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Budget recommendations to Full Council including Treasury Management Strategy

23/01/2018 - Budget recommendations to Full Council including Treasury Management Strategy

Appendix A: Budget Recommendations to Full Council

Cabinet noted :

·       The report from the Budget Scrutiny following 18th and 22nd January Overview and Scrutiny Management Board meetings.

·       The Dedicated Schools’ Grant as set out in Section 10.

·       The categorisation of Earmarked Reserves and provisions set out in Section 16.

·       The advice given by the Service Director Finance with respect to the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves as set out in Section 16.


Cabinet agreed to recommend to Full Council:

·       An overall 4.99% increase in the Council’s element of council tax for 2016/17 with 2% as a precept for Adult Social Care and a 2.99% general increase.

·       The General Fund revenue budget for 2018/19, as summarised in Section 5, the detailed budget summary by Directorate and Service outlined in Appendix 1 and the proposals identified in Appendix 6 for business efficiencies, changing services, increasing income and reducing or stopping services - 2018/19 to 2022/23.

·       The capital programme as set out in Appendix 2.

·       The Treasury Management Strategy, including the Prudential Indicators measuring affordability, capital spending, external debt and treasury management, as set out in Appendix 4.

·       That they note the results of consultation as set out in Section 18 and detailed in Appendix 7.


Delegation of authority

·       To delegate authority to the Service Director Finance after consultation with the Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance & Performance and the Mayor, to make any necessary adjustments following receipt of the final settlement information or other technical adjustments to the figures to be submitted to Full Council on 20 February 2018.


Appendix B: West of England Combined Authority

·       To give consent to the Combined Authorities Borrowing Regulations, including a debt cap of £120m for the period till 2020/21 as set out in Appendix B.

·       Delegate to the Service Director Finance after consultation with the Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Finance, Governance & Performance and the Mayor, authority to make all related decisions and provide written authority to the Secretary of State of consent to the Combined Authorities Borrowing Regulations.


Appendix C: Removal of Neighbourhood Action Funding

Having given careful consideration to the consultation findings and Equalities Impact Assessment Cabinet agreed:


To make a saving of £257k by withdrawing the small grants fund.


To make available one-off budget of up to £50,000 to help mitigate the impact on areas which face greater challenges of inequality and deprivation and where there is limited access to community and voluntary organisations which can help. This funding will be used to increase social action and support communities to become more self-sufficient in identifying funding and accessing resources.  How this budget will be allocated will be agreed with the Exec Member.


When the Bristol Impact Fund small grants process is reviewed in 18/19 consideration will be given to the impact of removing the neighbourhood action fund.


Appendix D: Changes to Culture Services

Having given careful consideration to the consultation findings and Equalities Impact Assessment Cabinet approved the implementation of the following:

1.     Charging adults for entry to Red Lodge and Georgian House Museums from April 2019

2.     Increased income from major event through sponsorships

3.     Increase income generation to make both the Film Office and Site permission team cost neutral by 2022


Appendix E: Improved Better Care Fund

Cabinet agreed to delegate authority to the Director – Adult Social Care to draw down funds associated with the supplementary funding for the Improved Better Care Fund for the period 2017/18 to 2019/20 to support proposed expenditure as set out in Appendix E.