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Agenda item

Workplace Parking Levy

This report sets out the current thinking around how a Workplace Parking Levy would work and what it would need to deliver it and seeks approval to allocate funding for development of the business case for the scheme.


Officer Recommendations:


That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity


1.      Approved, subject to suitable resource being available, so as not to delay the implementation of the CRSTS programme or other key transport programmes, the progression to Stage One Development and Outline Business Case (OBC) at a cost of up to £1m. Approve testing options for a WPL and the potential benefits and issues those options would create to enable a more informed decision to be taken as to whether to proceed to FBC and potential subsequent delivery of a WPL.

2.      Stage One Development and OBC costs to be funded through CAZ funding to be repaid from subsequent income generated from the scheme. 




3.    Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with Committee Chair for Transport and Connectivity to procure/extend/vary and award the contract(s) necessary for the implementation of Stage 1 of the WPL, in-line with the procurement routes and maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report, noting the associated Legal commentaries.

4.    Authorised the Exec Director for Growth and Regeneration to invoke any subsequent extensions/variations specifically defined in the contract(s) being awarded, up to the maximum budget envelope outlined in this report.


The Committee considered a report which set out the current considerations surrounding how a Workplace Parking Levy would work and what it would need to deliver it, seeking approval to allocate funding for development of the business case for the scheme.


The Head of City Transport outlined the report to Members and confirmed to the Committee that as proposals progress, further reports and information would return to be discussed and considered. 


The Committee highlighted the following points:

-         Further consideration was requested on the proposed cut off number for the number of spaces.

-         It was important to speak to businesses and be able to demonstrate the benefits of the scheme. 

-         If progressed, it would be important to show the benefits quickly so that residents, employees and businesses can see where the funds are going.

-         It was suggested that the Policy Committee could help shape an investment plan to outline where money could be spent on transport improvements.  For example, to ringfence for improvements to the area of the WPL.


Officers confirmed that there was a legal requirement for the scheme to set out the projected money raised and proposed spend in detail.


Nottingham was highlighted as a good case study with excellent public transport.  If appropriate the Committee could visit to find out more.


The report and recommendations were moved by Councillor Plowden and seconded by Councillor Wilcox. 


Councillor Self moved an amendment which was seconded by Tim Rippington.  The amendment text as follows:


Where *Stage One: Scheme Development and Outline Business Case (OBC)” means;


Stage One (A) Scheme Feasibility. Identify the revenue opportunities of implementing a WPL by identifying who would be charged, how much they would be charged and how much income would be raised as a result. Identify potential implementation and ongoing costs. (NCC Appendix C WS1.1 – WS1.3)


Stage One (B) Scheme design and finalisation of Outline Business Case (OBC) – detailed scheme design including locations, exemptions etc. (NCC Appendix C WS1.4-WS1.5)


That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity


1.     In order to ensure money is not spent unnecessarily, the Stage One* process as recommended by NCC would be split into two parts, with a committee review after Part One to confirm whether to proceed.

2.     Approve, subject to suitable resource being available, so as not to delay the implementation of the CRSTS programme or other key transport programmes, the progression to Stage One (A) Development at a cost of up to £500K. Approve testing options for a WPL and the potential benefits and issues those options would create to enable a more informed decision to be taken as to whether to proceed to Stage One (B) and then to FBC and potential subsequent delivery of a WPL.


* with subsequent paragraphs renumbered.


In response to the amendment, officers confirmed that to add a formal report for decision at ‘stage two’ would introduce further step to the process which would likely increase the timeframe by two months in order to proceed through the decision pathway to the Policy Committee.  There would also be an associated resource implication. 


As an alternative course of action, it was suggested that stages of the process in line with project workstreams and within the proposed report recommendations could be reflected on the Forward Plan of the Policy Committee


In response to the amendment, the Chair and officers gave assurance that the project would be monitored closely with updates provided to the Committee and clear checks and balances.  It was also clarified that there would be points in the process where it would be appropriate to review and stop the process if necessary.


The amendment was withdrawn on the above assurances. 


On the recommendation being put to the vote, the recommendation within the report was CARRIED (8 voting FOR, 1 against).



That the Committee for Transport and Connectivity


3.     Approved, subject to suitable resource being available, so as not to delay the implementation of the CRSTS programme or other key transport programmes, the progression to Stage One Development and Outline Business Case (OBC) at a cost of up to £1m. Approve testing options for a WPL and the potential benefits and issues those options would create to enable a more informed decision to be taken as to whether to proceed to FBC and potential subsequent delivery of a WPL.

4.     Stage One Development and OBC costs to be funded through CAZ funding to be repaid from subsequent income generated from the scheme. 




5.    Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration in consultation with Committee Chair for Transport and Connectivity to procure/extend/vary and award the contract(s) necessary for the implementation of Stage 1 of the WPL, in-line with the procurement routes and maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report, noting the associated Legal commentaries.

6.    Authorised the Exec Director for Growth and Regeneration to invoke any subsequent extensions/variations specifically defined in the contract(s) being awarded, up to the maximum budget envelope outlined in this report.

Supporting documents: