- Agenda item Content
Agenda item
Digital Transformation Plans and Update
- Noted the emerging digital narrative, and that the next phase of Digital Transformation activity and refreshed IT strategy is underway and is targeted for June 2022 Cabinet decision.
- Authorised the Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and Performance and Director for Policy, Strategy and Digital to take all steps necessary, (including procuring and awarding a contract over £500k), for securing a ‘Digital Strategic Partner’ with a maximum contract value of £35m, and maximum contract length of 7 years.
- Noted that any decision to utilise the ‘Digital Strategic Partner’ contract for supporting ‘business-as-usual’ functions will be subject to a further Cabinet report and decision, regardless of the value.
- Authorised the Chief Executive in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance and Performance and Director for Policy, Strategy and Digital to take all steps necessary, (including procuring and awarding any relevant contracts which may be over £500k), for delivering the telephony project/solution at a total estimated cost of £4.5m.
Supporting documents:
- APRIL CABINET_Digital Tranformation_Decision Pathway Paper V1.1_FINAL_excl PR procurement comments, item 24. PDF 691 KB
- Appendix A1 - Digital Transformation Narrative V1.1FINAL, item 24. PDF 1 MB
- Appendix A2 - Digital Strategic Partner Details v1.1 FINAL, item 24. PDF 659 KB
- Appendix A3 - Telephony contract ongoing costs details_V1.0, item 24. PDF 651 KB
- Appendix E1_Digital Strategic Partner_Equality Impact Assessment V2_APPROVED, item 24. PDF 418 KB
- Appendix E2_Telephony Replacement_Equality Impact Assessment_V0.3_DRAFT, item 24. PDF 325 KB
- Appendix F1_Digital Strategic Partner_Eco Impact Assessment v1_FINAL SIGNED OFF, item 24. PDF 137 KB
- Appendix F2_Telephony Replacement_Eco Impact Assessment v1.0 FINAL, item 24. PDF 91 KB