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Agenda item
CRSTS Strategic Corridors (A4018/A37 Southern Section) Scheme Proposals
- Meeting of Transport & Connectivity Policy Committee, Thursday, 24th October, 2024 5.00 pm (Item 8.)
- View the background to item 8.
To seek approval of FBC for CRSTS Strategic Corridors (A4018/A37 Southern Section) proposals and submission to WECA and following a successful decision to commence with tendering process for civils contractors.
That the Committee for Transport & Connectivity:
- Approved the submission of a Full Business Case (Appendix A and exempt appendix E) to the West of England Combined Authority (WECA)
2. Authorised the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Committee Chair for Transport and Section 151 officer, subject to approval of the Full Business Case (at Appendix A) by WECA, to;
i. Take all steps required to accept and spend the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) funding amount as set out in this report and appendices,
ii. Tender and procure contracts (including any over £500K) necessary to deliver the works,
iii. Award contracts and spend the funding to deliver the works as set out in the Full Business Case up £6.1m
iv. Exempt appendix E (commercially sensitive data within the FBC)
The Committee considered a report which sought approval of the Full Business Case for CRSTS (City Region Sustainable Transport Settlements) (Strategic Corridors (A4018/A37 Southern Section) proposals and submission to WECA (West of England Combined Authority) and following a successful decision to commence with tendering process for civils contractors.
It was noted that this was a key decision report, as the proposed decision had a significant impact on two or more wards.
The Head of City Transport presented the report which outlined proposals. It was reiterated that any proposals would be subject to Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) following a statutory process.
Further consideration and mitigations within the Stockwood area were proposed which could be assessed within the East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood project and approach.
With reference to the right turn ban proposed from West Town Lane into Wells Road as highlighted through public forum, the proposals considered road safety due to the right turn over two lanes of traffic. An alternative approach to the junction design as proposed could be to look again at all implications of the right turn option and implement at a later date if required. Such a change would not significantly change the business case and those changes would be subject to the usual TRO process.
In summary, the following main points were raised in general discussion of the report and recommendations:
· Questions about the benefits of bus lanes can be answered with the data showing the patronage of buses, which if not used would mean many more cars taking the journey.
· It was clarified that the TRO processes is a statutory process designed to collect objections and alter a scheme if objections highlighted an element which was statutorily incorrect. A consultation engagement process gathered people’s views on a proposal, usually prior to the TRO process.
· TRO decisions were delegated to the relevant Executive Director in consultation with the Policy Chair.
· It was suggested that cyclists would likely choose to use the old railway line rather than the hill or fast moving bus lanes.
· Further information of modelling the time taken to move through the system and that without the right hand turn into West Town Lane was requested.
Officers confirmed that any Full Business Cases was scrutinised by a Consultancy organisation. Modelling took place via a regional model meaning smaller alterations would be lost in the size of the modelling data available. Conclusions were based on modelling and data as well as professional engineering judgement and experience.
The report and recommendations were moved by Councillor Plowden and seconded by Councillor Bryher.
Councillor Alexander moved an amendment to the report as follows:
That the Committee for Transport & Connectivity
1. Approves the submission of a Full Business Case (Appendix A and exempt appendix E) to the West of England Combined Authority (WECA), including the closure of Bellevue Road at the junction with A37 Wells Road. This point closure will prevent further injuries to cyclists and motorcyclists until a long-term solution for this junction is brought forward as part of the South Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood project.
The amendment was seconded by Councillor Self
It was suggested that the closure of Bellevue Road would prevent collisions through use of the CRSTS fund. To consider it at a later date during the Liveable Neighbourhoods projects could mean more collisions take place in the meantime.
Officers confirmed that the CRSTS funding covered both projects both running through 2025/2026. Officers had concluded that the removal of Bellevue Road from the plans allowed more time to consider a holistic view and modelling through the Liveable Neighbourhoods process to fully understand the impact of closing the road.
The Chair confirmed that CRSTS delivery had been added to the risk profile for the Committee in terms of the investment of cost, delivery and impact.
On being put to the vote the amendment was LOST (3 for, 6 against).
On being put to the vote the recommendation was CARRIED (7 for, 2 against).
It was APPROVED that the Committee for Transport and Connectivity:
That the Committee for Transport & Connectivity:
- Approved the submission of a Full Business Case (Appendix A and exempt appendix E) to the West of England Combined Authority (WECA)
2. Authorised the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration in consultation with the Committee Chair for Transport and Section 151 officer, subject to approval of the Full Business Case (at Appendix A) by WECA, to;
i. Take all steps required to accept and spend the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) funding amount as set out in this report and appendices,
ii. Tender and procure contracts (including any over £500K) necessary to deliver the works,
iii. Award contracts and spend the funding to deliver the works as set out in the Full Business Case up £6.1m
iv. Exempt appendix E (commercially sensitive data within the FBC)
Supporting documents:
- Committee Report Final Final, item 8. PDF 162 KB
- (Appendix A) A37 A4018 South FBC - V3.0 (Redacted), item 8. PDF 9 MB
- Table 1.1 (Appendix A1), item 8. PDF 63 KB
- Figure 1.1 (Appendix A2), item 8. PDF 397 KB
- Figure 1.2 (Appendix A3), item 8. PDF 416 KB
- Table 1.2 (Appendix A4), item 8. PDF 52 KB
- Figure 1.3 (Appendix A5), item 8. PDF 523 KB
- Appendix B Equality Impact Assessment - A37 South, item 8. PDF 235 KB
- Appendix C Environmental Impact Assessment - A4018-A37 Strategic Corridors South V2, item 8. PDF 202 KB
- Appendix D Risk Register A4018-A37 South - reformatte, item 8. PDF 148 KB
- Restricted enclosure View the reasons why document 8./11 is restricted
- Cllr Rippington - Amendment - item 8 - T&C PC - 24 Oct 24, item 8. PDF 41 KB