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Issue - decisions

Budget Monitoring Out turn report P6

05/11/2019 - Budget Monitoring Out turn report P6

1. Cabinet approved the 2019/20 capital budget is revised to £170m and the underspend as per appendix B for 2019/20 is re-profiled to future periods.


2. Cabinet noted a risk of overspend on General fund services of £4.3m for 19/20 representing 1.2% of the approved budget (Appendix A).


3. Cabinet noted a forecast £1.4m underspend position with regard to the Housing Revenue Account.


4. Cabinet noted a forecasted balanced position for the Dedicated Schools Grant taking into account the planned contribution to reserves of £0.6m.


5. Cabinet noted a risk of overspend of £0.14m for Public health, which is being monitored.


6. Cabinet noted the Sundry Debt position of £19.3m over 90days as at Period 6. Individual directorate detail included under Appendix A1-6.