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Agenda item

Neighbourhood Co-ordinator's Report


The Neighbourhood Co-ordinator updated NP members concerning the current situation relating to CIL and Section 106 funding.


It was proposed that the Neighbourhood Committee should agree to return three unspent CIL allocations to the NP’s CIL budget.


Resolved by the Neighbourhood Committee: (unanimously ie 5 for) that the total committed unspent funds of £3,300 be returned to the NP’s CIl budget.


Action: Andrew McGrath


NP members noted two request from the Street Scene Group for CIL funding as follows:


(1)   £1,154 CIL funds for 20 light, foldable stacking chairs plus a purpose built trolley for storage for the new Gloucester Road Library as a community meeting venue;

(2)   £3,000 of CIL funds to enable the Street Scene Group to carry out its tasks for the remainder of the year


Liz Kew and Rob Umphray (Street Scene Group) made the following points in relation to these requests:


(1)   The library agreed that the additional chairs were required for their venue to be moved around quickly and easily. It was noted that, whilst more could have been requested, only 20 chairs were being requested due to the limited funds available

(2)   The £3,000 of CIL funds would be used for various projects, such as a specialist anti-graffiti coating


The Vice-Chair of the NC stated that there were already 35 Friends of Gloucester Road Library.


The NP was advised that any CIL not spent would remain in the Council pot for future allocation.


It was suggested that the additional £15 outstanding should also be included in the amount for the £3,000 project work.


Resolved by the Neighbourhood Committee (unanimously ie 5 for) that


(a)   £1,154 CIL funds are provided for 20 light, foldable stacking chairs plus a purpose built trolley for storage to support Gloucester Road Library as a community meeting venue;

(b)   £3,015 of CIl funds are provided to enable the Street Scene Group to carry out various project work including specialist anti-graffiti coating.


Action: Andrew McGrath


The NP noted an update concerning the development of the Community Partnership.


The Neighbourhood Co-ordinator referred to an additional document he had circulated setting out a break down of the Total Project Expenditure from the BCR NP during its existence (2010 to 2017) as follows:


Total - £676, 417.04

Grants on 127 Projects – Cost of £242,081


The NP then considered Statement Number 1 (referred to in Minute Number 4 above).


The NP Chair pointed out that money would continue to be received in the CIL pot whilst consultation was taking place concerning future arrangements for the current NP structure. It was noted that, whilst 85% would now be allocated centrally, 15% would continue to be spent locally. The NP also noted that the changes could result in an extension of any future arrangement to cover a larger number of wards (ie more than the existing three).


Since no formal decision on CIL had been made from now until the changes, the NP Chair proposed that the BCR Neighbourhood Partnership resolves that the six Councillors that make up the BCR Neighbourhood Committee must be allowed to make all future decisions, for the benefit of our local BCR area, about allocation of local CIL money accrued until such date as a new allocation system has been approved by the Council.


NP members expressed their support for this proposal. It was also noted that groups such as the Friends of St Andrews whose current boundaries fell outside the BCR NP area could continue to apply for funding (on the basis of a any cross boundary scheme). It was noted that any request from this group to form part of any future arrangement for the area could be considered in due course.


Resolved by the Neighbourhood Partnership (unanimously ie 15) that the BCR Neighbourhood Partnership resolves that the six Councillors that make up the BCR Neighbourhood Committee must be allowed to make all future decisions, for the benefit of our local BCR area, about allocation of local CIL money accrued until such date as a new allocation system has been approved by the Council.


Action: Andrew McGrath

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