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Agenda item

Expansion of the joinery shop

The purpose of this report is to:

1.      Seek approval to move and expand the joinery shop from its current location at Wellington Road depot to a new, larger premises that will allow for growth and increased capacity to meet demand and create revenue stream for the Housing Revenue Account.

a.      Review relocation options within the paper.

2.      Approve the delegation of authority to the executive director of growth and regeneration (in consultation with the chair of homes and housing delivery committee) to approve and award contract for terms in respect of any lease, in line with maximum budget envelope outlined in this report.


The Committee RESOLVED to:

1.      Move the joinery shop to private rented premises and invest in new equipment, in line with the proposals set out in the report. To ensure that the lease has a break clause after 5 years and conduct a strategic review of Sandy Park with the option to return the joinery shop back into the Bristol City Council-owned estate.

2.      Authorise the Executive Director of Growth and Regeneration (in consultation with Chair of the Homes and Housing Delivery Committee) to approve negotiation and award contract for terms in respect of any lease, in-line with maximum budget envelopes outlined in this report.


3.      The creation of the commercial manager post, paid through efficiency savings in staffing time and increased revenue from increased output.

4.      The requirement for support from either the PMO or external third party to project manage the relocation of the joinery shop.

Supporting documents: