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Agenda item

Education Transformation Programme Update

Presented By:AH/SF


SF gave an update on the Education Transformation Programme as follows:


1. This was the third update to Schools Forum on the Education Transformation Programme.

2. Work had started on the programme in October 2019 with a formal launch in March 2020, although some of the SEND improvement work predated the programme. 

3. The programme was an umbrella for a number of projects (often those where funding was assigned) but there was also a lot of service improvement work happening outside the programme. 

4. The report gave an update on progress against spend, especially in relation to the funding transferred to the High Needs Block as previously agreed by Bristol Schools Forum.

5. In terms of progress and spend, there had been a delay as a result of the Covid pandemic especially in relation to school-based interventions.

6. As the money had been ringfenced for the transformation programme, this had been carried forward. 

7. In terms of governance, there was an Education Transformation Board chaired by Alison Hurley, the programme was included in the Council’s change portfolio and reported to the Corporate Leadership Board as well as updates being provided to Schools Forum.

8. There were links to the SEND Written Statement of Action and the DSG Management Plan was now also a part of the programme.

9. The RAG rating related to the delivery of the major investment pieces in the programme rather than performance of projects.

10. The programme had an end date of September 2022.


The following comments and questions were raised by Forum Members:

1.      There was a request for a representative of FLORA (Families Local Offer Resources & Advice) to attend the next meeting of the Early Years Task and Finish Group.

2.      While noting that the RAG rating was about programme delivery, it was important for Schools Forum to have information about the impact and outcomes of the programme. 

SF responded that a lot of the income and outcome data was already in the public domain such as the timeliness of assessments for Education Health and Care Plans and the number of exclusions, attendance data and specialist provision.  She also stated that some of the benefits might not be realised with immediate effect.  

3.      Was there any feedback to evidence that parents/carers were having a more positive experience? 

SF responded that there was an annual parent/carer survey, the baseline was the survey which had taken place in the October after the Ofsted visit and the results of the next survey were due to be published soon. 

4.      There appeared to be a disconnect between lived experience for families and the reported improvements as a number of families were struggling to get support in relation to the SEND process and their voices needed to be heard. 

5.      It would be good to see evidence of input from health colleagues, family support and social care to ensure an integrated approach for families. 

It was suggested that this was could be fed back to the SEND Partnership Group via AH and reported back to a future meeting of Schools Forum.

DM confirmed that the Education Transformation Programme was a live document and there needed to be a feedback loop to reassure Forum that any comments raised would be considered and actions amended accordingly.


It was noted that there may be a future request for Forum to transfer funds from the Schools Block to the High Needs budget to continue the projects beyond September 2022.


AGREED to note:

1.      the progress made across the Education Programme to date.

2.      that the Programme is ongoing until September 2022.

3.      the current spend profiles against the funding allocation (committed and forecast).


Supporting documents: