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Agenda item

Community Resources Manager Update and Decision Report


The Community Resources Manager presented the report and drew attention to the following:


a.      The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) available to the Area Committee totalled £253,961.24

i.               of which £115,598.65 is for General AC1 expenditure

ii.             of which £138,362.59 is for Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Development Plan expenditure

b.      The Section 106 (S106) available to the Area Committee totalled £44,683.90

c.       The following projects were invited to submit stage 2 full proposals:



Project Name

Outline £ requested/


Full Proposal £ requested

CIL requested

S106 requested

S106 reference


 Avon Youth Club Infrastructure



£45,465 from LW NDP CIL  



 Lawrence Weston Road Closure



£15,000 from LW NDP CIL 




 Alma Road Amenity Land Improvements







 Blaise Nursery Therapeutic Glasshouse







 St Mary Madgalene Community Centre enhancement







Clifton Suspension Bridge Play Area








An outline was provided to committee on the proposals detailed in the table above.


In response to questions from Councillors the CRM clarified that:

                                            i.            Councillors clarified that Fraser Bridgeford was the resident Chair of the AC and should be listed in that distinct role on the agenda front page. ACTION: DSO

                                           ii.            The Committee would be due to enter next year with a surplus of unallocated funds. Therefore, the Committee was in a comfortable position to invite further proposals.


Unallocation of previously-awarded CIL monies :

                                          iii.            Clifton Down Road and Bridge Valley Road Junction Improvement: Ineligible use of CIL – It was agreed to unallocate and return to the General CIL Fund.

                                          iv.            Parkworks: £1,850 was unspent from the Oct 2018 allocation – It was agreed to unallocate those funds.

                                            v.            Brunel Lock Swing Bridge Proposal: a condition had been placed that Heritage England were expected to match fund the project however, they had been unable to do so.  It was possible that Historic England  may be able to match the funding as an alternative source of funding.  It was agreed that the CM Manager would follow up and report back.

                                          vi.            Clifton Lido: Recommend keeping funds available as the Lido will be able to deliver the project – It was agreed.

                                        vii.            Anchor Road Landscaping: Recommendation to un-allocate £500 CIL funds as no delivery had been found – It was agreed to unallocate those funds.

                                       viii.            Tree planting approved CIL: £15,055 Tree Bristol haven’t planted with this funding.  Committee considered reallocation. – It was agreed to unallocated to make funds available for 2022.

                                          ix.            Kingweston Lane Pedestrian Crossing: £8,713.47 CIL awarded by A&LWNP.  Transport officers explained that the Henacre development would provide some of the crossings and £150k contributions were expected from other developments along Kingsweston Lane that could support safer crossings at the site.  It was agreed to unallocated those funds.

                                            x.            Kingsweston Lane Pedestrian Crossing: Section 106 Rockingham Park, Smoke Lane, Avonmouth £21,286.53.  This S106 was also awarded to provide to support crossings at the site. It was agreed to unallocate those funds.  Transport Officers undertook to make a proposal to the Committee at its next decision-making meeting on how they might utilise the S106 funding. 

                                          xi.            Avon Crescent Re-routing: £50,000 CIL had been awarded however, Transport Officers reported that there was a planning condition on Metrobus to deliver the scheme.  Local residents were unhappy with the original scheme and they had approached the NP for funding to support additional work to improve it.  Councillors queried is Western Harbour development proposals might affect any schemes.  It was agreed to bring an update to the next meeting for decision with regards to proposed unallocation.


The Committee discussed the following additional points:

                                       i.                   The Committee requested a more strategic approach to planting from tree funding.

                                     ii.                   With reference to the Lawrence Weston Road closure proposal, the Committee considered that more funding was likely to be needed to deliver the scheme and agreed the CIL requested, allocating against Rockingham Park, Smoke Lane, Avonmouth S106 £21,286.53

                                   iii.                   Regarding Clifton Suspension Bridge Play Area, the Committee understood that due to the local landscape, more funding was originally offered by the Committee than asked for in the Full Proposal.  Members were happy to re-instate the allocation to £30,000 in order for the whole scheme to be delivered.

b.             Regarding the Blaise Nursery Therapeutic Glasshouse, the Committee questioned why the Parks department had submitted the application. The Committee expected that applicants should be community groups rather than council officers.

The recommendations were moved, seconded and following a vote it was:




RESOLVED that the Committee:


                          i.            Noted the proposed update of progress on previously approved projects

                        ii.            Noted the CIL and S106 monies available as of the 31st October 2021

                      iii.            Noted the Public Sector Equality Duty in decision making

                      iv.            Agreed the following allocation from CIL fund totalling £148,494 leaving the balance of £105,467.24:

£27,569.65 General AC1 CIL

£77,897.59 Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Development Plan CIL



Project Name

Full Proposal £ requested

CIL Awarded

S106 Awarded

S106 reference


 Avon Youth Club Infrastructure


£45,465 from LW NDP CIL  




 Lawrence Weston Road Closure


£15,000  from LW NDP CIL


1/05157/ Rockingham park, Smoke Lane, Avonmouth


 Alma Road Amenity Land Improvements






 Blaise Nursery Therapeutic Glasshouse






  St Mary Madgalene Community Centre enhancement






Clifton Suspension Bridge Play Area














Supporting documents: