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Agenda item
Performance Report - Quarter 2
The Commission considered and discussed the quarterly performance report (quarter 2, 2022/23).
Summary of main points raised/noted:
1. This report had been submitted in line with the new corporate approach to performance reporting, with performance progress reports for each of the themes in the Council’s Corporate Strategy, plus a data appendix specific for this Commission.
2. Action HCW2.2 - Improve outcomes for adults with mental health needs by developing the Community Mental Health Framework – Cllr Weston asked that further information be sent to him on how this business plan action was being implemented.
3. Thematic performance clinic report - Transport & Connectivity: It was noted that some actions in relation to the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement under the Connectivity priority were behind schedule. It was also noted that Bristol’s transport team were actively contributing to progress on a number of projects, including, for example, relevant aspects of the A37/A4018 and A4 transport corridor improvements.
4. Target BPPM474 - Increase the number of journeys on Park & Ride into Bristol: It was noted that performance was significantly below target; the return of Park & Ride usage to pre-pandemic levels lagged behind other bus services. Park & Ride services were also operating on lower frequencies which in itself constrained growth in passenger numbers. It was difficult for service frequency to be increased currently due to the (national) shortage of bus drivers.
In discussion, it was suggested that the introduction of more flexible approaches to timetabling may assist in mitigating the impact of the bus driver shortage – for example, in relation to the Brislington Park and Ride, it might be appropriate for Park and Ride services to be operated/focused on providing the best service frequency possible during the peak morning and early evening periods – during the middle part of the working day, when there was less demand, customers could be directed to access either the X39 or 349 bus services which ran regularly along the A4 corridor into central Bristol, with bus stops for these services accessible within easy proximity to this park and ride site. Officers indicated they would pass this suggestion on to the West of England Combined Authority as the relevant body for considering this matter.
5. Target P-TC3.3 - Introduce the Clean Air Zone for Bristol to improve air quality: Following the launch of the Clean Air Zone, data would be monitored in terms of the numbers of compliant/non-compliant vehicles in the zone. It was noted that the overall impact on air quality would be assessed/judged officially over a 12 month period, taking account of the fact that weather, for example, would variably affect air quality.
6. Target BPPM420a - Reduce the council's direct carbon dioxide equivalent emissions: a query was raised (to be checked by officers) aboutwhether the energy recovery facilities had been factored into this target.
7. In wider discussion of climate/environmental targets, it was suggested that all possible action should be taken to encourage organisations across the city to undertake/promote carbon literacy training.
The Commission RESOLVED:
- To note the report and the above information/points.
Supporting documents: