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Agenda item
Call-in of 5 March Cabinet decision on allotment rent and water charges
The Sub-Committee is asked to consider the call-in of the 5 March Cabinet decision on allotment rents and service charges.
1. At the outset of the meeting, the Legal Advisor informed the meeting that members of the sub-committee had received a letter from the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities. The text of that letter is included at Appendix 1 to these minutes.
2. It was noted that in light of the letter from the Cabinet member, the Call-In Sub-Committee members had indicated that they were minded to agree to take no further action on the issues raised in the Call-In, on the understanding that:
- the 5 March Cabinet decision would not be implemented;
- the decision would be referred after the election to the new Public Health and Communities policy committee and that the committee should first make a decision about allotment rents and water charges, and subsequently consider allotment regulations.
3. Following initial discussion, the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities explained the background and context relating to this issue from her perspective and outlined her reasons for sending the letter to the Call-In Sub-Committee.
4. 10 public questions and 15 public statements had been submitted to this meeting. The questions (together with written responses) and the statements were published on the Council’s web site alongside the agenda papers for this meeting. Individuals in attendance in the public gallery were given the opportunity to present their statements.
5. Following further discussion, the Call-In Sub-Committee
RESOLVED (unanimously):
That (with reference to the letter included at Appendix 1), no further action should be taken in relation to the issues identified in the Call-In, on the understanding that the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities and the Director: Management of Place undertake not to act on the Cabinet decision that had been called-in, and that the decision will be referred to the future Public Health and Communities policy committee, who will consider whether any further information is required and take into account the issues raised in the call-in and in the public forum questions and statements submitted to this meeting. The Call-In Sub-Committee recommends that the Public Health and Communities policy committee makes a decision first in relation to allotment rents and water charges and then subsequently considers the allotment regulations. ?
Text of letter dated 27 March 2024 to Call-In Sub-Committee members from Cllr Ellie King, Cabinet member for Public Health and Communities
Dear Call-In Committee member
As you’ll know, later today we are meeting to discuss the Call-in from a group of councillors of a decision taken by Cabinet in March regarding Allotment rents and water charges, alongside a Parks and Green Spaces and Allotments and Food Growing Strategy.
You will have seen from the published Appendix E- ‘Executive/ Officer response to the Call-In' document prepared by Bristol City Council officers that we have a robust defence against the points raised by the call in. Expert officers from our parks, consultation, equality and inclusion and legal teams have all advised that this decision was made legitimately. The consultation complied with the council’s duty to consult fairly and lawfully and was consistent with the Gunning Principles.
I still believe this was the right decision in the challenging circumstances. However, in the spirit of cross-party collaboration as we move into a committee system of governance, I propose to defer the decision until after the election for consideration by the future Public Health and Communities policy committee.
If the call-in committee vote to take “no further action” in this evening’s session, myself and the Director of Management of Place will agree not to act on the decision as delegated in March’s Cabinet meeting. I will confirm this in the upcoming April Cabinet meeting.
Councillors, or party groups, will have their own opportunity to propose a plan for an improved, financially sustainable allotment service to the Public Health and Communities policy committee.
The two guiding principles that have steered this work to date has been firstly to halt the decline of the allotment service and deliver necessary service improvement; and secondly to protect and invest in a struggling parks service so all of Bristol’s residents can enjoy the benefits, as detailed in the Parks and Green Spaces and Allotments and Food Growing Strategy. I still believe these are the right principles and the decision taken in March reflected these. As I’m sure we can agree on these principles, this is an opportunity to embrace the collaborative potential of the committee system and enable cross-party members to work together and take ownership of the policy.
I hope you agree with this proposal as a way forward.
Kind regards,
Cllr Ellie King, Cabinet Member for Public Health and Communities
Supporting documents:
Call-in report, item 5.
PDF 172 KB
App A Call-In Procedure at the meeting, item 5.
App B Call-in form, item 5.
PDF 302 KB
App C Cabinet decision 5 March 24, item 5.
PDF 173 KB
App D Cabinet report 5 March 24, item 5.
App E Executive Officer Response to the Call in, item 5.
PDF 393 KB