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Agenda item

Bundred report and annual governance statement tracker

Note: this report is not yet available but will be circulated as soon as available in advance of the meeting.



The committee considered a report of the Service Director - Finance on the progress made to date against the action plan arising from the Bundred review and the 2016-17 Annual Governance Statement (AGS).


The Service Director - Finance presented the report, highlighting the following:


a.      This was the first progress report submitted in line with the agreed monitoring arrangements.

b.      In relation to the 85 actions identified following the Bundred review, 48 (56%) were completed and evidenced (Green rating); 37 (44%) were in progress with evidence demonstrated (Amber rating).  

c.       In relation to the 22 actions identified following the 2016-17 AGS, 4 (18%) were completed and evidenced (Green rating), 17 (77%) were in progress with evidence demonstrated (Amber rating) and 1 action (5%) was not yet started.  In terms of the AGS action completion rate, it was important to note the timing of the Bundred review and the emphasis and focus that has been placed on many of these areas, bearing in mind that the AGS action points had been more recently identified.

Main points raised/clarified/noted in discussion:


a.      The “RAG” rating assessments as presented in the report were endorsed in each case by the Service Director - Finance as the authority’s Section 151 Officer.

b.      Activity ref. B7 (Green rating) - An OSM Board led review of the Council’s arrangements for scrutiny:  The initial identified action had been completed; as discussed earlier at the meeting, a further review would take place of the effectiveness of the new scrutiny arrangements that were currently being piloted.

c.       Activity ref. B16 (Green rating) - New business case template introduction: Cllr Mead asked that a copy of the new business case template be sent to him.

d.      Activity ref. B40 (Green rating) - The development of a protocol on councillor/officer engagement:  The protocol had been drafted by the Monitoring Officer and would be included as part of the report on constitutional changes to be submitted to the Full Council on 14 November.

e.      Activity ref. B53 (Green rating) – Achieving a culture that ensures it is “safe for truth to be spoken to power” etc:  Tools and techniques to promote an improved organisational culture around honesty and transparency had been tested over the summer with a volunteer manager group and were now being shared with managers across the Council.  A larger piece of work to engage the wider organisation will need to be constructed/progressed.

f.        Activity ref. B57 (Amber rating) - Participation in the LGA corporate peer challenge: the original date for the challenge had been postponed due to the Grenfell Tower tragedy; a new date was being discussed with the LGA.

g.      Activity ref. B64 (Amber rating) - Finance function - monitoring and pro-actively managing non-compliance:  A 3 stage formal review process was being brought in to ensure budget manager compliance with budgetary control / financial process requirements.

h.      Activity ref. B74 (Amber rating) - Ensuring the finance function is agile / adaptable etc: A number of interim senior financial management appointments had been made to assist the process of moving to a permanent finance structure that would be fully fit for purpose.

i.        Activity ref B76 (Amber rating) - Business partners and the new shared service to lead the business support function: Work was progressing on the new permanent structure, which, once finalised, would need to be implemented.

j.        Activity ref. AGS 6.3 (Red rating) - Internal Audit to complete assurance reviews of the effectiveness of procurement and contract management arrangements: Due to the staffing situation and other priorities, this review had not yet been started but work on this review would progress within the current financial year.

Noting and taking account of the above, the committee 




That the progress made to date against the Bundred review and 2016-17 AGS action plans be noted and acknowledged.


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