- Agenda item Content
Agenda item
Community Resources Manager Update and Decision Report
The Community Resources introduced the report and summarised it for everyone. She outlined the various parts of the report and there were discussions on various aspects including defibrillators and trees. There was agreement in principle to the proposal of Greater Western Air Ambulance provision for a series of defibrillators around the area of the Area Committee. Further proposals would be presented to the Committee at the next meeting.
The Tree Officer and the Sustainable Transport Officer also provided clarity and explanations on relation to their items.
The Committee then agreed the following:
- To note the progress update on previously-approved AC projects and the publication of 6-monthly updates published on BCC webpage
- To note the CIL and S106 monies available at 31st August 2023
- To note the Outline Proposals submitted this year, and BCC Officer comments on these
- To consider Outline Proposals falling within the Neighbourhood Development Plan area of Lawrence Weston to invite to Stage 2 full project proposal.
- To invite all Outline Proposals falling within the Neighbourhood Development Plan area of Lawrence Weston to stage 2, which were as follows:
Project Code |
Project Title |
CIL amount requested |
S106 amount requested |
AC123P132 |
Skate Park Improvement |
£70,000 |
£10,000 |
AC123P133 |
Ridingleaze Rejuvenation Planning |
£10,000 |
£0 |
AC123P135 |
Support Mountain Bike Track Implementation |
£5,000 |
£0 |
AC123P136 |
Motorcycle Trials Area Support |
£5,000 |
£0 |
AC123P137 |
LW Community Hub Outfit Upgrade |
£50,000 |
£0 |
- To agree the approval of funding for the Proposals submitted for consideration, including any conditions which the committee may wish to attach as follows:
The tree planning proposals totalling £40,624.74
106 code: |
No. |
Location: |
Ward |
Plot no: |
Species: |
Cost: |
18/04599; 16/04096 |
1 |
Aylminton Walk |
Avonmouth & Lawrence Weston |
200015.7 |
Sorbus intermedia (Swedish whitebeam) |
£1,041.66 |
16/04096 |
2 |
Kings Weston Lane A/A |
Avonmouth & Lawrence Weston |
200001.5 |
Catalpa bignonioides (Indian bean tree) |
£1,041.66 |
16/04096 |
3 |
Kings Weston Lane A/A |
Avonmouth & Lawrence Weston |
200002.5 |
Paulownia tomentosa (foxglove tree) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
4 |
Redland Hill |
Clifton Down |
Betula obelisk (obelisk birch) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
5 |
Redland Hill |
Clifton Down |
Betula obelisk (obelisk birch) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
6 |
Redland Hill |
Clifton Down |
Betula obelisk (obelisk birch) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
7 |
Redland Hill |
Clifton Down |
Betula obelisk (obelisk birch) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
8 |
Clifton & Durdham Downs |
Clifton Down |
202285.5 |
Betula pendula (silver birch) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
9 |
Clifton & Durdham Downs |
Clifton Down |
202286.6 |
Betula pendula (silver birch) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
10 |
St Oswalds Road |
200009.01 |
Prunus Sunset Boulevard, (cherry) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
11 |
Westbury Park Primary School |
Westbury-on-Trym & Henleaze |
200043 |
Betula albosinensis (Chinese red birch) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
12 |
Clifton & Durdham Downs |
Westbury-on-Trym & Henleaze |
200213.8 |
Aesculus indica (Indian horse chestnut) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
13 |
Clifton & Durdham Downs |
Stoke Bishop |
200798.03 |
Quercus robur (English oak) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
14 |
The Avenue |
