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Agenda item
22/00632/PB - Bristol City Council Depot Dovercourt Road Bristol BS7 9SH
(Cllr Brown joined the Meeting during this item but did not participate in the item.)
The Case Officer introduced the report, summarised it for everyone and gave a presentation.
The application is for Outline Planning Permission for up to 140 residential dwellings. All matters except means of access to the site reserved.
The following answers were provided to questions:
· At present the entire carriageway including both footways is 8 metres wide, each footway is 1.5 metres wide; it is proposed to increase the width of 1 footway to 2 metres wide, with a consequent reduction in the width of the vehicular carriageway
· Traffic calming measures on Dovercourt Road are included as Conditions; details of the measures would be included in Reserved Matters
· Details of the visibility requirements at the junction were provided
· A carriageway width of 5.5 metres is considered to be acceptable to allow 2 vehicles to pass each other
· The site can be accessed from both the North and the South
· Members were advised when considering the access to the site for the development, that they should bear in mind the levels of traffic generated by the site in its present lawful use; the access to the site from Dovercourt Road is considered to be acceptable
· An advice has been included concerning a cycle way on Concord Way and the teams involved in it working together; more will be known about this issue when the Reserved Matters comes before the Committee
· There will be parking restrictions on the access road to the site
· Although there was a permission for the site granted in 1988, the present application is being judged on a different set of criteria
· The site is still being used for storage purposes
· MOUs have been used for a number of years to enable contributions to be made by other parts of BCC in relation to developments; the Council cannot enter into a legal agreement with itself; any defaults would be raised with relevant Cabinet Member and the Monitoring Officer
· The applicant will have to update their arboricultural information to take account of the Condition relating to the number of trees to be provided on the site
· The level of traffic that will be generated by the development has been compared to the present levels of traffic
- The site is capable of accommodating the number of dwellings proposed, which will include affordable housing, and the access to the site is considered to be acceptable
- This is a brownfield site which is appropriate for the proposed development
- Adequate traffic calming measures are required
- Concerns about access to the site including from adjacent main roads
- Concerns about the amount of traffic the development will generate
- A lot of people in Bristol are in need of housing
- The access meets the standards required
- Would like to see the site linked to Concorde Way
It was noted that the applicant is committed to the affordable housing requirements and the sustainability requirements relating to energy efficiency. Any deviation from either of these would require a new application.
Councillor Breckels moved the Officer Recommendation.
Councillor Bennett seconded the Motion.
On being put to the vote it was
Resolved – (Voting 6 for, 1 against) that the application be granted subject to a Planning Agreement.
Supporting documents: