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Budget Monitoring Outturn Report P9

08/02/2022 - Budget Monitoring Outturn Report P9

Cabinet Approved:

  1. The acceptance and adjustment to the Council budget for the following grants as outlined in Appendix A Section 9:
    1. Protect and Vaccinate Funding - £0.914m
    2. Adult Social Care Omicron Support Grant - £0.507m
  2. That unless by exception, the next financial update to Cabinet will be the end of year Outturn Report (i.e. to not report the P10m position)

Cabinet noted:

  1. The forecasted overspend position of £0.2m within the General Fund.
  2. The General Fund risks within service areas of non-COVID-19 related overspend on services which continue to be managed via management actions /mitigations within the financial year.
  3. The ongoing risks associated with the forecast outturn and the long-term financial impact on the Council as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. A forecast underspend of £2.06m within the Housing Revenue Account.
  5. A forecast in-year deficit of £16.7m and a total £26.7m carried forward deficit in the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Account (DSG).
  6. A breakeven position on Public Health services.
  7. A forecast £2.9m underspend against the latest approved Capital Programme’s Budget.
  8. The allocation of grant income from Homes England in relation to the Affordable Homes Programme 2021- 2026 for the shared ownership units at Airport Rd development (£480,000) and for Cedar House Social rented units (£1,750,000) that have been accepted under delegated authority.