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Agenda item

Community Resources Manager Update and Decision


The Community Resources Manager introduced the report and gave a brief overview before discussing projects for consideration. The report set out the available funds for allocation by Area Committee 6 and listed the proposals to be considered.


As AC6 was in deficit of general CIL funds to allocate, no prioritisation of proposals had taken place and therefore could not be considered at this meeting, with the exception of those which fell within the Hengrove and Whitchurch Park Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) area. Consideration would also be given to decision-making on tree replacement using earmarked Section 106 funds.


5a) The Committee noted the following time limited S106 at risk if money was not allocated and considered whether or not approve the spend.


Permission / Site / S106 Code

Contact Officer

Contribution value

Time limit

Purpose of contribution


12/00352 / Filwood Park, Hengrove

Way, Filwood

Kate Murray (Head of



7 Nov 24

The provision of library services in the area covered by the Knowle

West Regeneration Framework



Agreed that the full spend of £24,097.48 be approved.

5b) The Committee was asked to note that there was a £20,000-time limited S106 available until 28th November 2023.

Permission / Site / S106 Code

Contact Officer

Contribution value

Time limit

Purpose of contribution


17/03943/ Hengrove Park (Phase 1),

Whitchurch Lane, Hengrove

Mark Sperduty (Area Highways



28 Nov 23

The provision of any of the following:

(a) the Airport Road cycle route and the Filwood quiet way.

(b) upgrading pedestrian crossing facilities on Whitchurch Lane.

(c) relocation of the existing Zebra Crossing on Airport Road; and

(d) the provision of a “set down” only bus stop on The Boulevard opposite the Skills Academy bus stop.



Members noted that the Transport team had advised that the £20,000 available was not sufficient to deliver any of the proposed works. The funding could potentially be combined with CIL to deliver proposal AC623P95 – Whitchurch Lane and Whitchurch Road as outlined in Appendix 3 of the report. The Committee was reminded to note the current deficit of general CIL funding.


Following discussion, it was agreed to refocus proposal AC623P95 on the zebra crossing part of the overall traffic calming measures, and this was anticipated to cost approximately £60k. The S106 £20k could be put toward this (purpose of contribution ‘(b) upgrading pedestrian crossing facilities on Whitchurch Lane’) pending further funding becoming available from CIL.


Agreed that proposal AC623P95 be invited to Stage 2 for BCC Transport to develop a full project proposal for a budget of £60,000, and that the S106 funds of £20k be combined with CIL monies and allocated for this proposal, focusing on pedestrian crossing facilities on Whitchurch Lane.


5c) Proposal 1: Tree Bristol Tree Planting Proposal


Members considered the proposal as set out below.


Name of project proposal

Delivery group

Ward and site

Full Proposal £ delivery cost 

CIL requested 

S106 requested and the codes? 

Tree Bristol Tree planting

TreeBristol – Bristol City Council

Hartcliffe & WithwoodBishport Avenue

£ 1041.66


£ 1041.66

(17/03719; 17/05816; 16/00833)


Agreed that the spend of £ 1041.66 be approved in full.


5d) Outline Proposals received for Hengrove and Whitchurch Park ward – 2023/2024  


Members considered the proposals noting that if the Totshill Drive Road Safety Scheme spend was approved there would be no funding for the other proposals. Conversely if Totshill Drive Road Safety Scheme was delayed there was potentially enough funding to complete the other proposed projects.


Ward councillors noted that they usually consulted the Neighbourhood Development Planning Forum on CIL proposals at Stage 2 of the process, and indicated they would seek the Forum’s sign-off before approving any projects for funding from the NDP ‘pot’ in the next formal meeting.


Agreed that all five proposals for the Hengrove and Whitchurch Park NDP area should be invited to Stage 2 to develop full project proposals, and that ward councillors will do community consultation on the Totshill Drive Road Safety Scheme (speed cushions) to inform their decision-making and clarify with BCC Parks the estimated cost of the gates for the Dundry slopes proposal.


The Committee then considered a proposal that was submitted to Area Committee 6 as part of a city

wide initiative for the installation of Defibrillators. A query was raised regarding the funding of this

project, the Community Resource Manager agreed to clarify the position after the meeting.

Action: Community Resource Manager




  1. That the progress update on previously approved AC projects and the publication of 6-monthly updates published on BCC webpage be noted.
  2. That the CIL and S106 monies available as of 31st August 2023 be noted.
  3. That the Outline Proposals submitted this year, and BCC Officer comments on these, be noted.
  4. That the Outline Proposals falling within the Neighbourhood Development Plan area of Hengrove and Whitchurch Park and agreed way forward as set out at 5d above be approved.
  5. That the funding for the proposals submitted for consideration at set out in 5a, 5b, & 5c above, be approved. 
  6. That the legal information concerning the Public Sector Equality duty in reaching all its decisions be noted.






Meeting ended at 6.40 pm   




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