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Integrated Transport Block and Highways Maintenance Funding Allocations 21/22
09/03/2021 - Integrated Transport Block and Highways Maintenance Funding Allocations 20/21
- Approved the budget allocations of
the WECA integrated Transport Block fund, Highways Maintenance
fund, and associated Highways incentive fund for financial year
2021/22, to the figures agreed with WECA. Figures are as follows
– confirmed by WECA on 03/02/21.
- Highways Capital Maintenance £3,132,000;
- Integrated Block £2,743,000;
- Incentive Funding £652,000.
- Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Energy, (within the budgets identified above) to take all steps necessary to procure and appoint contractors to carry out all works identified in Appendix A, making use of the existing term contract and/or approved frameworks, where appropriate.
- Authorised the Executive Director Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Energy, to make reasonable changes to the programme of works to ensure delivery of the programme, in accordance with the Council’s scheme of financial delegations.