- Committee details Content
Committee details
Children and Young People Policy Committee
Purpose of committee
The Children and Young People Committee is responsible for:
- Children's social care
- Corporate parenting, fostering and adoption
- Children and families support services
- Youth services
- Children's centres and pre-school
- Safeguarding children (including safeguarding boards)
- Schools and partnerships
- Further education
- Family and Child Friendly City
- Educational catch up plan
- Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
- Diversification of teaching work force
- New schools and school places
- School exclusions
- School streets project
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE)
- Departmental performance, budget and risk
- Councillor Christine Townsend (Chair)
- Councillor Katja Hornchen (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Kerry Bailes
- Councillor Sarah Classick
- Councillor Ellie Freeman
- Councillor Cam Hayward
- Councillor Shona Jemphrey
- Councillor Susan Kollar
- Councillor Henry Michallat