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Agenda item

Response to Sir Stephen Bubb Review: Building Rights - Update


The Executive Director, People, introduced the report.


It was noted this item had been brought to the Commission on the 19 July and this report was to update Members on progress. 


Alun Davies, Chair of the Bristol Disability Equality Commission, was introduced to the Commission; he had been asked by the Mayor in September to take a lead on the response to the Sir Stephen Bubb report.


Alun Davies advised the Commission of key points in the report and explained that he set up a Task & Finish Group with priorities to ensure membership reflected people’s lived experiences and the work was co-produced with people with lived experiences; and that the report would be accessible with no jargon. 


·        It was noted that the Reference Group,  which was being developed, involved the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership Board, and would include groups with representation of people with lived experience across the city; and also criminal justice, health and care representatives, and service providers in the city.


·        The Commission was advised that the Reference Group would develop in size over time, and that, in terms of representation of people who required advocates, there were three care representatives from carers organisations, all of whom had autistic children.


·        There was a discussion around timescales for the work, and Members were advised that the initial intention was for the work to have been completed in March, although it was now envisaged it would be ongoing passed this date.  The Commission was advised that the extended timeline for the group would be justified as the group would enable,  as well as production of an action plan, peoples’ voices to be heard, and a culture developed where people felt more involved and engaged. 


·        The Commission was advised that enabling engagement had taken time; that the work on the charter had been undertaken; and the more complex issues which included the right to challenge, and the role of the commissioner, needed more engagement with organisations.


·        It was proposed that a report from the Reference Group, with an action plan, which would show how recommendations would be taken forward,  be brought back to the Commission in the summer.


·        The Commission was advised that not everyone wanted to or could engage in standard ways, and it was important that people were met where they were, rather than an expectation that people fitted into structures that already existed.


·        Members were told that the Inclusion and Participation lead for Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership had focused on different ways involve people and to build a level of representation.


·        Members noted the need for parents and carers voices to be head with representation on groups such as this, and welcomed the representation on the Board of parents and carers with lived experience.


·        The Cabinet Member, Adult Social Care and Integrated care System thanked Alun Davis and the Disability Commission for leading on this work; and that it was important that the intersectionality of disadvantage was recognised – this included the double disadvantage of disabled women faced.




·        The developed report and action plan and next steps be considered by the Commission on the beginning of the next work programme.

·        The report be noted.


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