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Agenda item

Henbury, Brentry & Southmead Community Plans (Alex Kittow, Southmead Development Trust; Tim Parkinson, Henbury & Brentry Community Council)

Updates on progress in the Community Plans.


The Neighbourhood Partnership considered the Southmead Development Trust progress update on the achievements of the Southmead Community Plan presented by Alex Kittow.


  1. Partnership Members noted that more people would be needed to progress some of the themed work detailed in the plan.  This could be difficult in light of the cuts.


  1. The Neighbourhood Partnership considered the Henbury and Brentry Community Council  progress updates on achievements of the Henbury and Brentry Community Plan presented by Tim Parkinson.


  1. Partnership Members noted that a negotiation had progressed to implement an informal arrangement between the Community Council for the Henbury Centre, Machin Road, to be run as a community centre under a 3 year lease.  There would be a need for volunteers to come forward to run it.  The Community Council expressed concern about moving forward with no funding, difficulties covering administration expenses and needed more leadership on some themes – would be difficult to see how progress could be made without the support of the Neighbourhood Partnership.


  1. The Neighbourhood Coordinator asked Partnership members to note that their work to date had had a positive influence on other local communities and had inspired and encouraged work on the Sea Mills Community Plan and a Community Plan initiative within Shirehampton.


  1. The Neighbourhood Coordinator circulated the Neighbourhoods extract from the Corporate Strategy 2017-2022 and an update from the Deputy Director of Neighbourhoods and Communities.


  1. The Partnership members considered the revised proposal outlined in the document and were asked to note that the Partnership could be supported until June 2017.


  1. Partnership Members were concerned about the tone and content of the document which did not provide any further clarity about the timescale and the level of funding and understood that this would not be determined until the budget was set at Full Council in February.  Partnership members wanted assurances that the s.106 monies would remain devolved.  Partnership members noted that they were in a position of strength having developed plans for each ward which could demonstrate how funds would be spent.


  1. It was confirmed that Cllr Asher Craig, the Executive Member for Neighbourhoods, had suggested that S106 and CIL funds would remain devolved to local decision making – the process for this in the absence of the NP would need to be sorted out in the coming few months


  1. The future of Wellbeing Funding was also raised. Cllr Massey confirmed that she’s asked this question too and is awaiting further clarification whether there will be a budget available in 2017/18. The Budget proposals are suggesting a reduction of £100,000 from the £350,000 annual budget previously available and distributed city-wide


  1. Partnership members were concerned that it would be increasingly difficult to have influence with a lack of funding and resource commitment from the Council.


  1. Partnership members expressed concern that it was not yet possible to make a decision until the outcomes from the Full Council discussions were known.


  1. Partnership members agreed that the Neighbourhood fFrums worked and asked for a commitment from the police to continue to engage at these meetings.  It was recognised that a way of engaging with Council officers around key issues was required.


  1. Police agreed that the forums were a valued resource where they got priorities from and would continue to attend.


  1. Recognised that due to the work that had gone into the community plans the two wards were in a strong position to organise themselves around those plans when NPs are dismantled.


  1. More exploration and planning for how to build on the Community Plans and if there was a basis for any future joint working between Henbury & Brentry and Southmead wards would take place over the coming three months; some of this would be as separate communities.


The Neighbourhood Partnership AGREED to note the reports, comments and actions arising.

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