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Agenda item

Business Activities Report

Wellbeing decisions; Traffic Scheme recommendation for 2017/18 and S106 allocation; Terms of Reference for NP sub-groups


Tim Leaman chaired the meeting from this point onwards and Cllr Matt Melias chaired the Neighbourhood Committee decision making process.


The Neighbourhood Partnership considered the report of Keith Houghton, NP Co-ordinator.


(1) Wellbeing Fund

The assessment of applications had taken place on Tuesday 30 August and recommendations made for approval by the Neighbourhood Committee were set out in the report.


The Neighbourhood Committee RESOLVED to approve Wellbeing funding as follows, leaving an unspent balance of £9548 



Name of Group

Brief Description

£ Amount Requested



Friends of Lamplighters Marsh

Friends of Lamplighters marsh Conservation tools




Avonmouth Children's Centre

The Nurturing Programme Autumn 2016




Avonmouth Projects Group Ltd

Developing wellbeing skills through Art




North Bristol Parent Carers

North Bristol Parent Carers’ Support Group




The University of the West of England

The Intervention Initiative – A Bystander Education Programme for Communities




Total approved





Wellbeing Fund remaining





* Approved in principle subject to further meeting with UWE to talk about how it will work.


Renee Slater indicated that she would be interested in attending this meeting and it was agreed that the date once set would be sent to all.  Action Keith Houghton


The NP AGREED to note Wellbeing Fund Balance available £12,822



(2) Traffic & Transport Sub-group


It was noted that the Highways Engineer, Nigel Lapworth was taking voluntary severance so would be leaving the councils employment very shortly.


The NP asked to put on record their thanks to Nigel for his significant contribution to the work of A&LW NP and wished him well for the future.


The noted a concern from SCAF worker in the audience that his departure should not delay delivery of agreed Highways scheme in Shirehampton or other NP schemes. It was AGREED to follow up with Highways on their plan to deliver A&LW NP’s  schemes.  Action Keith Houghton


The Neighbourhood Partnership considered the recommendations of the subgroup and following discussion,AGREED :


i) to note the progress on delivery of the existing Shirehampton Village Local Traffic Scheme and that Highways are now in a position to proceed with the Shirehampton Road/Kingsweston Road/Westbury Lane Junction Improvements (and will therefore use both allocations of £12,500 from the NP to deliver that scheme)


ii) the selection criteria developed by the Sub-Group to assess the Traffic Choices long list of potential/requested Highways/Traffic works and against which to develop recommendations to the NP.


iii) the Terms of Reference for the Traffic and Transport Sub group (appendix 1 of the report)


During discussion that ensued around electing a Chair for the Traffic & Transport Sub Group, new resident members of the NP commented that they needed further information about the number of Sub groups and the frequency they met per year so that they could make an informed decision prior to committing themselves.  It was agreed that information on the Sub groups would be circulated to new NP members. 

Action Keith Houghton.  It was also suggested that new members may wish to come along to observe in the first instance. 


The Neighbourhood Committee considered the recommendations of the subgroup and following discussion, RESOLVED to:


i) Approve the recommendation to take forward Kingsweston Lane/Long Cross roundabout pedestrian crossings as the next Local Traffic Scheme for 2017/18, subject to a costed estimate from Highways and a final decision about funding to deliver at the March 2017 NP meeting.


ii) Approve IN PRINCIPLE the allocation of the Rockingham Park S106 of £21,286.53 towards delivery of Kingsweston Lane/Long Cross roundabout pedestrian, subject to final advice from the Planning Obligations Manager on whether this use would meet the legal conditions of the S106 Agreement.



(3)  Parks and Open Spaces


The Environment Group met on Wednesday 31st August 2016.  Updates had been received on a range of projects which were set out in the report, together with recommendations from the Environment Group.


Hallen Drive Housing and children’s play area.  The NP requested that the results of the community engagement be made available to the NP.  Action Keith Houghton/ Claudette McDonald




(i) to note the updates on agreed priorities for Access and updates on progressing new play areas;


(ii) that the NP agrees the Terms of Reference recommended from the Environment Sub-Group (Appendix 2 of the report)


(iii)  that the NP notes the Environment Group request to shape the work of the Fundraiser



(4) Clean and Green / Environment Budget


The Neighbourhood Committee RESOLVED to approve the following allocation of C&G budget delivered by the Neighbourhood Officer:


Shirehampton – bedding plants in Shire Primary School - £30

Avonmouth – installation of wild flowers in Avonmouth Park - £220


SeaMills – flower boxes & brackets outside Library – adjustment of £16 (£160 was quoted for this work and the final cost was £144)


(5) Legal Information

In taking the above decisions the Neighbourhood Committee noted the legal information and exercised due regard to the Public Sector Equality Duty that applies to all public bodies.


(6) Deciding NP 2016/17 budget allocation


The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED to hold the NP and Governance Event on the morning of Saturday 22October.


Up to 3 NP Members needed to work with the NP Co-ordinator to set up the venue and programme for the event. If you are interested please contact Keith Houghton. Action All


(7) Latest Devolved Section 106 Contributions and Community Infrastructure Levy contributions

The NP AGREED to note the latest S106 contributions and CIL information outlined in the report



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