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Issue - decisions

Transforming Neighbourhood Working

04/12/2017 - Transforming Neighbourhood Working

In making the following decision, Cllr Craig indicated that she had taken in to consideration the consultation responses that have been set out in the report and the Equalities impact assessment.


1.         Approved arrangements to support community action and continue to ensure local people can influence decisions through their local ward councillors.

2.         Delegated responsibility for the expenditure of £271k (formally ‘wellbeing fund’ expended by the Neighbourhood Committees/Partnerships) to the Service Director of Neighbourhoods& Communities

3.         Supported the proposal to go to Full Council to establish 6 Area CIL/s106 Committees.

4.         Noted the proposals to disband the existing Neighbourhood Committees/Partnerships.

5.         In principle agreed to the delegation of the expenditure of CIL local monies and non-earmarked s.106 monies to the 6 Area CIL/s106 committees with the Mayor’s scheme of delegation to be updated once the committees have been set up. The final decision to be taken by Full Council at its meeting on 20 February 2018.