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Agenda item
Under the Council’s constitution, 30 minutes are available for the consideration of motions. In practice, this realistically means that there is usually only time for one, or possibly two motions to be considered.
With the agreement of the Lord Mayor, motion 1 below will be considered at this meeting, and motion 2 is likely to be considered, subject to time.
Details of other motions submitted, (which, due to time constraints, are very unlikely to be considered at this meeting) are also set out for information.
This council notes:
• Bristol’s population is set to reach 550,000 by 2050.
• The rise in population will affect more areas of the city than others. Notable examples include: Bedminster, where 7,700 homes are set to be built; Hillfields and Fishponds, where at least 1,500 homes are being built as part of the Atlas Place development; Hengrove, where the council-owned housing developer Goram Homes is building 1,400 homes; and the city centre.
• A rise in population will cause increased demand for health services in Bristol and across the West of England.
• The Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Integrated Care Board (ICB), a statutory NHS organisation is responsible for developing a plan for meeting the health needs of the population, managing the NHS budget and arranging for the provision of health services in the BNSSG sub-region of the Southwest.
• There is a particular shortfall in dentistry provision in Bristol, with very few dentists taking on new NHS patients.
• A 2009 needs assessment recommended both a minor injuries unit at Cossham Hospital and a community hospital at Frenchay. Neither of these facilities have yet been built.
This council believes:
• The UK’s health services have been failed by thirteen years of government austerity and spending restraint. Despite this, the NHS in Bristol is doing commendable work, but it needs increased, sustained funding to meet the needs of a growing population.
• Likewise, NHS staff in Bristol deserve our utmost thanks and appreciation. Doctors and nurses deserve a decent pay rise after thirteen years of wage restraint.
• The Government has a responsibility to ensure all healthcare services are well-funded. While the Government is responsible for funding health services, the ICB has a duty to ensure that Bristol’s population has adequate access to healthcare.
• Hospital provision in the eastern and north-eastern fringes in Bristol could be improved. Cossham and Frenchay hospitals are both likely to need additional capacity and facilities. However, the promised Minor Injuries Unit and Community Hospital facilities respectively may not now be appropriate, so a review is needed to see what other types of healthcare facility are needed to meet current population requirements.
• Additional healthcare facilities – including General Practitioners and Dentists – as well as hospital facilities, will be needed to keep up with Bristol’s growing population. Areas of high population growth such as Bedminster and Hillfields and neighbouring wards will need expanded healthcare infrastructure. The Integrated Care Board should work closely with the Council and its partners to ensure residents get the healthcare services they will need.
This Council resolves to:
• Work with BNSSG ICB to carry out an analysis including consultation of local residents and VCSE delivery partners to survey what form of additional health infrastructure is required to meet need, and to understand how this might most effectively be delivered. For example, General Practices, Dentists, etc. taking account of changing life patterns, digital innovations, population demographics, and the opportunities to implement and integrate progressive delivery models such as Mental Health Integrated Network Teams (MINTS) and Women’s Health Hubs for better health outcomes
• As a member of the Integrated Care Board that the Council formally asks the ICB to carry out a strategic needs assessment of health care provision and bring that report back to Full Council, the Health and wellbeing board and the Health Scrutiny Committee.
• To prepare a plan which takes account of the BNSSG Strategic Needs assessment and local authority JSNA and population modelling data
• Act on recommendations of the strategic health care needs assessment and plan and work closely with the local authority to implement its recommendations.
• That the Council lobby the Government for funding to see the ICB’s recommendations implemented.
To be moved by Cllr Ellie King
Date of submission: 2nd November 2023
“This Council endorses the stance recently taken by the Regional Mayor in seeking to rule out further consideration or exploration of the option to build a substantial mass transit underground for our city.
Council is particularly concerned over the City Mayor’s largely unsubstantiated claim (made in his last State of the City Address) that an overground mass transit system is undeliverable.
Whilst, from a practical, engineering, point of view, it might still be arguable or conceivable that some tunnelling could be a solution to overcome an exceptional geological or other feature along the proposed three main routes, this Council recognises that Mayor Rees’s hazy (at best) vision of a Bristol Metro is completely unrealistic in terms of cost and timescale.
Accordingly, Council calls on the City Mayor to accept and finally publicly acknowledge this reality and to commit to working more collaboratively on the Combined Authority on this major infrastructure project. Attracting Government capital investment and delivery of a viable, modern, and attractive public transport system has to be a political priority for the present and any future Administration.”
Motion to be moved by: Cllr Mark Weston
Date of submission: 31st October 2023
Supporting documents: