:
Decision pathway Report Template P5 (002), item 20.
PDF 664 KB
P05 Appendix A - Revenue Budget Monitoring (1), item 20.
PDF 889 KB
P05 Appendix A1 - People, item 20.
PDF 822 KB
P05 Appendix A2 - Resources, item 20.
PDF 631 KB
P05 Appendix A3 - Growth and Regeneration, item 20.
PDF 719 KB
P05 Appendix A4 - HRA, item 20.
PDF 718 KB
P05 Appendix A5 - DSG, item 20.
PDF 514 KB
P05 Appendix A6 - Public Health, item 20.
PDF 538 KB
P05 Appendix B1 - Capital Budget Monitoring, item 20.
PDF 463 KB
Appendix B2 - Capital Programme Summary, item 20.
PDF 127 KB