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Agenda item
Joint Forward Plan - Cintia Faria, ICB - Paper Attached
Cintia Farria gave a presentation on this report and made the following comments:
· The presentation had previously been given to the HWBB. A few key issues were included as a reminder to Board members
· The production of a Joint Forward Plan was a national requirement with every integrated system being co-ordinated by the ICP
· The framework included Joint Health and Well being Strategies to be reviewed annually before the start of each financial year and with further iterations developing operational planning and deliverables
· The purpose of the JFP was set out and included addressing the physical and mental health needs of the population as part of the ICS Strategy
· This was delivery focused and ensuring that all plans are clear. A review of the process has provided us with a new opportunity to ensure that the service was aligned with the strategy and contributed to it
· In December 2023 all plans had been collated and had been provided in a link which was sent to all Board Members mapping all the different programmes, how they contribute to the ICS. A full version was used for submission to internal processes
· Discussions were taking place with the communications team to map different plans and create a micro site with high levels of accessible summary of plans, graphics and video content. Any feedback on this would be welcomed. A shorter visual version of this would be prepared to show how the strategy and JFP aligned
· Following the submission in March 2024, there would be an analysis of the first year following the publication of the last published plan. Local partners, including Health Improvement Groups, had engaged via relevant programmes. Following review and approval at 7th March 2024 meeting, a deadline of 15th March 2024 had been set prior to anticipated publication for 28th March 2024.
· Health care structure groups were set out in the document and included key areas of public health prevention such as vaccination women’s health and sexual health and which reflected the integration of services in the plan
· The ICB was required to consult with local authorities on the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire plans and with public consultation only if there was significant change which was not anticipated
· It was anticipated that each programme would continue to complete each relevant consultation as part of their transformation plans and to encourage HWBB members to provide feedback by 15th March 2024
Board members made the following points and in response to Board Member’s questions, Cintia Faria gave responses:
· Section 2 could be an area of focus since this was led by Public Health
· It was noted that equalities and environmental impacts were important
· A great deal of feed back was being provided on the visual tool which would assist in demonstrating how the plans were integrated and how they could be presented in a different way
· It was acknowledged that smoking prevention could be improved by a more thematic approach to show what was planned
· This document was a long-term commitment and would be developed to ensure it contained review cycles. A dashboard was being developed to ensure monitoring and assess the impact of plans
· Work was being carried out to develop partnership working
· The development of amore cohesive structure would help support engagement and ensure that organisations responded to the requirements of the JFP rather than what they can provide individually
· The document needed to be approved by the ICP Board
A copy of the Joint Forward Plan (JFP Full Document and Deliverables) would be provided by Cintia Faria and sent to all HWBB members.
ACTION: Jeremy Livitt to send to all HWBB members
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