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Agenda item

Area Committee 1 Second Formal Meeting 2023/24 - Community Resources Manager Report



It was noted that at the end of 31st December 2023 an overall sum of £150,161.56 was available to Area Committee 1, broken down as:

· For General AC1 expenditure: £9,999.74

·For Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Development Plan expenditure: £140,161.82


The Community Resources Manager reported that at the previous meeting there had been a proposal to allow Greater Western Air Ambulance to work with Councillors to provide six defibrillators around the vicinity of Area Committee 1.  A further information report was distributed at the meeting and would be circulated via email.


Although £10,800 was originally requested, this was higher than the £9,999.74 available at the end of December and it was not possible for Committees to go into deficit on general CIL funds this year due to AC boundary changes.  However, The Community Resources Manager informed the Committee that the new CIL available figures had been published just prior to the meeting and at the end of January £12,809.54 of funds were available to allocate.


Officers were asked to clarify the difference between the offer of GWAA and the Defibrillators Community Fund of £1million proposed by a Government Scheme.  Officers confirmed that the GWAAC offer provided for wrap around training, advice about the locations, installation and maintenance of the defibrillators, as well as the upfront equipment and any replacements needed.  The Government scheme only covered the up front provision of the equipment.  An email confirming the above would be forwarded to Committee members.


It was proposed, seconded and unanimously AGREED that the proposal of the GWAA be accepted and £10,800 allocated.                                                                                      


Neighbourhood Development Plan Area – Proposals and Decisions

The Community Resources Manager confirmed that the organisers of several proposals had been invited to provide further information for the second stage of allocation however, all but one proposal had been withdrawn by the applicants.  The remaining proposal from delivery group Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Planning Forum/ Ambition Lawrence Weston was for the project ‘Lawrence Weston Community Hub Outfit Upgrade’.


It was confirmed that supporting the bid would leave the following CIL funding:

·For Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Development Plan expenditure: £90,161.82


Councillors were very supportive of the bid and the organisation Ambition Lawrence Weston.  The bid was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed with £50,000 allocated.


Councillors were asked to note that the Committee had two elements of time limited S106 funding which could be at risk if not allocated.  The time limit on these were 26 March 2026 and 24 March 2027.  Councillors were welcome to propose options for the funds to allocate to projects before the deadlines.


It was noted that the Avon Crescent Project was being developed and a proposal would be submitted to a future meeting.


As Area Committee boundaries were to be changed for the next municipal year, the Chair thanked everyone for their involvement in the Committee and highlighted the positive experience of Councillors learning about each other’s different wards and areas of the City. 


It was RESOLVED that the Committee:

1.           Allocate funding of £10,800 to GWAAC initiative to provide 6 x defibrillators, as part of the citywide initiative.  Locations for these will be agreed with Councillors based on areas where GWAAC have identified gaps or needs.

2.           Noted that this year, there is no option to pre commit funding or go into deficit of general CIL funds due to changes to Area Committee boundaries which are due to take place.

3.           Considered the approval of funding for the Proposals submitted within the Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Plan area for consideration and allocated:


Proposal ref no. 

Name of Project Proposal  

Delivery group

Outline £ offered 

Full Proposal £ requested

CIL requested

£ agreed



LW Community Hub Outfit Upgrade 


Lawrence Weston Neighbourhood Planning Forum 







4.           Noted the legal information concerning the Public Sector Equality duty in reaching all its decisions.




Supporting documents: