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Agenda item

Planning Application Numbers 15/05673/F and 15/05674/LA - Empire Sports 223 Newfoundland Road

Proposed Development for the complete renovation and conversion of the existing Grade II listed building, Empire Sports Club into 22no. flats. Demolition of the existing infill lean-to building in the middle of the site, and the modification of gated boundary to the existing building to accommodate new entrances to the proposed housing (major Application)


The Service Director (Planning and Development) introduced the report and made the following points:


(1)   This application had been approved at the last meeting on 14th June 2017 subject to clarity regarding future residents’ eligibility to the Residents’ Parking Scheme (RPS) being reported to the Agenda Meeting and if necessary the full Committee. Whilst the Secretary of State did not want to call in this application, the issue of enforceability of the RPS scheme needed to be further discussed;

(2)   Members’ attention was drawn to the  Amendment Sheet which proposed an advice note as a means of addressing the issues that had been raised following the investigation into the RPS parking issues;

(3)   The application was in a very accessible location in the City Centre;

(4)   The provision of cycle facilities in the development was an effective means of meeting the policy requirement for appropriate cycle parking;

(5)   The capacity for the RPS was approximately 67%. However, so far only 750 permits had been issued out of 2,300. Therefore, based solely on this figure there would be capacity within the RPS to accommodate the additional vehicles associated with 22 residential dwellings

(6)   However, this does not reflect the actual situation as it should be noted that the parking restrictions are only enforced between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. As a consequence outside of these hours and at weekends there are likely to be additional vehicles parked. Furthermore due to the proximity of the city centre there is an element of people parking in this location to utilise the facilities of Cabot Circus in the evening. It is, therefore, likely that the actual capacity will be much lower than the 67% set out above;

(7)   The usual advice note and the proposed amended one relates to the proposal being treated as a car free/low car use development. As such it should be noted that it would be ineligible for parking permits. Although this advisory  is meant to control and regulate vehicle ownership in the RPS, it can only control vehicle parking within the restricted hours. As a consequence vehicle owners which operate outside these ie utilise their car between 9am to 5pm will still be able to park outside of these times. Therefore, it has the potential not to deter car users from this location. Also, the existing RPS TRo wording does not give the Council as Transport Authority sufficient power to reject permit applications from occupiers of new developments;

(8)   Resident Parking Schemes are to be reviewed with Local members and amended TROS may come forward, for example relating to hours of control. Any new TROs are planned to be in place by April 2018 and they won’t apply retrospectively. Whilst the development would have an Advice Note, this would only act as a deterrent since the TRO won’t be in place.

(9)   In view of the accessible location of the site and the existing available capacity, officers did not believe the impact would be significant and were, therefore, recommending approval.


In response to Councillors’ questions, officers made the following points:


(10)                       Whilst it was acknowledged that this could continue to be an issue for any resident who found out about this situation concerning the RPS until April 2018, the forthcoming TRO’s would prevent any further difficulties in future cases. In addition, there was a need to promote other forms of transport.

(11)                       Officers believed that a similar situation applied to all RPS zones with the exception of the Central Parking Zone;

(12)                       Officers noted the suggestion that car club spaces would be desirable at the site. However, they pointed out that the site was landlocked which would make this impossible. Nevertheless, he stated that he would discuss the possibility of car club spaces forming part of any new TRO with transport officers and also suggested that the Ward Member present did likewise.


Councillor Mead indicated that, whilst the written description of the development was good and it was within easy walking distance of the City Centre, he would nevertheless be abstaining on this issue due to the heritage impact issues.


Councillor Mike Davies moved, seconded by Councillor Harriet Bradley and, upon being put to the vote, it was

Resolved: (8 for, 1 against, 1 abstention) – that the recommendations contained in the report be approved.



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