Stoke Bishop
200019.3 |
Tilia cordata Greenspire (small leaved lime) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
15 |
Whiteladies Road |
Clifton Down |
200047.5 |
Quercus frainetto (Hungarian oak) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
16 |
Clifton & Durdham Downs |
Westbury-on-Trym & Henleaze |
200123.02 |
Quercus frainetto (Hungarian oak) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
17 |
Eastmead Lane |
Stoke Bishop |
200002.5 |
Liriodendron tulipfera fastigiate, (tulip tree) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
18 |
Mariners Drive |
Stoke Bishop |
200009.5 |
Pinus nigra (Austrian pine) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
19 |
Mariners Drive |
Stoke Bishop |
200015.5 |
Pinus nigra (Austrian pine) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
20 |
Mariners Drive |
Stoke Bishop |
200025.1 |
Pinus nigra (Austrian pine) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
21 |
Mariners Drive |
Stoke Bishop |
200039.5 |
Pinus nigra (Austrian pine) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
22 |
Belvedere Road |
Westbury-on-Trym & Henleaze |
200002.5 |
Platanus x acerifolia (London plane) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
23 |
Devonshire Road |
Westbury-on-Trym & Henleaze |
200034.5 |
Betula pendula fastigiate (silver birch) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
24 |
Henleaze Gardens |
Westbury-on-Trym & Henleaze |
200017.5 |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
25 |
Henleaze Gardens |
Westbury-on-Trym & Henleaze |
200015.3 |
Tilia cordata Greenspire (small leaved lime) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
26 |
Redland Green |
Redland |
200066.5 |
Betula pubescens (downy birch) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
27 |
Clyde Road |
Cotham |
200003.5 |
Sorbus aucuparia Streetwise (rowan) |
£1,041.66 |
15/01681 |
28 |
Edgecumbe Road |
Redland |
200011 |
Sorbus aucuparia Streetwise (rowan) |
£1,041.66 |
15/02984 |
29 |
Brandon Hill Park |
Hotwells & Harbourside |
201011 |
Juglans regia (common walnut) |
15/02984 |
30 |
Brandon Hill Park |
Hotwells & Harbourside |
200398.5 |
Cornus kousa (Korean dogood) |
£1,041.66 |
17/07088 |
31 |
Anchor Road |
Hotwells & Harbourside |
200038 |
Tilia cordata (small leaved lime) |
£1,041.66 |
17/07088 |
32 |
Anchor Road |
Hotwells & Harbourside |
200037 |
Tilia cordata (small leaved lime) |
£1,041.66 |
17/07088 |
33 |
Hotwell Road |
Hotwells & Harbourside |
200024 |
Carpinus betulus (hornbeam) |
£1,041.66 |
17/07088 |
34 |
Argyle Place Park |
Clifton |
200013 |
Amelanchier lamarckii (snowy Mespilus) |
£1,041.66 |
17/07088 |
35 |
Clifton & Durdham Downs |
Clifton |
202318 |
Crataegus monogyna (hawthorn) |
£1,041.66 |
17/07088 |
36 |
Clifton & Durdham Downs |
Clifton |
202317 |
Crataegus monogyna (hawthorn) |
£1,041.66 |
17/07088 |
37 |
Clifton & Durdham Downs |
Clifton |
202315 |
Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum) |
£1,041.66 |
17/07088 |
38 |
Clifton & Durdham Downs |
Clifton |
202316 |
Quercus robur (English oak) |
£1,041.66 |
18/02600 |
39 |
Observatory Road |
Clifton |
200001 |
Quercus frainetto |
£1,041.66 |
- To note the legal information concerning the Public Sector Equality duty in reaching all its decisions
Supporting documents:
AC1 16th Oct 2023, item 5.
PDF 262 KB
Appendix 1- CIL funding available as of August 2023, item 5.
PDF 113 KB
Appendix 2- S106 funding available as of 30 September 2023, item 5.
Appendix 3 - Outline Proposals submitted to AC1, item 5.
PDF 153 KB
Appendix 4- AC1 Tree planting proposal, item 5.
Appendix 5 - AC1 Community Org Updates - Aug 2023, item 5.
Appendix 6- Statement to support Defibrillator proposal from GWAAC, item 5.
PDF 203 KB