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Agenda item
Adult Social Care transformation - topic focus: housing
The Commission considered and discussed a report setting out the scope of housing work included in the Adult Social Care (ASC) transformation programme and the progress made on increasing the supply of specialised and supported housing, as well as supporting people to live independently in their own tenancies.
Summary of main points raised:
1. It was noted that:
- Joint working between Adult Social Care and Housing had enabled the development of new specialised and supported housing in the city. This included accommodation for people with complex needs (which there was a shortage of in the city, putting pressure on ASC budgets due to expensive ‘out of area’ placements).
- The two services were working together on a pipeline of new specialised and supported housing, including through partnership working with registered providers. Savings were being built into the ASC budget between 2024/25 and 2026/27 on the basis of this housing being available. The example of specialist, affordable accommodation highlighted at appendix A (Addison apartments, Sea Mills) was noted. Officers also explained in detail the example of the approach taken, in collaboration with a registered provider, in successfully moving an individual to specialist accommodation; in this case, this had the double benefit of achieving an improved quality of life for the individual concerned whilst also delivering a financial saving for the authority.
- ASC and Housing were also working collaboratively on a project to support individuals with care and support needs to live independently and sustain tenancies within the Council’s general needs housing. This had enabled ten people to move from supported accommodation to their own general needs home, with eight identified for possible moves, and work underway to identify up to another 152 through to 2023/24.
2. The progress as outlined in the report and as highlighted by officers in presenting the report was generally welcomed.
3. In response to a question, it was noted that the principles of the Better Lives at Home programme were effectively embedded through this approach.
4. Cllr Weston referred to a care home in Brentry that had closed, with the site then having been redeveloped. It was possible that this building might have been suitable for conversion for specialist accommodation purposes. In discussion, officers confirmed that there was regular liaison with providers, and with the Council’s housing/landlord service and housing associations to spot opportunities for specialist accommodation development as suitable sites/buildings became available. For example, a current scheme being developed at a site in Fishponds included 8 specialist flats as part of a mixed development. Cllr Weston suggested that appropriate site opportunities falling outside but close to the city’s boundary should also be considered, for example in relation to the Cribbs New Patchway development, which in time would be well served by public transport and other local infrastructure.
5. In response to a question, it was noted that the aim was to try to secure sustainable solutions for those people with complex needs, recognising that bespoke solutions were required in some cases.
6. It was noted that the target of moving 152 people from supported accommodation to their own general needs home was recognised as ambitious but reflected the commitment to taking forward the transformation programme and also achieving the savings included in the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan.
7. Cllr Holland referred to the work also being taken forward by Housing / Landlord services to reduce the costs of providing temporary accommodation to those with immediate housing needs. This would involve creating new temporary accommodation, making use of existing properties, including some council housing units, and working with partners to source available properties. As sites / units became available, it would be important to assess carefully the most appropriate future use of each unit given competing demands.
8. The Chair welcomed the information provided about the Addison apartments site, noting that the configuration enabled the option of a degree of flexibility in terms of ‘overlap’ support to individuals living there.
The Commission RESOLVED:
To note the report and the above information.
Supporting documents:
- 11 - People Scrutiny ASC Housing paper Nov 22, item 41. PDF 283 KB
- 11a - Appendix 1, item 41. PDF 2 MB