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Agenda item

NHS health checks in GP practices

To request approval to procure in accordance with the NHS Provider Selection Regime established by the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023, and recommission Bristol’s NHS Health Checks contract from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2030.



The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously):

To authorise the Director: Communities and Public Health, with the Executive Director: Adult and Communities to procure and enter into a contract for the provision of NHS Health Checks that assist with the reduction of cardiovascular disease for the period of 5 years (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2030) in accordance with the maximum budget envelopes outlined in the report.


The Committee considered a report (agenda item 7) that requested approval to procure in accordance with the NHS Provider Selection Regime established by the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 and recommission Bristol’s NHS Health Checks contract from 1April 2025 to 31 March 2030.


The Chair commented that this was a key decision report, as the proposed decision involved spend of more than £500k and would have a significant impact on 2 or more wards in the city.


Summary of main points raised/noted in discussion of this item:

1. Concerns were raised about the fact that, as highlighted in Bristol’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, the rate of early deaths from cardiovascular disease was over three times higher among people living in the most deprived areas of the city compared to the most affluent areas.  It was noted that sometimes these significant local population health disparities, including life expectancy rates, were evident between communities that were close to each other geographically, for example Southmead and Henleaze.  There were a range of factors influencing health inequalities, some of which were directly health related but also included a range of other influences such as the impact of low family/individual income and quality of housing.  It was noted that the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment included detail and evidence about the scale of health inequalities in the city.


2. In terms of the contract award, it was noted that because of the need to deliver this service across the city’s population, the proposal was to continue to deliver these health checks through a contract with GP surgeries/primary health care, to seek to maximise the reach of the service within the city’s communities.


3. Whilst noting that these NHS health checks were available to everyone aged between 40 and 74, an issue was raised about the need to address gaps in terms of the take-up and reach of the service within communities. It was noted that targeted action was being taken to try to secure increased uptake of health checks from groups identified in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment as being at higher risk of cardiovascular disease, such as South Asian men.


4. It was noted that one organisation, Caafi Health, carried out basic health checks outside mosques and community centres, including blood pressure and blood sugar levels, as well as checks for cholesterol, and liver and kidney function.  Whilst this intervention was welcomed, it was flagged that there were issues around some individuals identified with health needs through these checks then not being able to secure subsequent GP appointments.


5. In response to a question, it was noted that the measures were in place to tackle smoking and vaping related waste (although this particular matter did not fall within this Committee’s remit).


6. In response to a further question, officers undertake to check and assess the extent to which social value considerations were factored into the contract/specification.

7. It was noted that when an individual undertook a health check, the results, along with age, gender and ethnicity considerations, were used to calculate an individual’s risk of developing a cardiovascular disease. These risks were largely preventable, and support would be made available for individual lifestyle changes such as stopping smoking, losing weight and reducing alcohol intake.

The Chair then moved the recommendation set out in the report. Councillor Clarke seconded this motion.


The Committee RESOLVED (unanimously):

To authorise the Director: Communities and Public Health, with the Executive Director: Adult and Communities to procure and enter into a contract for the provision of NHS Health Checks that assist with the reduction of cardiovascular disease for the period of 5 years (1 April 2025 to 31 March 2030) in accordance with the maximum budget envelopes outlined in the report.

Supporting documents: